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Name: Mc Darlin B.

Diaz Section: BSN 1-Y1-10 Date: 09-20-20

Discussion 4: When Technology and Humanity Cross
1. Will robotics replace human employment?
Yes, robots will replace humans for many jobs, just as innovative farming
equipment replaced Humans and Horses during the industrial revolution Factory floors
deploy robots that are increasingly driven by machine learning algorithms such that
they can adjust to people working alongside them.
However, I assert that with every job taken over by machines, there will be an equal
number of opportunities for jobs to be done by people. Some of these human jobs will be
of the creative type. Others will require humans to hone their superhuman reasoning
skills. In many cases humans and machines will find themselves in symbiotic
relationships, helping each other do what they do best. People and machines can and will
work together in the future and they’re already doing so today.
2. Do technological devices bring more good than bad to people?
It seems to me that technology is good for us. Most people say that it’s really bad for
our children. But I’m not sure about that. In my opinion, technology give an opportunity
to develop in all areas our life. For example you can study at an online university,
therefore you can save your time.
The problem is that some technology provide us prohibited information which beyond the
limit of our laws, Technology is not about good or bad. its on people that how people use
it, use in the good way or bad way.
3. Do you believe that Google makes people stupid? Cite at least five examples to
support your assertion.
I believe that Google, Inc. search engine makes everyone stupid. (1) In this high-
technology era, short period of time is common to everyone. So, in just a click of a
second, the answer is already there. Just type it on a search engine and bwalah! (2) They
do not let most people think critically. They are relying on the computer itself. They are
lossing self-confidence. (3) Everything that you "want" to know is already encoded in
Google, Inc. search engine.(4) It almost seems that they go online to avoid reading in the
traditional sense,(5) Internet is not really changing our brains. But they may well be
making us think we’re smarter than we really are, and that is a dangerous thing
Not just academic stuff, but also some non-academic stuff.

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