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The Red Ogre who cried

Once upon a time, there lived a red ogre and a blue ogre. The two were very good
friends. The red ogre wanted to be friends with the people of the village, but the
people were too scared to get close to him. The blue ogre couldn't bear to watch,
so he devised a plan to help his friend. "I'll make a rukus in the village, so you
come and stop me. Then the villagers will be sure to trust you."
The plan worked, and the red ogre befriended the humans. But as time passed,
something began to worry him. His friend, the blue ogre, no longer came to visit
him. One day, the red ogre went to the blue ogre's house; the door was tightly
shut, and a letter was affixed to it. The letter said... "Red ogre, please have fun
with your human friends. If I continue to hang around you, they might think you're
a bad ogre too. So, I've decided to go on a journey, but I will never forget you.
Goodbye. Please take care of yourself. Your friend forever, Blue ogre."
The red ogre read the letter in silence over and over again. Tears fell as he began
to cry. The end.

1. What kind of story is it?

2. Does the story teach us anything? What is it?
3. Which of the two ogres would you rather be friends with?
4. What do you think about when people are not rewarded for the effort they put in?
5. What do you think the two ogres should have done?
6. Does the story leave any impression on you?

The blue ogre's self-sacrifice os really appealing, but stupid at the same time
because he gets nothing out of it.

realize = darse cuenta

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