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There are four seasons: autumn, winter, spring and summer.

In autumn, children usually start going to school. It is the wettest period, and it is also very
cloudy, windy and gloomy. The average temperature is about 10-15 degrees.

In winter, it is usually cold and it can snow between November and March. The average
temperature is around 4 degrees, but in some coutries the temperature can drop 50 degrees
below zero. It is the season when people wear warm clothes and boots, and children enjoy
playing outside in the snow.

In May, people fall in love, and make plans for the summer.

In summer, the temperature can reach 40 degrees in some countries, but the average
temparature is about 25 degrees.

In July and August, it is usually hot and sunny, but in Britain it can be wet and rainy. The
weather in this country is unpredictable, and it is a good idea to have an umbrella or
rainproof clothes.

In July and Auugust, a lot of people go on holiday with their families to enjoy an relax.

What is the weather like in your country?

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