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Vocabularies in a dormitory:
1. Roommate : teman kamar
2. House mother : ibu asrama
3. Parenting activity : kegiatan pengasuhan
4. Clean up corridor : membersihkan koridor
5. Tidy up bedroom : merapikan kamar tidur
6. Iron my skirt : menyetrika rokku
7. Dry clothes : menjemur pakaian
8. Work together: bekerja bakti
9. Dorm Regulation/rules : peraturan asrama
10. Queue/line up : mengantri
11. Do the morning parade : melakukan apel pagi
12. Hangout in Balcony : bersantai di balkon (teras lantai atas)
13. Clothes line : tali jemuran
14. Treat you a box of pizza : mentraktirmu sekotak pizza
15. Have dinner together : makan malam bersama
16. Have breakfast : sarapan pagi
17. Have lunch : Makan siang
18. Take a Pray : shalat
19. Take maghrib prayer together : shalat maghrib berjamaah
20. Perform ablution : berwudhu
21. Take a bath/take a shower : mandi
22. Wash hair : mandi keramas
23. Wash up/wash dishes :mencuci piring
24. do the laudry : mencuci pakaian
25. School health clinic : UKS (unit kesehatan sekolah)
26. Extracurriular : ekstrakulikuler/ekskul
27. Afternoon course : Belajar sore/les
28. Night independent Learning : belajar malam (secara mandiri)
29. Be in quarantine : lagi dikarantina

Conversation sample in a dormitory:

Situation 1:
Keisya: hello Dilla.
Dilla: hello Kei.
Keisya: what’s wrong with you? You look sad.
Dilla: ugh. I was late for taking shubuh prayers and I just have one chance for our home visit
(pesiar) this week.
Keisya: ahh, I see. But, that’s okay. You must be wise with your last chance. Don’t stay up late
Dilla: yeah I’ll try my best. Wish me luck Kei.
Keisya: Of course. Fighting for our home visit!

Situation 2:
Zahra: Where are you going Anita?
Anita: I want to go to Syifa’s room. She called us because her mom brought some cakes.
Zahra: Really? Why didn’t she call me?
Anita: She called you too, but you were having dinner in the dining room.
Zahra: so let’s go to Syifa’s room.
Anita: if about cakes you’re so excited!!

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