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Compute Unit SOE and VMware

Infrastructure Requirements
Compute Unit SOE and VMware
Infrastructure Requirements

Compute Unit SOE and VMware Infrastructure Requirements 2
Commercial In Confidence 3
Purpose 4
Introduction 5
Compute Unit SOE 5
VMware Infrastructure Requirements 6
Patching Instructions 7
Accessing the Patch 7
Patching Pre Ellipse 8.3 installations 8
Patching non-appliance based installations of Ellipse 8.3 8
Patching Appliance based installations of Ellipse 8.3 9
Load MOR 9
Upgrade the Infrastructure 9
Upgrade the Environment 9
Refresh the Browser 10
Commercial In Confidence
Copyright 2016 ABB
All Rights Reserved
Confidential and Proprietary
Legal Disclaimer
The product described in this documentation may be connected to, and/or communicate information and data via, a network
interface, which should be connected to a secure network. It is your sole responsibility to ensure a secure connection to the
network and to establish and maintain appropriate measures (such as but not limited to the installation of firewalls, application
of authentication measures, encryption of data, installation of antivirus programs, etc.) to protect the product, the network,
your systems, and the interface against any kind of security breach, unauthorised access, interference, intrusion, leakage,
damage, or corruption or theft of data. We are not liable for damages or losses related to any such security breach,
unauthorised access, interference, intrusion, leakage, damage, or corruption or theft of data.
This document outlines the procedures required to create and configure this SOE in a virtualised environment.
The Compute Unit SOE utilises Oracle Linux (OL) 5.7 x86_64. This document outlines the procedures required to create and
configure this SOE in a virtualised environment. In addition to this, a base set of VMware Infrastructure requirements is defined.

Compute Unit SOE

1. Download the Operating System (OS) ISO from Oracle:
Oracle E-Delivery
Product Pack: Oracle Linux
Platform: x86 64 bit
Oracle Linux Release 5 Update 7 Media Pack for x86_64 (64 bit)

(Part Number 'B64448-01')

Oracle Linux Release 5 Update 7 for x86_64 (64 bit) DVD

(Part Number 'V27570-01')

2. Configure the Virtual Machine (VM) with the following minimum specification:
20GB Disk
4x Virtual CPUs
1x NIC
1x CDROM (required for OS install)

3. Install the base OL OS:

Hard drive partitioning: Remove all partitions on selected drives and create default layout
Additional software: Leave check boxes unselected
Complete install, reboot.
Firewall: Disabled
SELinux: Disabled
Create User: Do not create an initial user account.
All following commands are to be executed as the user root.

4. Configure Public Yum Server and remove unnecessary packages included as part of the base install:
$ cd /etc/yum.repos.d
$ wget
$ yum -y --enablerepo ol5_u7_base groupremove \
"GNOME Desktop Environment" "Games and Entertainment" \
"Graphical Internet" "Graphics" "Office/Productivity" \
"Sound and Video" "X Window System"

5. Change the default run level to "Full multiuser mode" and reboot:
Edit "/etc/inittab" and modify the default run level to be "id:3:initdefault:"

$ shutdown -r now

6. Remove the Red Hat Compatible Kernel and install the required VMware Tools packages:
$ yum -y erase kernel-2.6.18
$ yum -y --enablerepo el5_addons,ol5_u7_base install gcc \
kernel-uek-devel-`uname -r` kernel-uek-headers-`uname -r`

7. Patch the VMware Tools "" script removing USB references not recognised by the configure script:
$ cd vmware-tools-distrib/bin
$ sed -i "s/\$content, \$image_file, \$kernRel/\$content,\
'--builtin=ehci-hcd --builtin=ohci-hcd --builtin=uhci-hcd', \
\$image_file, \$kernRel/g" \

8. Install VMware Tools accepting the default options:

$ cd vmware-tools-distrib
$ ./ -d

9. Install ancillary monitoring packages:

$ cd /tmp
$ wget \
$ rpm -ivh /tmp/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
$ rm -f /tmp/rpmforge-release-0.5.2-2.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm
$ yum -y --enablerepo ol5_u7_base,rpmforge install htop nmon sysstat

10. Create the "mincom" group, user account and set password:
$ groupadd cloud -g 200
$ useradd -c "Mincom Software Administrator" -g 200 -m -u 200 -s /bin/bash mincom
$ passwd -f mincom

11. Restrict SSH access to the "mincom" user and restart the SSHD service:
Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and append the following two lines:
PermitRootLogin no
AllowUsers mincom

$ service sshd restart

12. Create the default Mincom file system directories:

$ mkdir -p /opt/mincom /var/opt/mincom
$ chown mincom:cloud /opt/mincom /var/opt/mincom
$ chmod 755 /opt/mincom /var/opt/mincom

VMware Infrastructure Requirements

It is a requirement of ABB that VMware Infrastructure hosting a Compute Unit SOE have the two primary characteristics to
ensure minimum standard operating performance:
Memory Reservation for the SOE VM is 100%
Memory Ballooning is disabled for the SOE VM
Patching Instructions
To install a patch access and download the MOR file and then follow the relevant patching instructions. The patch name is
communicated to the customer by ABB and referred to here as Ellipse-<patch_number>.
Each release comes with an updated MOR and release notes. Ensure that the MOR file is placed in the directory and that the
MOR release selected corresponds to the version indicated in the release notes.
The Oracle Linux 5.7 Disk needs to be present in the drive during any update/patch. For example 8.3.3 to 8.3.6.
There are three sets of instructions, one for each type of installation. Refer to the section that applies.
They are:

• Pre Ellipse 8.3 installations

• Non-appliance based installations of Ellipse 8.3
• Appliance based installations of Ellipse 8.3

Accessing the Patch

This section describes the process by which Ellipse 8 patches are downloaded.

1. Using any browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc) from a machine that has internet connectivity navigate to
2. Select the Log In link in the top right of the screen and enter the Mincom supplied Nexus username and password.
3. Select the Repositories link on the left panel.
4. Select the Releases Installer repository.

Releases Installer Repository

5. Navigate to the Ellipse release path, Releases Installer > mincom > MOR
Mincom > MOR Repository

6. Open the MOR directory and navigate to the Ellipse release version directory, Ellipse-<patch_number>. Examples:
Ellipse-8.2.12 or Ellipse-8.3.4

MOR selections for 8.2 and 8.3 releases

7. Click on the directory to display the contents.

8. Right click on each file required, select download and save the download file. For 8.2 releases there is a .bin and
.properties file to download. For 8.3 releases a .zip file.
For 8.3 Appliance Manager installations:

9. Place the file in the kvm host:


Patching Pre Ellipse 8.3 installations

Use these instructions when patching Ellipse 8.1 and 8.2 versions. The same approach is used in the section Patching
non-appliance based installations of Ellipse 8.3.

Use the Ellipse 8.3 Manual Installation guide to assist in installing the patch.

1. Follow the instructions for downloading .bin and .properties files (Accessing the Patch).
2. Update the properties files to ensure that the ELLIPSEEAR.BASELINE.VERSION refers to the baseline indicated in the
Release Notes.
3. Remove the application servers that need to be replaced using the instructions Un-install Ellipse 8 Components from
the E8_Install_Manual.pdf.
4. Install the lastest version of MOR by following the Steps to install MOR from the E8_Install_Manual.pdf. Use the MOR
supplied with the release notes.
5. Install the application servers that need to be updated, using the instructions from the Ellipse 8.3 Manual Installation

The instructions in the Ellipse 8.3 Manual Installation guide that are the same as those originally included in the Ellipse 8
manual installation procedure that was used when you installed the Ellipse 8.1.x or 8.2.x version.

Patching non-appliance based installations of Ellipse 8.3

Use these instructions when patching Ellipse 8.3 versions that have been installed using the Ellipse 8.3 Manual Installation

Use the Ellipse 8.3 Manual Installation guide to assist in installing the patch.

1. Follow the instructions for downloading MOR (Accessing the Patch).

2. Update the properties files to ensure that the ELLIPSEEAR.BASELINE.VERSION refers to the baseline indicated in the
Release Notes.
3. Remove the application servers that need to be replaced using the instructions Un-install Ellipse 8 Components from
the E8_Install_Manual.pdf.
4. Install the lastest version of MOR by following the Steps to install MOR from the E8_Install_Manual.pdf. Use the MOR
supplied with the release notes.
5. Install the application servers that need to be updated, using the instructions from the Ellipse 8.3 Manual Installation

Patching Appliance based installations of Ellipse 8.3

Use these instructions when patching Ellipse 8.3 versions that have been installed using the Ellipse Appliance Manager (VEAM),
also called Appliance Manager.
The steps for a release upgrade include:

1. Update the offline software repository or MOR (see Load MOR below)
2. Update the Appliance Infrastructure which is part of the VEAM (see Upgrade the Infrastructure below)
3. Update the Appliance Environment(s), that is each environment hosted in that appliance (see Upgrade the Environment

In the case of upgrading from Ellipse 8.3.1 the first two steps are covered in the document E8_VEAM_8.3.1_to_8.3.x.pdf.
Do not attempt to upgrade an environment release/version unless the appliance infrastructure upgrade is first performed.

Load MOR
If the Ellipse version is 8.3.1 then refer to: E8_VEAM_8.3.1_to_8.3.x.pdf

• The new MOR zip file has been uploaded to the directory (/mincom/data/dist) on the Appliance server that is to be
1. Access the Appliance Manager at the following URL
2. Click on Upload MOR from the Operations drop down list
3. Enter the zip file name (no path) of the MOR file
4. Click on Execute to load the MOR file into the Appliance Manager
The version shall now be selectable from the version (Add) and new version (Upgrade/Downgrade) drop down lists. This
means that the updated MOR can be used for a new environment or an upgrade to an environment

Upgrade the Infrastructure

If the Ellipse version is 8.3.1 then refer to: E8_VEAM_8.3.1_to_8.3.x.pdf

1. Access the Appliance Manager at the following URL

2. Click on Upgrade Infrastructure from the Help link located in the top left of the window
3. Select the target Appliance Infrastructure release from the dropdown list
4. Click on OK to perform the upgrade of the infrastructure.

If media with the Oracle Linux version is not available the upgrade process will wait until it is available. A message will be
displayed indicating the need for media with the Oracle Linux version.
Upgrades to the infrastructure will not impact deployed environments.

Upgrade the Environment

1. Go to the Manage Environments tab and select the environment to be upgraded.

2. Upgrade the environment (Upgrade/Downgrade button)
The properties should not need to be changed.

Refresh the Browser

Following any Environment upgrade, users will be required to do one of the following to ensure that updated versions of
broswer side components related to the upgraded application are being used:

• Use F5 to reload the login screen page; or

• Close and reopen the browswer tab or window and reload the login screen page
There should be no need for end users to clear their broswer cache or manipulate cache settings in any way.

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