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This is an integrative review that aimed to analyze national studies with a clipping in
accidents with sharps in evidence-based nursing professionals. In order to conduct the
study, the following guiding question was defined: Which are the published studies that
address sharps injuries in professionals of nursing? The search was carried out from
January to May 2019, in the Latin American and Caribbean Literature in Health
Sciences, Scientific Electronic Library Online, National Library of Medicine National
Institutes of Health and Virtual Health Library. We choose 24 articles and after the
application of the exclusion and inclusion criteria, we picked up the articles published in
the last 10 years that were in Portuguese and available in full text, from 2008 to 2019. In
the publication issue, 14 journals make part of this study with Qualis A2 and B4, with
B1 and B2 being the most prevalent journals, considering that the journals with the
greatest amount of publication were: Fundamental Care on line UNIRIO, UERJ Nursing
Journal and Cogitare UFPR. Regarding the NE, it was observed that in an egalitarian
way they were classified in NE 5 NE 6, with emphasis, we have the integrative and
systematic revisions directed by the topic addressed, which refers us to analyze that the
works had a gap on new perspectives methodology according to the reference of this
research identifying the deficiency of the researches with better scientific evidences, so
that its use in the practice of nursing is extended.
Keywords: Accidents; Worker's health; Nursing; Occupational Risks.

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