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A: Hi (B), How are you?

B: Hi (A), fine thanks, and you?

A: Very good thanks. How about your vacations?

B: Excellent, and you?

A: I loved it, what did you do on your vacation?

B: I went on vacation to Madrid, Spain, and you?

A: Really? Me too, I went on vacation to Puno, Perú.

B: Amazing!!! (A) do you have photos?

A: Yes, I have many photos

B: Can I see the photos of your trip?

A: Yes, you look at this photo, here I was in the park with two friends that I met in Spain on the

B: Beautiful picture! Your friends are couple?

A: No, they are not, they are friends! Her name is María, and his name is Pablo, Maria is 19
years old, she is a university student and Pablo is 20 years old, he is doctor. They are from
Santiago, Argentina.

B: what a beautiful friendship. (entonación ternura)

A: Yes, is beautiful friendship, and you have photo of your trip?

B: Yes, of course. you look at this photo, here I was in Lake Titicaca, Puno.

A: Awww I like your photo.

B: Thanks (A)

A: who are they?

B: They are my friends, his name is Franco, and her name is Juliana, Franco is 25 years old, he is
singer and Juliana is 24 years old, she is nurse. They are from Bogota, Colombia.

A: They are family?

B: No, they are not, they are couple.

A: Really? Cute couple!

B: Yes, I agree with you

A: (B) I am sorry, my mother I called me, see you soon

B: Don’t Worry, See you soon.

what is your phone numer ?

A: my phone number is 992777116 and you phone number?

B: My phone number is 92782371791

A: Ok....... What is your email address?

B:My email address is ..................@HOTMAIL.COM, and you?

A: My email address is GUSTAVO05@HOTMAIL.COM

B: okey Gustavo, sorry i have to go

A: don't worry ..........

B: see you tomorrow

A: See you tomorrow ( EL NOMBRE DE TU COMPAÑERO)

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