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Narasi WIRG Explainer:

Can you ever imagine how a small dream can move the world?

Well… great things start from small beginnings...

WIR Group ALSO started from dreams

to make the nation proud

to make a better humanity through immersive technology

Striving to set the foundation for the future since 2009.

WIR is a SAAS (re: Software As A Service) tech company,

Focusing on immersive and future-oriented technology...

Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality

Artificial Intelligence

O2O (re: Online-to-Offline) Portals

Internet of Things.

Deploying thousand projects in more than 20 countries

BECAUSE We believe that the future will be frameless

The distinction between real-life and digital will be blurred

And, this is where our O2O ecosystem comes in

Bridging online to offline and offline to online with our technologies

Our business units open the door to a mixed reality world

A world runs by dreams and imagination

Almost as if by magic



The future of interaction for brands and consumers

With the focus on applications and software, we implement AR, VR, and AI

To help brands interact with their consumers in a more engaging way


A next generation brand consulting firm

Combining deep knowledge of brand strategy, visual systems, and trend forecasting skills

To deliver creative solutions for brands to enter the Web 3.0


A life-solution and one-fits-all IoT smart device

An IoT platform that utilizes a combination of AR and AI deployed in hi-traffic areas

From interactive retail POSM

Ad placement and commerce

Smart authorization
To the portal for Metaverse


The virtual store of social commerce

A platform that enables businesses to run virtual retail stores and sell their own products -
physical and digital

A platform that provides an opportunity for community to become entrepreneurs

With interactive technology that helps brands to prepare for the Web 3.0 era


An exciting geolocation-based gamification with Augmented Reality feature

Connecting brands and consumers

Connecting online to offline

A community empowering gaming platform.

and in 2022,

WIR was listed at the Indonesia Stock Exchange on April

The new additional Metaverse platform is now on boarding

All part of the preparation to enter Web 3.0 era

Introducing Nusameta

An Indonesian metaverse ecosystem that encapsulates everything

From metaverse platform with all-new experience

To O2O integration where people can interact both in real-life and digital realm

That's all..
well…No..not yet

Since the beginning, we have grown the company with highly relevant solutions,
bootstrapping and growing with the focus on maintaining profitability,

nearly doubling the revenues each year…

AND, we have not done yet

as new milestones have been set
All through spirit of not giving up, and collaborating
across territories
across the globe
with leading companies
proven with many global accolades

So, We will never stop growing and moving forward


Because in WIR Group, we believe that technology should have purposes

To empower…

To change

We write a future that knows no boundaries

And the future is already here…

WIR Group…


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