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A. Language Functions (5 marks)

 Finish the following dialogue: ( 5 m / 1 m each )

A tourist is talking to a policeman.
Tourist : Can you help me, please?
Policeman :  …………………………………………………………………………………………… .
Tourist : How can I go to the Egyptian Museum?
Policeman :  …………………………………………………………………………………………… .
Tourist :  …………………………………………………………………………………………… ?
Policeman : No, it isn't very far.
Tourist : Can I go there on foot?
Policeman :  …………………………………………………………………………………………… .
Tourist :  …………………………………………………………….……………………………… ?
Policeman : It takes about 10 minutes to get there.
B. Reading Comprehension (10 Marks)

 Read and complete the text with words from the following list: ( 4 m / 1 m each )

do - market - botanical - go - in - at

My name's Judy and I live in Aswan. It's a busy city with about one and a half
million people and there's a lot to do  …………… the weekend. On Friday
mornings, I sometimes  …………… shopping. Aswan is a great place for this. There
are lots of interesting shops. And I love going to the famous  ………… . I also like
to go to the  …………… garden or the nature reserve.

 Read the following, then answer the questions: ( 6 m / 1 m each )

Jana loved bedtime. Her dad always told her stories. Sometimes, he told fairy
tales. Sometimes, he told animal stories. And sometimes, he told sports stories.
Jana couldn’t wait to hear Dad’s next story. But that night, Mom put Jana into bed
instead. “Dad is sick,” Mom told Jana. “But I can tell you a story if you want me
to.” So Mom told Jana a story but it wasn’t the same. She felt sad. She didn’t want
Dad to be sick, and she missed story time with Dad. She thought maybe Dad
missed story time, too. This gave her an idea. Jana hopped out of bed. She went
to Dad’s room. She knocked on his door. “Come in,” Dad said. When Jana opened
the door, Dad smiled weakly. “I’m sorry. I’m going to miss story time tonight.”
Jana sat on Dad’s bed. “No you won’t. I’m going to tell you a story.” So Jana told
Dad a story about a castle, a dragon, and a princess. Dad loved the story and he
fell asleep with a smile on his face. “Get well quickly, Dad,” Jana whispered.

A. Answer the following questions:
1. Why didn’t Jana’s dad put her into bed?
2. Why did Jana go to her dad's room?
3. Who fell asleep at the end of the story?
B. Choose the correct word from a, b, c or d:
4. What type of story did Jana tell her dad?
ⓐ a true story ⓑ a funny story ⓒ a story about animals ⓓ a fairy tale
5. Where does the beginning of the story take place?
ⓐ in Jana’s bedroom ⓑ in Jana’s dad’s bedroom
ⓒ in the living room ⓓ in the kitchen
6. The underlined word “hopped out“ means ………… .
ⓐ took out ⓑ put out ⓒ covered ⓓ jumped out
C. Vocabulary & Structure ( 8 marks)

 Choose the correct word from a, b, c or d: ( 3 m / ½ m each )

1. To make an adjective from the verb "use", we add ………… .
ⓐ-y ⓑ - al ⓒ - ing ⓓ - ful
2. The word "pros" has the same meaning as ………… .
ⓐ disadvantages ⓑ cons ⓒ advantages ⓓ design
3. The antonym of the word "free" is ………… .
ⓐ paid ⓑ hard ⓒ for no money ⓓ sold
4. To give the opposite of the word "popular", we add …… at the beginning of it.
ⓐ un- ⓑ ir- ⓒ dis- ⓓ mis-
5. A/An ……… is a group of questions that you ask people to find out information
about something.
ⓐ survey ⓑ service ⓒ bank ⓓ noticeboard
6. This is a lovely dress. The word "lovely" means ………… .
ⓐ terrible ⓑ beautiful ⓒ ugly ⓓ polite

 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word(s) in brackets:
( 5 m / 1 m each )
1. The train to Port Said ………………… (leave) this station at 3.15.
2. My sister was born ………………… (at) December 27th.
3. My phone …………… (break) while I was walking down the road.
4. This shop is …………… (either) interesting nor cheap. Let's go to a different one!
5. The walk over the mountains was beautiful, but it was very ………………… (tire).

D. Writing (7 Marks)

 Write a paragraph of One Hundred and TEN (110) words on: (7m)

"Transport in your city"






















‫مع تمنيات فريق فايف ستارز بالتوفيق لجميع الطالب – صفحتنا عىل الفيس بوك‬

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