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Hello First Semester Student!

Congratulations on making it into the nursing program. You've probably already heard
nursing school is going to be hard however, remember that you are super smart, and everything
will be okay. The time that you spend in this program will be where you will grow academically
and personally. The friends that you will make in this program are going to be invaluable and
probably stay with you for a long time. In the beginning it’s probably going to be the hardest,
because it when you will have to figure out where and how you study best. You may see that the
way that you learn may be different from what worked for you in your prerequisites. Personally,
I took notes on the PowerPoints and reviewed them thoroughly before the test. You will need to
study a lot, but you don't have to do it alone. I’ve found study groups to be one of the most
amazing ways to learn while bonding with your fellow classmates. Remember that you are never
alone, there are students around you who are going through the same thing and may have the
same feelings, and you will meet some of the kindest professors. At first, clinical skills are going
to be intimidating, but ALL of us have made mistakes. As long as you learn from them and try
again, I promise you will be okay. You are in a time where you are learning all that you can, and
there will always be someone there to help you. So, don’t be afraid to practice new skills, and to
go out of your comfort zone. It is almost impossible to do everything perfectly, so make sure to
forgive yourself if something is wrong. The most important thing is to always take care of
yourself even at your busiest times. Sometimes you will get so stressed to where you might cry
because you can’t hold it in, but remember school isn’t everything and you need to take time for
yourself. Make sure you still take time to do the things that you enjoy and will relax you. You
will do your best only when you take care of yourself. You are going to do great!

You got this,

Jing Lu

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