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Listening, Reading and Use of English

Name: ________________________ Class: _____________

DD Listening As a result, I have more energy and I’m sleeping better –

research has shown that the blue light emitted from
1 [Track 12] You are going to hear three people talking screens is especially effective at keeping you awake
about an unusual cruise holiday they took. For because it suppresses the production of the sleep-
questions 1–4, choose the right speaker A–C and put inducing hormone: melatonin.
a cross (X) in the appropriate column in the table.
Some speakers may be chosen more than once. I also feel more fulfilled professionally (comparing myself
less to my peers probably has helped me simply 'be’), and
things are less chaotic on the domestic front as I am more
Which speaker mentions the cruise that: A B C engaged with the things in front of me and less distracted
by those far away.
1 had a dress code for passengers?
I can’t remember the last time my nine-year-old pleaded
2 was less in keeping with his/her with me to get off my phone, or accused me of loving my
expectations? mobile more than I do her. (3) __. For me, it is very real,
almost too real and that is one of the things about it I now
3 didn’t spend as much time at sea as realise that was making me feel bad.
he/she had hoped?
The scattergun approach to making friends on Facebook
4 fulfilled his/her long-time ambitions? meant that I was suddenly sharing relative intimacies with
people I’d normally make only the vaguest pleasantries
with in passing.
Suddenly, the friend of a friend who takes her children to
the local park had added me and found her way into my
DD Reading social circle. Now my newsfeed was full of her
controversial jokes, offensive language and questionable
2 Read the text. Complete each gap 1–5 with the excerpt views on child rearing. In turn, she had been privy to
which best fits and put the appropriate letter A–F in everything from my husband’s infuriating obsession with
the gap. There is one extract which you do not need. recycling to how sad I was about the death of a family
Of course, I used Facebook’s settings to obscure her
posts and deny her access to mine. But it exposed the
façade of the niceties we once shared when we pushed
According to new research this week, by the Happiness our toddlers on the swings. (4) __. I’ve also got embroiled
Research Institute in Copenhagen, giving up Facebook in enormous rows on the site on the two subjects that
for even just seven days boosts happiness and reduces should never come up in polite conversation: religion and
anger and feelings of loneliness. politics. There are people who now view me as differently
as I do them as a result, which is a shame. They haven’t
The report suggests that Facebook distorts our changed, nor have I – but our perceptions have forever
perception of reality – we buy in to the oh-so-fabulous more.
commentary on other people’s lives to such an extent
that we can’t help but evaluate our own less than perfect But that’s not to say I’m off Facebook altogether. It’s still
lives as being inadequate. my go-to place to find out what the people who interest me
have been up to. I still enjoy seeing their holiday snaps
These findings don’t come as a surprise to me. I used to and baby pictures. I love the way I discover new music,
love Facebook, but almost a year ago the crappiness of books and even TV programmes through the
real life pulled me away when our youngest daughter, recommendations by people who probably have a
aged nine, was taken ill with a painful form of healthier relationship with Facebook than I used to.
inflammatory disease and we had a terrible and
protracted time getting a diagnosis. (1) __. I needed The site has become such an intrinsic part of the fabric of
physical hugs, not cyber-embraces. our lives that to walk away from it would be to cut myself
off from great people who have interesting things to say.
Now, she’s on the mend and life is enjoyable again. I (5) __. Being on the outside looking in has become my
came back to my online social life in the summer but happy place.
found myself on the outside looking in. But instead of
throwing myself back into the Facebook frenzy, I sat
back. I wasn’t inclined to go back because I realised that
being away from Facebook I felt better – dare I say,
Before my daughter’s illness, I was pretty much addicted
to Facebook: I would post up to four times a day,
sometimes more and it was the last thing I checked on at
night and the first place I turned to upon waking. I’d be
engaging in online conversations via the site in parallel to
the rest of my life. All of this was costing me a good three
hours out of every day. (2) __.
© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)
Listening, Reading and Use of English
other portable device currently available.

A But while all of this does make me feel more engaged

in the world, I disagree with anyone who says that
Facebook isn’t real life.
Fitted with a range of high-tech sensors, the headband
B Today, those hours are filled with fresh air down at captures all your neuro data which is then processed by
my allotment, socialising with friends face to face, our sophisticated integrated software. With Bluetooth
organising my life and increasing my work output. connectivity, a 24-hour battery life and unique state-of-
C It’s an enormous fount of knowledge and opinion that the-art technology* we ensure your brain activity will be
I’d hate to lose access to. But I have to mind my work, constantly and accurately overseen.
life and social media balance. Over fifteen years of research and development has gone
into our nifty little gadget to give you the best possible
D The all-consuming aspects of endless hospital visits insight into your own mind.
and months of sleep-deprivation and worry meant that *patent pending
for much of the last year posting on Facebook was C The smelly alarm clock
the last thing on my mind. Do you hate being jarred out of your slumber by the
E It’s all the stuff of any standard Facebook newsfeed; aggressive tones of your alarm clock? We may have just
the stuff of real life, guaranteed to prompt great cyber the thing for you: a sweet smelling alarm clock!
conversations that would pull in friends from various Just imagine never having to start the day to the sounds of
parts of my life. annoying beeps but instead rise and shine to a delicious
scent of your choice – guaranteed to bring you back to
F I now know so much about what goes on in her head your senses in a good mood.
that I’d cross the busiest main road to avoid her. With a range of aromas such as freshly baked bread,
Italian espresso and creamy hot chocolate for those of you
/10 that love to snooze, to the refreshing odours of wild jungle
and ocean breeze for those who prefer to kick-start their
3 Read the four texts about new inventions. For day with a zing – we have everything your senses desire
questions 1–6, choose texts A–D. Some texts can be to help you start your day.
chosen more than once.

D The interactive shoe

If you feel that being on your feet all day is beginning to
HERE ARE FOUR OF OUR TOP TIPS FOR We offer a shock-absorbing interactive shoe which can
WANNABEE ENTREPRENEURS. also keep your feet at a set temperature and adjust
themselves to stay tight.
Thanks to the dedicated smartphone app, not only do we
A A smart pram
promise to keep your feet nice and snug, but the user-
Fed up with pushing your little ones up steep hills and
friendly software can also measure the calories you burn
along meandering, gravelly paths? Our electric-powered
or the number of steps you’ve taken. It can even keep
smart-pram means you never have to face the chore of
track of where you’ve been.
pushing your babies again. Instead, you are now able to
While offering similar functionality to wristbands or smart
go completely hands free.
watches, our product ensures greater accuracy of
Thanks to the motion-tracking device on the stroller, the
measurements. And whether you suffer from bad
smart-pram will dodge obstacles whilst staying close to
circulation, need to occasionally step out in sub-zero
the parent at all times: if you go to the right, the stroller
temperatures or work on your feet from nine to five, this is
goes to the right; if you stop suddenly, so will the pram.
the product you need!
The motor means our baby buggy is no longer a struggle
to push uphill. Also, heavy shopping need not be a
burden thanks to a handy storage compartment. As well Which text mentions a new invention that:
as being self-driving, our stroller comes packed with other 1 reacts to the movements of the user? _____
cutting edge technology for labour-saving and modern 2 has technology you won’t find anywhere else? _____
parenting. We believe that our smart-pram will prove to 3 can help those concerned about weight gain? _____
be the ultimate status symbol for mums and dads 4 might become seen as a sign of wealth? _____
everywhere. 5 could prove useful to consumers of other goods? _____
6 caters to a range of user preferences? _____
B The neuro headband
We have designed an ergonomic wearable gadget which
can read your emotional state. In the form of a feather- /12
light and stylish headband, we are now able to record
your cognitive activity with greater precision than any

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)

Listening, Reading and Use of English
3 A genuine B true
C authentic D original
4 A good B much Total /50
C soon D well

DD Use of English
5 A extremely B greatly
4 Choose the correct answer A–D to complete each gap
1–8. C vastly D highly
6 A latter B former

Researchers have found that your Facebook photo influences 7 A measure B count
employers' responses. C value D score

Employers use Facebook to screen job applicants, and make 8 A chances B opportunities
decisions based on their profile pictures, according to a new C possibilities D occasions
study. The research found that a good photo could increase
___ of interview by up to 40 percent.
‘The candidate with the most favourable Facebook profile 5 Complete the second sentence so that it means the
picture received approximately 21 percent more positive 2___ same as the first. Use no more than six words
to his application in comparison to the candidate with the least including the word in CAPITALS.
favourable profile picture,’ said Professor Stijn Baert from
1 The government has controversially decided to
Ghent University, who conducted the research. ‘The
mount street level cameras outside every public
difference in the chance to be immediately invited to a job
building by 2030, which could herald the arrival of
interview amounted to almost 40 percent.’
a true surveillance society. TO
The scientists sent out 2112 fictitious letters of application in The government has controversially decided that
response to 3___ vacancies in Belgium. Applications had two street level cameras ________________________
levels of education, but otherwise the only characteristics that ___________ outside every public building by
differed were the names and Facebook photos. 2030, which could herald the arrival of a true
surveillance society.
Fake Facebook accounts were set up with access just to
2 I have to be honest with you. I found hiking more
profile photos. The profile photos were pre-rated by 195
disappointing than challenging. MUCH
reviewers who ranked them on a scale of 1 to 7 for five
I have to be honest with you. I wasn’t __________
personality traits – agreeableness, conscientiousness,
_____________________ disappointed.
emotional stability, extraversion and openness, as 4___ as
3 Seeing you launch yourself off the top of that cliff
was amazing! How did you ever muster the
According to the researchers' results, 5___ educated people courage to do it? AMAZED
are more likely to be Facebook-checked than those who are I _________________________________ launch
less educated, because the 6___ are easier to screen out. yourself off the top of that cliff. How did you ever
muster the courage to do it?
They also conducted an alternative experiment where photos
4 Shirley was quite frank with me and said that
were included with CVs, and found that Facebook photos had
ultimately, if I didn’t want to go on the training
an equally strong influence on people as a CV photo. ‘A
course, she’d find somebody who would. DAY
possible explanation is that employers see a Facebook profile
Shirley was quite frank with me and said that
picture as an honest signal,’ the study said.
_________________________________, if I didn’t
According to the researchers, this is the world's first study to want to go on the training course, she’d find
directly 7___ the impact of Facebook profiles on job 8___, somebody who would.
but it is not a surprise that employers use Facebook to 5 I find it very hard to defend myself when I’m being
screen. In the US, companies have asked job candidates for criticised. I guess I’m in dire need of some
their Facebook passwords so they could have full access assertiveness training. UP
during their interviews! I find ________________________________ very
hard when I’m being criticised. I guess I’m in dire
need of some assertiveness training.
1 A options B occasions
6 Yerevan, in Armenia, is so nice that’s it’s a real
C chances D opportunities shame people don’t know more about the city or
2 A answers B responses think about paying it a visit. EVER
Yerevan, in Armenia, _______________________
C requests D feedback
_________ city that’s it’s a real shame people don’t

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)

Listening, Reading and Use of English
know more about it or think about paying it a visit.

© Pearson 2020 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 5 SECOND EDITION (B2+/C1)

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