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Chapter 2 common substitute for a

computer mouse.
BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY  Microphone – captures audio
Refers to research, data, and sends it to a computer
engineering, and information where it is converted to a digital
technologies for business purposes, format.
such as achieving economic and
organizational objectives. D. COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS
Communication is vital to the
I. Hardwares success of every organization.
 Desktop computer or laptop – a 2 Types of Communication
personal computer is now used
by most companies. 1. External Communication
 Printer – computer and transfers Reaches out ot the customer to
the information to paper. make him/her aware of your product
 Scanner – is an input device that or service and provide a reason to
scans documents such as buy.
photographs and pages of text. 2. Internal Communications
With team members is essential
B. DIGITAL CAMERAS to attracting and retaining a talented
Are used to capture photographs staff and monitoring business
and videos independently. performance
TECHNOLOGY Basic Communication Tools
 Video surveillance – businesses
set up video surveillance a) Mail- Even with all modern
cameras for a variety of reasons, communication techniques, daily
both outside and inside their postal mail is still a powerful tool
buildings. for a business.
 Internet surveillance – software b) Email- In connecting with clients,
reports on employer Internet suppliers and internal
monitoring. teammates, getting a company
 Telephone surveillance - this email would be beneficial.
method of tracking mainly for c) Landline-The telephone system
quality control while workers that uses a physical cable for
communicate on the telephone, transmission is the landline.
 Counter surveillance – like a spy d) Smartphone- Is a mobile phone
novel the need for counter- that provides computer-like
surveillance inspections and features with advanced
devices increases. capabailities
e) SMS Messaging and
D. HANDHELD DEVICES INPUT TextingSMS -messages can be
An input device is essentially a received by almost all mobile
piece of hardware that sends data to phones
a computer. f) Video and Web Conferencing-
 Touchpad – also known as a Video conferencing offers a way
trackpad, a touchpad is a a without the cost of travel to hold
face-to-face meetings
g) Social Networking Sites- an  Sage one – is an accounting,
online community made up of and payroll software focused on
people or organizations bound the cloud.
together by shared interests.  AccountEdge pro –AccountEdge
is a complete solution for Mac
II. Software applications users in small business
Application software is a type of accounting and management
computer program that performs a  FreeAgent – FreeAgent offers an
particular function that is personal, online accounting program to UK
educational, and business. freelancers and small business
A. WORD PROCESSING  FreshBooks – small business
PACKAGES -To manipulate a text owners can monitor timr, record
document, such as a resume or expenses, and invoice
journal , Word processing software is customers with FreshBooks and
used. is accessible from any computer.
 Microsoft Word - commonly used  Harvest – Harvest works on your
word processing application laptop, iPhone and android
worldwide as part of the claiming to “make time tracking
Microsoft Office suite. easy (and almost fun).
 Microsoft Works-The word
processor in Works 9, a scaled- D. DATA PACKAGES
down version of Microsoft Word, -System software for
still contais all of the basic database development and
features required for simple management is a database
uses, such as creating management system (DBMS).
correspondence. FUNCTIONS OF DBMS- the
database schema that determines
-A spreadsheet or worksheet is ADVANTAGES OF USING
a file consisting of rows and columns DBMS-Using a DBMS to store and
that helps to efficiently sort, organize handle information has benefits but
and arrange data and measure also overhead processing.
numerical data
 Microsoft Excel-Excel is a E. Presentation Packages
convenient program that can be to communicate visually to an
used to store several data sets audience, a presentation kit is a
and arranged them. software program containing a text
editor and the ability to add charts
C. ACCOUNTING PACKAGES and graphic images, such as photos,
-Accounting software is a clip art or other objects, in order to
computer program that helps monitor create a slide show.
and report the financial transactions  Microsoft Powerpoint-
of a company to bookkeepers and presentation program that allows
accountants. users to create engaging
presentations that can include
Accounting software’s design text, images, sound, movies,
varies from product to product. hyperlinks and other objects and
consist of individual pages or
 Prezi - Is just s different as yu of an emergency or surge in
can be from PowerPoint. It’s demand.
more of a visual and immersive  Change up your pricing to
mind map, where you connect ensure all your products are
with various elements on a selling quickl
virtual canvas, instead of
providing a slide-by-slide 3.PROCESSING FINANCIAL
presentation. RECORDS- The one
business area that all
F. INTERNET BROWSER companies have in
In order to present and explore common is acounting.
context on the World Wide Web, a
browser is a software program. Importance of Financial Records
-URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers) a. Knowing your financial Situation.
List of current Internet browsers: b. Meeting your tax obligations.
 Google Chrome
 Microsoft Edge 3. PRODUCING
 Microsoft Internet Explorer DOCUMENTATION- As your
 Mozilla Firefox business grows, so does it
 Opera complexity.
 Apple Safari The Importance of Process
Work Task a) Helps to strengthen operations.
1) PROCESSING b) Helps workers practice
RESERVATIONS c) Helps to maintain awareness of
-A consumer can put a hold industry.
on things that are not accessible at
present. CHAPTER 3
Stocktaking (or stock counting) is BUSINESS PRACTICES
when all the inventory that your
company currently has on hand is ETHICS-Is a system of moral
manually checked and registered. principles. They affect how people
make decisions and lead ther lives.
Why are stocktakes important?
Any product-based business ill
dictates of laws, which are written
need to ensure that their levels are
down and interpreted by the courts.
100% accurate from time to time
as a part of their inventory control.
Is concerned with society’s duties
and responsibilities to uphold moral
A. See how well you’re tracking
values and to live up to the
aspirations of stakeholders, the
 Stockouts
public, government institutions and
 Overstocking
 Dead stock
B. Discover stock Issues
C. Ensure your business is meeting
 This means more than just
 Reduce the amount of safety
following the letter of the law,
stock you keep on hand in case
 codes of behavior created by the E-COMMERCE & BUSINESS
religious values, philosophies REGULATIONS
Republic Act No. 8484- Access
Fostering culture of integrity Devices Regulation Act of 1998 – An
Part and parcel of organizational act regulating the issuance and use
ethics is fostering a culture of of access devices, prohibiting
integrity through: fraudulent acts committed relative
 Motivating employees thereto, providing penalties and for
individually to act ethically; other purposes
 Promoting integrity and codes Republic Act No. 8792-An Act
of ethics through modeling, providing for the Recognition and
mentoring and other activities; Use of Electronic Commercial and
 Ensuring that performance Non-Commercial Transactions and
management and reward Documents, Penalties for Unlawful
systems do not contradict or Use Thereof and for Other
undermine Purposes” or the Electronic
 core values of a business; Commerce Act of 2000
 Demonstrating to employees Republic Act No. 9178- An Act to
that the business is willing to promote the establishment of
"walk the talk“; barangay micro business enterprises
(BMBEs), providing incentives and
Applying ethics in business and the benefits therefor, and for other
business case for ethics purposes

 Ethical principles for business DATA PRIVACY AND SECURITY

 Solidarity Republic Act No. 10173-Data
 Efficiency Privacy Act of 2021 – An Act
 Rationality Protecting Individual Personal
 Fairness Information in Information and
 Refraining from willingly Communications Systems in the
harming others Government and the Private Sector,
 Role-responsibility Creating for this Purpose a National
Privacy Commission and for Other
REGULATIONS RELATED TO Labor Code of the Philippines
Philippines is a legal code that
CONSUMER PROTECTION determines all employment practices
Republic Act No. 7394 -Consumer and labor relations in the Philippines.
Act of the Philippines of 1991 This is to help protect employees
DOJ Advisory Opinion No. 02- and employers-while ensuring that
2012 -Advisory on Plagiarism neither is subject to unfair treatment
“…… if committed under certain or exploitation
circumstances, can amount to
criminal violation of the Intellectual ETHICAL BUSINESS
Property Code, the E-Commerce Act STRATEGIES
or the Cybercrime Prevention Act. “
-To build an ethical business, an
ethical strategy is necessary.
-The purpose of sound ethics
and ethical culture is shared by a would do, based on its current state,
number of businesses. external circumstances,
To better allow the
organization to achieve its ethical Marketing- Marketing refers to the
objectives, a consistent ethics commercialization of a product or
plan is required. service.
USP- Unique Selling Proposition of a
1.Creation of ethical principles- company, product or service in other
ganization’s values and laws, words, what makes it different from
including the code of ethics and similar offerings.
1. Forming an Ethics Committee II. Business Etiquettes and
-The Companies Act now
demands that most companies form
a social and ethics committee
1) Give attention to names- Names
(except small businesses).
are one of the first pieces of
2. Ethical Knowledge building-In
information about anyone that
the pursuit of better workplace
we meet.
ethics, awareness of ethics is a
2) Greet everyone- Not only is it
strong strategy, especially in
respectful to welcome the
terms of reducing unethical
individuals with whom you come
behavior .
in contact, but it creates
3. Measuring and monitoring the
ethical status- Measuring and
3) Give a handshake and make eye
monitoring a company’s ethical
contact- Handshakes are the
status is also a vital part of a
universal business greeting.
good strategy on ethics.
4) Give cues that show you’re
paying attention -When
CHAPTER 4 someone else is speaking, it is
BUSINESS necessary to nod or smile.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS 5) Introduce -one wants to stand
with a group of people who
I. Business languages and uncomfortably have no idea who
they are and what they are doing
6) Give handwritten, personalized
Business plan -A business plan is, Thank You notes- good to send
as the name implies, a document out auto-confirmation and thank
used to explain the strategy of an you emails after clients make an
organization online purchase.
Balance sheet- A balance sheet 7) Proofread emails for grammar
details company finances for a and typo mistakes- If you’re like
certain moment in time (often the most professionals, you can
end of the financial year). connect a lot by email.
Start-up process -The term “start-up” 8) Be polite and professional in all
is used to describe a brand-new forms of communication- In any
company, encounter, it does not matter
Forecast - Just as a weather whether you meet face-to-face,
forecast forecasts what the weather by phone or email, you need to
be profession
9) Always be on time. When it electronic tools to send messages.
comes to work or a meeting or a Common ways of communicating
deadline, punctuality is crucial. digitally include:
10) Dress appropriately-Dress codes
have been a lot more relaxed in  Email-for most students and
recent decades. staff, electronic mail, commonly
called e-mail, is very familiar
III. Conflict Resolution  Text messages
Techniques  Online chat
 Video conferencing
1. Listen, Talk Out Then- Believe  Social media
it or not, just listening to the
issue of n employee as the first Importance of Communication Skills
and most important step in
dispute resolution  mproved speed and accuracy
2. Collect a party. As a chief, information –helping to minimize
you’ll need to organize a grammatical and spelling errors.
meeting with all parties involved  Better customer service -digital
to tackle the problem. communication has helped
3. Be Impartial. Don’t take any companies to enhance the
sides! In a leadership position service they deliver to their
that favors one person over customers
another, you should not  Improved productivity-digital
demonstrate any sort of opinion. networking enables many issues
4. Do not Postpone Conflict with production equipment to be
Resolution. Resolve the conflict addressed remotely, such as
immediately. screen sharing to fix computer
 Access to wider audience –
IV. Business Documents
businesses will now have far
are materials that represent you,
better access to a larger
your department and/or your
corporation, whether they are
external parties or other
stakeholders in your organization.
Netiquette -Refers to etiquette, or
EXAMPLE OF BUSINESS contact protocols and guidelines.
DOCUMENTS. TEXTING– it is helpful for brief
 Formal Letters or Memos exchanges and is convenient way to
 Financial Documents remain linked with others when it
 Accounting Documents would be cumbersome to
 Reports communicate on the phone.
 Proposals
 Business Plans The Application of Social
 Customer Service Documents Local Mobile “SoLoMo”
 Operational Documents
 Meeting Summaries The fusion of intrecative, location-
based , and on-the-go technologies
V. Digital Communications Skills is SoLoMo (social, local and
for BusinessDigital - mobile).
communication involves the use of
Communication Technology is the
Social Media and Tourism study of Technology applications
-Social media has had a major which are used in Telephone
impact on the tourism industry. Digital Tourism Landscape-
Facebook -Without a question, the manner in which tourism
Facebook is the best channel for authorities and dsetination
social media to reach the largest organizations market themselves to
number of people and it helps us to their clients has gone through a time
have an effect on unique audiences of reinvention.
at the same time.
Instagram- Out of all the major This new customer journey is
social media networks, Instagram is shaped by digital, and falls
the most visual. into a 5-stage process
Twitter- Twitter stands out mainly 1. Dreaming. Everyone has a
for two reasons: its real-time perfect holiday destination that
relevance, in other words, what is they’ll be looking for hours, even
happening right now, and hashtags days in advance.
that represent huge topics of 2. Planning. A report in the journal
discussion. Applied Research in Quality of
Life noted that at the start of the
CHAPTER 5 holiday process, the preparation
phase, the highest levels of
satisfaction occur.
3. Booking. Digital has made
customers even more conscious
of the choices available to them.
4. Experiencing. The customer
needs to have good experiences
to build good memories.
5. Sharing. Travel is influenced by
What is Information social media. Around 70% of
Technology? tourists on vacation will change
-Information technology (IT) refers to their Facebook status.
everything that businesses use
computers for.
Using Information
Technology for Tourism
Over the last decade, Information
Technology has played an important
role in the hospitality and tourism
Here are some examples of the
ways that IT continues to improve
the hospitlaity and tourism
Internet and Marketing – the internet
COMMUNICATION has a powerful hospitality and
TECHNOLOGY- tourism effect. A visit to your website
is a client’s first encounterwith your Matching value: an online offer
business. makes it possible to more effectively
Computer systems – computer merge supplier and purchaser
systems make it easier to connect inquiries.
between larger hotel chains with Value of transactions: an online offer
multiple locations. makes a company more effective
Mobile Communication – large Value of coordination: an online offer
desktop computers have been enables various providers to better
replaced by handheld tablets and combine their services
smartphones, thereby rendering Value of communication: an online
them virtually extinct. offer enhances communication
among different consumers
Network and Security Issues in
Tourism Strategic and tactical E-
-In all tourist destinations, safety is Business tools
an integral aspect, which hotels, Strategy for Product and
malls Service.Market rivalry requires the
- Security and safety concerns have organization to constantly present
impacted not only the tourism ew and updated goods and services
industry, but also the reputation of in order to keep up with the changes
the country’s destination, the Operational Efficiency
economic and financial sectorsore Strategy.Reducing operating costs
religious sites for visitors. by implementing the latest software
for computer equipment and
Information Systems in Tourism: enterprise resource planning, hiring
Application and Strategy conin consumer demand
-Information systems also provide Finance and Investment Strategy.
value chain managers with the While running your company, you
capacity to use organization data to should develop a plan that requires
perform online transactions. investing capital that you don’t have.
Terms and In order to support and
optimize business processes, e-
Customer focus and
business- is a general term that
encompasses all forms of using Management
digital information and Create a customer-focused culture –
communication technologies. Building a client culture is a
concepts of e-business concentrated activity that, most
Gather and share customer data
Function of electronic business company-wide – Every business is
-Electronic value creation, “the different and the manner and type of
generation of electronic added data it collects on customers will
value, is the most important role for varynotably, starts with leadership
electronic business.” from the top of the company
Value of structuring: an online offer Invest in the user experience of
achieves an overview of a large online channels. – In order to
amount of information. achieve success in your customer-
Selection value: an online offer centric initiatives, it is necessary to
provides, upon request, specific understand your customers’
database information. motivations and expectations.
the internet before you can start
accepting card payments online.
Risk and Risk Management Set up a post-authorization
E-commerce business risks transaction handling procedure. You
include those arising from : need an appropriate process in
place to deal with approved and
 The personality and essence of refused authorizations before
ties with trading partners in e- completing an order
commerce; Protect details about cardholders via
 Transaction integrity; Payment Card Industry (PCI)
 Production of transactions enforcement. The Payment Card
electronically; Industry’s Data Security Guidelines
 The Reliability of systems; include eCommerce merchants’
 Issues with privacy; practices, protocols, and data
 Goods returns and product protection tools
warranties; Stop unfair chargebacks.
 Taxation and problems of Chargebacks represent increased
enforcement. processing time and expenses, harm
your profits and may result in a loss
of income
The following are the most
relevant risk management TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES
techniques in eCommerce AND ADVANTAGE
transactions. -Technology has made our access to
Understand the dangers and knowledge very convenient.
educate the workers. The likelihood Technology has not only made life
of exposure to eCommerce depends easier for us, but it has increased
on you market strategies, operating connectivity as well
processes, fraud detection and
prevention t
Create critical content on websites. TRAVEL INTERMEDIARIES AND
On your website, your privacy, your INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
mailing, return and refund policies -To thrive and prosper in an
must be included information-intensive industry, travel
The creation and implementation of intermediaries must learn about and
an internal framework for fraud embrace all aspects of IT
prevention. The sustainability of your
eCommerce store depends on you The Impact of Technology on
internal strategies and controls to Travel Agency Business
prevent fraud -The influence of technology on
Enforce screening for fraud. Online travel agents has been important,
card payment monitoring will help with the availability of personal
you minimize fraud computers, mobile phones and the
Secure against interference from Internet
your merchant account. shopping -Technological developments now
cart or payment gateway and making allow travel agents to perform online
fraudulent deposits of funds study, book and confirm travel
Build a stable authorization routing -Technological developments now
method. You need to set up and allow travel agents to perform online
secure the efficient process for over study, book and confirm travel
-Travel agencies and business New technology helps people
organizations have recently been get the data they nee while
able to provide educational experiencing historical landmarks,
resources online architecture, and artifacts on group
or self-guided tours
Technology Tools used in Self-guided tours. Travelers can
Hospitality and Tourism download an app to their
-Software reservation systems smartphones, which provides expert
revolutionized the travel and analysis, as they pass through a
hospitality market museum show, attraction or
Travel Website and Apps neighborhood.
-There’s a plethora of Group tours. Guides often fail to
websites, including applications for make themselves understood a
online travel that can be used for traditional group tour
several different purposes New technology also allows for a
Research- individual vendor microphone and transmitter to be
websites, third party booking sites, worn with a guide S
and online travel publications
provide information, reviews and
price comparisons for travel items,
including transportation,
accommodation, excursions and car
Booking: Without ever needing to
speak to a salesperson, both travel
agents and clients will book online
Travel updates: Travelers can now
check in about their flight status
tLoyalty points: Most airlines and
hotels have Reward Point
Programshrough a website or mobile
Loyalty points: Most airlines and
hotels have Reward Point Programs
Boarding passes: Some time after,
passengers were able to check-in
and print boarding passes from their
phones online for their flights
Peer to peer systems: Apps like
Airbnb directly connect travelers with
temporary rental space with
homeowners and other
Customizable, interactive maps: For
Google Maps and related online
mapping systems, user feedback is
now available

Tour Information and Guiding


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