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Tugas Tutorial Ke 1 Bahasa Inggris Niaga

Program Studi Manajemen

Nama : Della Kris Dwi Firnanda

NIM : 043833167
Kelas : Manajemen C

1. The primary goal of central banks is to provide their

countries’ currencies with price stability by controlling
inflation. What will happen if a country does not have
central bank?
Things that can happen if Indonesia does not have a
central bank:
- It is difficult to achieve stability in the prices of goods
and services.
- Uncontrollable inflation rate.
- The instability of foreign currency exchange rates in
- The risk of related to banking is increasing because
there is no supervision.

The central bank is an institution that has the
responsibility to oversee the monetary system is a
country. There are various things that the central
bank must do, such as:
- Maintain currency stability.
- Keeping the inflation rate low.
- Monitor job opportunities.
- Establish and implement monetary policy.
- Supervise and regulate banks operating within a
- Organize and maintain the smooth running of the
payment system.

Reference sources:
- Commercial English module

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