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Submitted by: Tania Marie Valenzuela

Submitted to: Teodimer M. Escuro II, CE, Mba

Date Submitted: March 27, 2022

Quiz No. 01

(Environmental Science)

1. How is Civil Engineering related to environmental science/engineering? Site at least 2.

• Civil engineering deals with the design of structures which will be applied to an already built
environment. While environmental science deals with understanding our modern
environmental issues such as climate change. Therefore, these two overlaps to their own
purposes. Since environmental science serves the problem in our environment its effect and
how this can be prevented through their research, civil engineering uses this knowledge to
create a solution with its own strength which is analyzation of the problem and creating an
innovation that will be benefit by the environment. For example, is the water pollution in
construction sites waste civil engineering comes up in turning wastewater to decent quality
of water by sludge water treatment.

2. Define Environmental Science? Why do we study environmental science?

• Environmental science is a study of the modern issues in our environment and comes up with
a solution to these issues by using its emerged knowledge in fields with physics, geology, etc.
It is necessary to study environmental science as this gives us a fact-knowledge of our
environment, with our self-serving society these days that disregards the Earth’s condition and
focuses on how to maintain their social status. Environmental science wakes up the society
to becoming more aware to the Earths’ condition and participates to the environmental
scientist’s solution to it. The example of this was the protest that happened and went viral on
social media in which scientists inform people about the status of the Earth and the future
condition of it. They came up with a solution in which all of us can participate and expose the
large companies to its carbon footprint.

3. Define Sustainable development? Give at least 3, explain briefly its main functions.
• Sustainable development is gathering of development in which the human need is acquired
without compromising the environment resources. It is to use the environmental resources
within its limits, in which we do not abuse its abundance. Its main function is to balance our
economic, environmental, and social needs. Balance our economic development while
conserving the environment’s natural resources and meeting the needs of the society,
example is putting a rice field in a forest for agricultural growth the people in the area should
have a participation I this decision and equity income for every household while preserving the
forest itself.

4. Define and explain briefly the Types of Succession? Give examples of each type of Succession.

• There are two types of succession, first is primary succession it is when lifeless area
(incapable of having living things around) became a habitat that can now live by living thing
(biotic), it typically lacks soil for plants to live and first time to be populate by living organisms.
Example of this is Big Island a place where volcanic eruptions occurred, and the lava goes to
ocean creating a new foundation of land. And when the lava cools down seeds can be carried
through circumstances and take root having a plant for the very first time. Second is Signy
Island where Glacier retreat occurs due to climate change it melts as snow accumulates
slower these days exposing the previous existing land, the pioneer of this occurrence is
lichens. And for the secondary succession it is when the primary succession is destroyed or
disturb by fire, man-made hazards, etc. And it recovers over time to be a habitat that living
things can live yet again, note that the habitat is not lifeless like in primary succession.
Example of is wildfire in Hickory Forest these kills animals and plants bot it arose from the
ashes over time having animals and vegetation over the years. Also, the disturbance of
typhoon in forest destroying plants during it and the growth of plants and trees as the time
goes by.

5. Give at least 4 persons both local and abroad that are involved or participate in environmental

• The first person from abroad who really impacted environmental awareness is Greta
Thunberg. At the age of 16 years old she sparked a protest movement with over 6 million
people worldwide about climate change. Challenging the world leader in her speech to take
action in climate change. Second is Gina Lopez our former DENR (Department of Environment
and Natural Resources) Secretary, she is one of the known Environmental Activist in the
Philippines using her platform to make an awareness on mining monstrosities. She closed 23
mining companies during the 10 months in position and has a tv show (G Diaries) which shares
environmental awareness, she inspires Filipinos to become environmental warriors. Third is
Rachel Carson she is the Mother of Environmental Movement which writes the famous “Silent
Spring” which exposed the environmental harm of the use of pesticides. This book influences
the environmental protection policies, the modern environmental movement, and the creation
of the Environmental Protection Agency. Lastly, is Marinel Ubaldo from Eastern Samar, she
advocates corporation to be liable for global warming. Ubaldo also have given speeches in
countries such as Spain and United Kingdom for giving an environmental awareness.

6. On the 3 pictures shown on attached files. Explain its effects and how as Future Civil Engineering,
can help to reduce these environmental issues.

• The picture shows an increase of construction growth, deforestation due to small scale mining
operations and an ongoing mining operation. As a future Civil Engineer, I will help minimize
these environmental issues by using sustainable mining this will increase an ethical approach
to the environment as it would balance the financial, social, and environmental issue ensuring
the profit to companies, livelihood to the community while protecting the environment. For
example, the most problematic is water pollution which will be used in all operations. I will
propose reusing the water, while the water that cannot be used anymore will be treated to be
used again and ensuring the safe disposal of the remaining water back to the environment. In
addition, it is complying with the environmental standards as what mining industry is famous
is “dirty work” for having a secrecy in its operation and corruption. Compliance with the
standards will surely minimize/protect the destruction of the environment. Lastly, for the
increase of construction growth is by using “Green Building” minimizing the negative impact
to the environment. Reducing the use of non-renewable resources in building infrastructures
and building a sturdy building to avoid renovation and building yet again.

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