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The morning of chemo I thought, I start my day by running it just makes me feel

better.. running has halped me save off symptoms from chemo I didn’t have
axienty. I didn’t have that is constantly panic feel up feeling about the while I’m
doing chemo I’m still running three times a week. Some doctor thought I’d be able
to run some work sure I’ve kind of surprised them all with the amount of running
I’m doing and then I’ve been able to run I’m very fortunate to run during
chemoteraphy. Today is chemo number 6 out of 12, so I have it once a week on
Wednesdays the car cut to the blood work I come meet my doctor and nurse and
then I go my infusion which is Herceptin and tackle

It is 9:45 hands drop there like a bat out of hell because having time here it’ill be
something late I know what to go to chemo. Mayor a little more say it’s my third over here gets like this arrogance works or the national prok and you
let it sit there for like an hour and numb is a hilarious

The next step will be in 15 minutes I will start : capping so I’ll start putting the caps
on my head to keep my hair let’s how come I have my hair still

The said it’s autumn in menopause so that definitely you know like my age is
obviously hard to do it’s really hard I don’t know some people that are like living
tour life and I’m living my bur I have this on top fit and so I don’t have that like
naivety anymore of like you I got an audition and just worry about the audition now
I’ve got like other stuff it kind of just puts everything on perspective

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