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CULTURE understand and plan for the needs of a

It is the totality of socially transmitted behavioral culturally diverse client or group
patterns, arts beliefs, values, customs, life ways ● It develops overtime.
and all other products of human work and thought
characteristic of a population or people that guide There are five constructs in the process:
their world view and decision making. Cultural awareness, cultural knowledge, cultural
skill, cultural encounter and cultural desire
Culture is:
✔ Learned Cultural Awareness: Deliberate “cognitive
✔ Shared process in which the health care provider becomes
✔ Associated with adaptation to the appreciative and sensitive to the values, beliefs,
environment life ways and practices and problem solving
✔ universal strategies of a client’s culture
✔ Serves as an ever changing frame for
interpreting information and understanding ● Unconscious incompetence
how the world works ● Conscious incompetence
● Conscious competence
Cultural and Biologic Variations - are those ● Unconscious competence
diverse manifestations of "normal" that exist
between people with respect to, body structure- Cultural Desire: It is the motivation to engage in
skin color- other visible physical characteristics- intercultural encounters to acquire cultural
enzymatic and genetic variations- competence
electrocardiographic patterns- susceptibility to
disease- nutritional preferences and deficiencies, Cultural Knowledge: the process of seeking and
and - psychological characteristics. obtaining a sound educational foundation
concerning the various world views of different
Mechanism of Variation cultures
● Humans vary biologically because of
interaction of genes and environment Cultural skill: Ability to collect relevant cultural
o Surface variation and anatomic data regarding the client’s health history and
differences presenting problems as well as accurately
performing physical assessment
Developmental Variations:
✔ African american infants tend to be ahead Cultural Encounters: engage directly in face to
of other american groups in motor devt face interaction.
✔ Biochemical variations and differential
disease susceptibilty I. Hispanics
✔ Environmentally related variation ✔ Hispanics are far more emotionally expressive
✔ Birth control methods other than rhythm are
● Health care is interactive ✔ Most Latin Americans see thinness as a
● Susto (soul loss or magical fright), mal ojo problem and plumpness as the ideal
(evil eye), ✔ Hispanics are not accustomed to the
● Empacho (blocked intestines), Caida de la profession of social workers, and rely on their
Mollera (fallen fontanelle) falling out and families, other relatives and close friends for
voodoo illness support and help
✔ Curanderismo – Latin folk healers
✔ To attend a woman during delivery is a
● It is the capacity of the nurses or health woman's job, ideally the job of her mother and
service delivery system to effectively midwife

✔ Avoiding eye contact with a person in ✔ Usually members do not touch each other
authority indicates respect and attentiveness during conversations
✔ Direct confrontation is disrespectful ✔ Touching is unacceptable to opposite sex
✔ members are oriented more to present ✔ Head is considered to be sacred so touching
✔ Members may be late for an appointment someone on the head is disrespectful
because relationships and events are valued ✔ Members are devoted to tradition
more than time ✔ Men have the power and authority women are
✔ Members are comfortable with close proximity expected to be obedient
with family friends and acquintances ✔ Education is viewed as very important
✔ Members are very tactile and uses embraces ✔ A healthy body is viewed as a gift from the
and handshakes ancestors
✔ Extended family is highly regarded ✔ Illness is attributed to prolonged sitting or lying
✔ Men are decision makers and breadwinners, or overexertion.
women are caretakers and homemakers
✔ Health may be viewed as a reward from God IV. Afro African
and illness as a punishment from God ✔ Perceive the use of first names as a lack of
respect and a form of racism.
II. Middle Eastern ✔ The most common and frequently cited
✔ Some people wear amulets for protection methods of treating illness is prayer.
against the evil eye or will burn incense to ✔ The traditional Black belief regarding health
keep the evil eye away from the sick does not separate the mind, body, and spirit.
✔ Patient and family will not wait long to seek ✔ Head nodding doesn’t necessarily mean an
professional help and are usually anxious to agreement
receive a medication as soon as possible ✔ Direct eye contact may be considered
✔ Once symptoms have improved, many rudeness or agressiveness
patients will stop taking the prescribed ✔ Nonverbal communication is important
medication or will not return for a scheduled ✔ Personal questions asked on initial contact
follow-up appointment. may be viewed as intrusive
✔ Both male and female Arab patients and their ✔ Members are comfortable with close personal
children prefer to be seen by male doctors space with family and friends
✔ Most Arabs consider childbirth to be a female ✔ Many households are headed by single parent
issue only. A woman in labor is usually woman
surrounded by female relatives and friends ✔ Members believe that illness can be
prevented by nutritious meals, rest and
III. Asians cleanliness
✔ Chinese medicine teaches that health is a
state of spiritual and physical harmony with V. Native Americans
nature ✔ Silence indicates respect for the speaker
✔ A healthy body is in a state of balance. When ✔ Members speak in a low tone of voice and
it gets out of balance illness results. expects listeners to be attentive
✔ In Asia the balance is between yin and yang ✔ Eye contact is a sign of disrespect
✔ The Asian patient rarely complains about what ✔ Body language & personal space is important
bothers him ✔ Oriented more to present
✔ Silence is valued ✔ Members will lightly touch another person’s
✔ Eye contact may be considered inappropriate hands during meetings
or disrespectful ✔ Massage is used for the newborn infant to
✔ Criticism or disagreement is not expressed promote bonding between infant and mother
verbally ✔ Elders are honored
✔ The word NO is a form of disrespect for others ✔ Children are taught to respect traditions
✔ Reflects respect for the past but includes ✔ Members are family oriented
emphasis on the present and the future ✔ Health is a state of harmony between the
✔ Formal personal space except with family and person the family and the environment
close friends.

✔ Illness is caused by supernatural forces and E. JUDAISM

disequilibrium between person and ✔ Tests, signatures and assessment for
environment medical needs that can be scheduled to
avoid holy days are appreciated
SPIRITUALITY ✔ Psalms and the last prayer of confession
● It is the search for the meaning and are held at the bedside
purpose. ✔ Any clothing or bandages with clients
● Unique to each individual blood should be prepared for burial with
● Individual’s spirituality is acted on by many the person
forces through the varied experiences of ✔ Orthodox or Kosher involves no mixing of
life meat with dairy products, separate cooking
● It affects health in both physiologic and and eating utensils are use for food
psychological ways preparation and consumption


A. BUDDHISM ● Family is whatever the client say is
✔ Suffering is part of human existence ● Nurse should focus on assessing rather
✔ Prayer and meditation are used for than on valuing
cleansing and healing ● An individual client cannot be completely
✔ Death is associated with rebirth, Serene separated from the family nor can the
surroundings is important to the dignity of family be considered with any members
the dying omitted
✔ Many are strict vegetarians
Role of Family in illness:
B. HINDUISM ✔ Family members affect each member of
✔ Nirvana (oneness with God) the family’s decision
✔ Illness is cause of past and current life ✔ Gender and generation roles affect the
actions members
✔ Right hand is seen as holy. ✔ Family has a profound effect on the health
✔ Death marks as a passage because a soul status of its members
has no beginning and no end
✔ Many are vegetarians COMMUNITY
● Is determined by natural boundaries, and
C. ISLAM communities organized based on the
✔ Mohammed is believed to be the greatest relationship among a group of people.
of all prophets ● Community affects the families as families
✔ Prayer occur five times a day affect the community.
✔ Allah is in control in the beginning and the
end of life
✔ All outcomes are predetermined by allah
✔ Consumption of pork and alcohol is 1. Comprehensive Assessment – completed
prohibited upon admission to health care agency and
✔ Other meats must meet ritual requirements includes a complete health history to
determine current needs of the client
D. CHRISTIANS 2. Focused Assessment – an assessment that
✔ Focus on the teachings at the old and new is limited in scope in order to focus on a
testaments particular need or health care problem or
✔ Most view illness as a natural process of potential health care risks
the body and testing of faith 3. Ongoing Assessment – an assessment that
✔ There is belief in miracles, western includes systematic monitoring and
medicine is in high regard observation related to specific problems
✔ No special or universal food beliefs are
common to christian religions

4. Emergency Assessment - very rapid responses to actual, or risk health problems,

assessment per formed in life threatening wellness states or syndromes
1. Identify abnormal data and strength
✔ Collecting subjective data 3. Draw inferences and identify problems
✔ Collecting objective data 4. Propose possible nursing diagnoses
✔ Validation of data 5. Check for defining characteristics of those
✔ Documentation of Data diagnoses
6. Confirm or rule out nursing diagnoses
1. Subjective Data 7. Document conclusions
● the process in which data relating to the
patient's problem are elicited from a patient Purposes of Nursing Diagnosis:
or a patient's family ✔ Empowerment of the nursing profession
● The interviewer encourages a full ✔ Facilitates effective communication
description of the onset, the course, and ✔ Provides means to individualize nursing
the character of the problem and any care
factors that aggravate or ameliorate it.
● Sensations, symptoms, perceptions, Subjective Data: Can be obtained through
desires preferences, beliefs ideas, values interview
and personal informations
Interview: Therapeutic interaction that has a
● Examples are: biographical information,
specific purpose which is to collect information
past health history, family history, health
about the client’s health history and current status
and lifestyle practices
in order to make determination on the client’s
2. Objective Data health care needs
● the process in which data relating to the
Two Focus of interview:
client's problem are obtained through
1. Establish rapport and trusting relationship
direct physical examination, including
2. Gather information on the client’s status
observation, palpation, percussion, and
auscultation, and by laboratory analyses Phases of Interview:
and radiologic and other studies 1. Introductory Phase
● Examples are: physical characteristics, 2. Working Phase
body functions, appearance, behavior, 3. Closing Phase
measurements and laboratory testing
3. Validation Of Data
● Crucial part of assessment A. Non-verbal Communication
● The process through which data are ✔ Appearance
validated as being complete and accurate ✔ demeanor
● Data are reviewed for inconsistencies and ✔ facial expression
omissions. ✔ Attitude
● Examining the congruence between
subjective and objective data. B. Verbal communication
1. Open ended questions
4. Documenting Of Data ● An open-ended question is designed to
● It serves as the database for the entire encourage a full, meaningful answer
nursing process and provides data for all using the subject's own knowledge and/or
other members of health care team. feelings
● Proper documentation is vital ● Typically begins with the word “how or
PROCESS OF DATA ANALYSIS ● Open-ended questions also tend to be
more objective and less leading than
Often called as a Nursing Diagnosis; The clinical
closed-ended questions
judgment about individual, family or community
2. Close ended Questions

● Closed ended questions are those ✔ Wear mask or protective eye goggles
questions, which can be answered finitely ✔ if you are likely to be splashed with blood
by either “yes” or “no.” or other body fluids
● It deals with facts and focus on a specific
information. Inspection
● Usually begins with “when and did” ● Uses the sense of vision, smell, and
Other ways of verbal communication: ● Starts once you meet the client
✔ Laundry list
✔ Rephrasing Guidelines for inspection:
✔ Well placed phrases ✔ Comfortable room temperature
✔ Inferring ✔ Good lighting and exposure is essential
✔ Providing information ✔ Begins with the survey of the clients
appearance and a comparison of the right
HEALTH HISTORY OF THE PATIENT and left side of the body
● COLDSPA - Character, Onset, Location, ✔ Inspect each body part unhurriedly for the
Duration, Severity, Pattern, Associated size, shape, color, texture, symmetry,
factors movement, eruptions and positions then
● Lifestyle and Health practices: compare with the opposites side of the
o ADL’s body
o social activities ✔ Use additional light (provided by the
o relationships penlight) in inspecting cavities
o education and work ✔ Inspection should not only involve visual
o stress level and coping styles skill but also olfaction (smell), sense of
o environment smell may detect abnormalities that cannot
be seen
OBJECTIVE DATA ✔ Ask a colleague to confirm the assessment
✔ Assessing vital signs when in doubt
✔ Physical assessment ✔ Look and observe before touching
✔ Preparing the equipment for PE
✔ Preparing the physical setting Palpation
✔ Preparing the Client
● Using parts of the hand to touch and feel
Equipment: ● Light palpation - very little or no
Gloves, Sphygmomanometer, Stethoscope, Calipers, depression ( less than 1cm)
Tape measure, Weighing scale, Penlight, Snellen’s ● Moderate palpation - depress the skin
Chart, Opthalmoscope, Otoscope, Tuning fork, surface (1 to 2 cm)
Reflex hammer, Speculum
● Deep palpation - surface depression of
PREPARING ONESELF: (2.5 cm to 5 cm)
● Bimanual palpation - using two hands
1. Wash hands placing one on each side of the body part
✔ Before beginning the examination
✔ Immediately after accidental direct contact
with blood or other body fluids
✔ After completing the physical examination.

2. Wear gloves
✔ if you have an open cut or skin abrasion
✔ if the client has an open wound
✔ if you are collecting body fluids for
✔ if you are handling contaminated surfaces
✔ when performing an examination of the
mouth an open wound, genitalia, vagina or

Percussion Guidelines on Auscultation:

✔ Eliminate distracting noises
Involves striking or tapping the body parts to ✔ Expose body part you are going to
produce sound waves. It is use to determine size auscultate
and shape of organs and masses and to determine ✔ Diaphragm for high pitch sounds
whether the underlying tissues is solid, filled with ✔ Bell for low pitch sounds
fluid or air. Use also to elicit pain and reflexes. It is
most commonly use to assess the thoracic and Midstream Catch
abdominal structures.
● Direct percussion - it is the direct tapping ✔ Antiseptic solution
of the fone or two fingertips to determine ✔ Sterile water or saline
tenderness ✔ Sterile specimen container
● Blunt percussion - use to determine ✔ Gloves
tenderness to organs ✔ Soap, water, washcloth and towel
● Indirect percussion - most commonly ✔ Specimen identification label
used method; produces a sound that or ✔ Laboratory requisition form
tone that varies with density of the
underlying structures Nursing Considerations:
1. Assess level of client’s understanding on
Techniques On How To Percuss: purpose of the test and method of
✔ Place the middle of your non dominant collecting.
hand on the body part you are going to 2. Assess client’s mobility and balance.
percuss 3. Refer to medical record for indications of
✔ Keep the other fingers of the body part urinary infection.
✔ Use the pad of the middle finger of the
other hand to strike the middle finger of the Procedure:
dominant hand a. Identify the client. Perform hand hygiene
✔ Withdraw finger immediately after tapping b. Provide privacy
✔ Deliver two quick taps and listen to the c. Give client towel and soap with water to
tone clean the perineum
✔ Use quick sharp taps by quickly flexing d. Open sterile kit, or prepare sterile tray
your wrist e. Apply sterile gloves
f. Pour antiseptic sol’n over cotton balls
Common Errors in Percussion: g. Perform urine collection
● Generating the percussion stroke from the
forearm rather than from the wrist Male client:
● Generating the percussion stroke from the 1. Clean the meatus in circular motion (center
finger rather from the wrist to out)
● Holding the striking finger against the 2. Rinse area with sterile water and dry
positioned finger, rather than releasing it 3. After client has initiated urine, pass urine
immediately after the impact specimen container into stream and collect
● Failing to keep the other fingers from 30 to 60 ml of urine .
touching the ‘drum’ finger
Female Client:
● Using excessive force, particularly with
1. Spread labia with thumb and forefinger
children and elderly clients
using non dominant hand
● Creation of the ‘woodpecker syndrome’.
2. Use dominant hand to clean the area with
This the delivery of more than two rapid
the swab moving from front to back
consecutive strikes to the ‘drum’ finger
3. Rinse and dry
4. While holding the labia apart, initiate urine
stream into the toilet and after stream is
It is a skill of listening to the sounds produced by achieved, pass specime bottle to stream
the with the use of stethoscope. an collect 30 to 60 ml of urine

Both for male and female: 2. Assess for signs of urinary tract infection
3. Assess the indwelling catheter for built in
1. Remove specimen container before flow of sampling port or type of material which it is
urine stops made
2. Replace cap securely on specimen
container Stool Exam:
3. Cleanse urine from exterior surface of the
specimen bottle Used to assess gross appearance of the stool and
4. Remove and discard gloves presence of ova/parasites
5. Label specimen and attach laboratory
requisition. 1. Secure sterile specimen container
6. Take laboratory specimen within 15 to 20 2. Instruct the patient to defecate in a bedpan
minutes. 3. Use tongue depressor to collect the
Collecting Sterile Specimen from 4. Collect one teaspoonful or 1 inch of well
formed stool.
an indwelling catheter 5. Label the specimen immediately to the
Equipments: laboratory.
✔ 3ml syringe or 20 ml syringe
✔ alcohol, povidone iodine or other
Other Diagnostic Exams
disinfectant swab
1. Radiology: is the branch or speciality of
✔ Clamp or rubber band
medicine that deals with the study and application
✔ Specimen container
of imaging technology like x-ray and radiation to
✔ Clean gloves
diagnosing and treating disease.
✔ Specimen identification label
● Originally it was the aspect of medical
✔ Laboratory requisition form
science dealing with the use of
Procedure: electromagnetic energy emitted by X-ray
1. Perform hand hygiene machines or other such radiation devices
2. Clamp drainage tubing with clamp or for the purpose of obtaining visual
rubber band for 30 minutes information as part of medical imaging.
3. Return to room and inform the client that Radiology that involves use of x-ray is
procedure is about to begin called roentgenology. The modern day
4. Perform hand hygiene and put on gloves radiological imaging is no longer limited to
5. Position client so that catheter is easily the use of x-rays, and now includes
technology-intensive imaging with high
6. Clean entry port for needle with a
disinfectant frequency sound waves, magnetic fields,
7. Insert needle at 45 degree angle to the and radioactivity.
catheter’s sampling port or to a self sealing o Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen first
catheter. discovered x-radiation on 8
8. Draw urine on a 3ml syringe (culture) 20 ml November 1895 at the Physical
syringe ( for routine urinalysis) Institute of Würzburg University.[1]
9. Transfer urine from syringe to a container He named the radiation he had
10. Place lid tightly on a container discovered "X-radiation". This term
11. Unclamp catheter and allow the flow into is still in use today in the
drainage bag. Anglo-American region.
12. Dispose soiled supplies, discard gloves
13. Secure and attach properly the 2. Ultrasound: High-frequency sound waves.
identification label and requisition form Ultrasound waves can be bounced off of tissues
14. Send specimen label to the laboratory using special devices. The echoes are then
immediately. converted into a picture called a sonogram.
Ultrasound imaging, referred to as
Nursing considerations: ultrasonography, allows physicians and patients to
get an inside view of soft tissues and body
1. Assess client’s understanding the need for cavities, without using invasive techniques.
specimen collection Ultrasound is often used to examine a fetus during

pregnancy. There is no convincing evidence for

any danger from ultrasound during pregnancy.

3. CT Scan: it allows for a detailed image to be

taken of the internal tissues of the body.CT is an
abbreviation for computed tomography. In fact a
powerful computer works to put up together the
large amount of information obtained by this test
into a detailed picture of the body.

● CT scan uses xrays from, multiple different

points around the patient to obtain their
images and therefore expose the patient to
some radiation

4. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): Magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) is the newest, and
perhaps most versatile, medical imaging
technology available. Doctors can get highly
refined images of the body's interior without
surgery, using MRI. By using strong magnets and
pulses of radio waves to manipulate the natural
magnetic properties in the body, this technique
makes better images of organs and soft tissues
than those of other scanning technologies. MRI is
particularly useful for imaging the brain and spine,
as well as the soft tissues of joints and the interior
structure of bones. The entire body is visible to the
technique, which poses few known health risks.

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