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A: Hi Alicia, what was your lunch menu today?

B: Hello, today I had a delicious rice with chicken for lunch with its potato a la huancaína, you?

A: I had my favorite food for lunch, ceviche from the “Cuzco” restaurant.

B: Wow, yummy, my favorite food is chicken pot from the “Zazon” restaurant.

A: How is that restaurant?

B: It is large and well known because different celebrities from entertainment have attended

A: In the restaurant where I have lunch, I won the national award for "best Peruvian ceviche"

B: Wow, I have to go to that restaurant to try that delicious ceviche

A: How often do you come there?

B: I usually eat there when my mom will be late from work or when we want to go out to eat
as a family, do you?

A: I go 3 days a week just to eat its representative dish, which is ceviche, and I also think it
participates in the “best chicken and rice” contest.

B: Wow, if I win the contest I'll start going to the same restaurant as you.

A: eating together at the same table how exciting, well I have to go home, take care

B: Ok, you too take care

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