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Dialogue Daily Routine

Novi (N) , Romana (O), Ruth (R), Tika (T), Prisda (P)
P : hello guys.. I'm glad to see you again at zoom, in after last week we introduced and discussed our
hobbies, and now we will discuss about daily routines.

N : i’am fine to Pris, yes thats right, i am happy to meet u guys.

R : yes i’m fine, how about u Priss?

P : hmm.. I'm not feeling well and my stomach hurts too, guys

O : ohmagod

P : i was late for breakfast this morning, i usually have breakfast at twenty past six in the morning.

R : huft.. what a time do you get up in the morning priss??

P : i usually get up at six o’clock in the morning and this morning i woke up at eight o’clock

N : omaygat.. you must set alarm for wake up tomorrow... Wkwkwkwk

All : hahahaha (kata kata random aja)

P :okey novi thank u, how about you guys? What a time do you get up in the morning and what a
time do you have breakfast?

R : I usually wake up at six in the morning and have breakfast at nine o’clock

T : I ussualy get up at ten to seven in the morning, and I pray first. and I’m not used to breakfast

N : : i wake up at seven o'clock and i haven't breakfast.

O : hmm.. because I'm in the morning service, I seem to wake up faster than you guys, I wake
up at six o’clock and breakfast at seven o’clock.
P : wow nice romana

T : oh yeah Ruth, how about your daily routine after breakfast?

R : usually after breakfast I will do my homework and after that I will clean the house. sometimes I
will watch Korean movies Hehe

N : wow ruth, my daily routine after wake up is i pray and go activity... Example study online class at
half past seven... Lunch at one o'clock p.m... And online study again at two o'clck pm... And after that
i playing mobile game at five o'clock pm and i have dinner at six o'clock and play game again or
whatching movie to ten oclock i go to bed

P : its good novi, i’m playing mobile legend to..and I also like watching movies, but I prefer horror
films, because it is a bit challenging for me hahaha

T : hmm.. we are different pris, I prefer romantic action movies genre, I think it’s more
challenging than horor
N : omaygat.. i like all genre guys... Wkwkwk

P : next about your daily routine?

T : because I rarely eat breakfast, I usually do activities like ordinary students who are dizzy
with online lectures, and usually I start classes at seven quarte past, after that I have lunch at
eleven o'clock, and my online lectures usually finish at four o ' clock, after finishing college I
will see social media like Instagram whatsapp and others, after that I go take a shower. After
that I have dinner, but my dinner is a little irregular guys, usually I eat at eight o'clock. If I
want to go to bed, I will go to sleep at ten o'clock, but before that I pray first.
R : btw tika, why don't you eat breakfast often?

T : because I’m used to it, and usually I only drink tea or milk, now romana, let’s tell us about
your daily routine?
N : come on romana

O : hmm I think i like you guys, after wake up in the morning especially during this
quarantine period, I become more lazy to get up and have breakfast but because there are
certain days when I have to get up early because I am ready to go to work, I usually wake up
at six o’clock then take a shower and get ready, after I went to eat and went to the hospital. I
work in the hospital until thirteen o’clock noon and then go home and have lunch. then go
back to my room to take a shower and rest. sometimes I work on college assignments until
dinner time. like that guys my routine on weekdays.
R : wow fighting romana

O : thank u ruth

N : ok... Last Prisda, how about your daily routine?

P : After had a breakfast, usually I immediately go to college at seven o’clock, but lately with online
class, I immediately check learn or do a zoom meeting with the lecturer .. then I have lunch at twelve
o’clock and occasionally open YouTube for refreshing .. after that I usually continue working an
assignment at one o'clock but sometimes not depends, and I occasionally open whatsapp, cook
something, I also take care of younger siblings (I have 2 little younger siblings'), group work and
many more, after that at nine o’clock I review material, read bible, pray, and sleep at half past
twelve in the evening.

T : ohiya, what time do you have dinner prisda?

P : oh yeah i forgot it, i had dinner at seven o’clock before i reviewed the material.

T : nice prisda.

R : so guys.. I'm happy to be able to talk about the daily routine with you guys. but guys sorry we can
connect again later. because it's time for me to eat dinner. I am hungry. Hehehe

N : oh my God, ruth

P : oke right.

O : oke guys see u next time

T : see guys byeee...

All : byeee...

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