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Certain people in our lives have this special ability to inspire.

give us strength when things get tough when we feel pessimistic
due to some events in our lives, or they motivate us to do the things
we want but are afraid of. They influence us by the way they live
their lives. Many people can be role models for me. One of them is
my mother. My mom has impacted my life greatly and has helped
me become the person I am today. She has given me more than any
other single person on this planet. She gave me the desire to do
better. She gave me the focus and the hunger to be intellectually
curious. She gave me these things because she never had them. She
has helped me in many ways; she pushes me to be the best, she is
always there for me, and she possesses good qualities that I try to
obtain. My mother is always pushing me to be the best. She pushes
me harder when it comes to school. She believes that I have a
bright future ahead of me, and wants me to make the most out of it
by getting good grades and going to a good college. She has never
let me settle for anything that is below average. My mother is a
true inspiration in my life. She has shown me that having the right
attitude and values can influence the people around you. However,
I can only try and aspire to be like her.

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