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Debate preparation template

First speaker guide

Topic Android vs IOS operating systems

Speakers’ names

Speaker’s position (Affirmative)

Greeting and Introduction
Good evening comrades, the topic of today's debate is that Let's discuss the differences
between Android vs ios operating system.
Outline your team's case:
a) Your points:
I will be speaking about...

● Android is a world leading operating system on the market

● It is open source
● Devices with Android system are cheaper
b) Second speaker's points:
Our second speaker will be talking about....

● The ios system has greater security as it is closed source

● Performance is much better
● Has better user interface
Your First Point
● My first point is that Android is a world leading operating system in the market.
Android has a global market share of 72%.

Your Second Point

● My second point is that android is open source.
It was developed in 2008 under an open license on Linux.
For example, android is freely distributed so that anyone can modify the source

Your Third Point

 My third point, the equipment with Android system are cheaper.
Android is free which makes equipment costs cheaper.
For example, android is the favorite in low-end and mid-range cell phones.
Closing statement
Android is an operating system designed to meet the needs of most users.

Second speaker guide

Speaker’s position (Negative)

Expressing disagreement with first speaker’s arguments
I disagree, because despite Android being the leader, it does not have customers willing
to pay for its services, being open source it is more vulnerable, and Android cell phones
lose value very quickly.

Briefly State the Points You Will Make

● The IOS system has greater security as it is closed source.
● Performance is much better.
● Has better user interface.
Your First Point
● My first point is that the IOS system has higher security since it is closed source.
The base code is only held by the company and for this reason it is safer from
cyber attacks.

Your Second Point

● My third point is that the performance is much better.
Updates are made more in line with performance and resource optimization.
it has fewer bugs and variations between its versions.

Your Third Point

● My third point is that it has a better user interface.
It has less design variation in the evolution of the versions, which makes it more
attractive and easy to use.
Closing statement
That the IOS is much more than cell phones, it is a creative experience.

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