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Nurse : my name is Sartika Rawung, you can call me tika, I’m nurse in

emergency unit, in siloam hospital, Lippo Karawaci

Doctor : hi, pleased to meet you nurs tika, I’m dr. yunike Admarialce. I’m an
cardiology working in the General Surgery departmen of the Jefferson
Hospital, Washington DC, USA
Nurse :nice to meet you doctor yunike, wow so amazing, ehh how long have
you been a job?
Doctor : about 4 years. What about you? How long have you been a job in
emergency unti?
Nurse : only 5 years. Eh Washington is it a big city?
Doctor : of course it’s big city, what about Lippo karawaci, is a big city?
Nurse : wow, not big, Lippo Karawaci is only a small area from the karawaci
sub-district of Tangerang.
Doctor : ohh hoo, nice talking to you, but I have to go now, because I have
an appointment with my high school friend. See you soon
Nurse : oh hokey doctor, see you

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