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Chapterwise MCQ’s for Second sessional theory exam

RJSPM’s Institute of Pharmacy, Dudulgaon Pune First Sessional Theory Exam 2020-21 F.Y.D.Pharmacy
Subject:- Human Anatomy & Physiology (0809) Faculty Name:- Mr. Swapnil M. Kale


Chapter no 6: The Lymphatic system

Which of the following is not component of Lymphatic
1 SA node Lymph node Lymph capillaries Lymph vessels
Absorption of fat
2 Function of Lymphatic system includes All The option Tissue damage and fat soluble
Large and small Gall bladder and
3 Spleen lies in between.. Stomach and diaphragm Two kidney
intestine stomach
Who is responsible to form specific antibodies and Afferent lymph
4 Spleen Thymus Lymphatic tissue
antitoxins passed into blood? vessels
The electrical changes occurring bin the contracting
5 myocardium is detected by attached electrode to body ECG EEG CT-SCAN MRI
surface is plotted by..
6 Which of the following is not part of Excretory organs? Vomitary canal Kidneys Lungs Alimentary canal
7 Enlargement of spleen is known as Splenomegaly Hepatomegaly Spleen hypotrophy Splenocytes
Which of the following is not directly associated with
8 Carotid arteries Collecting duct Subclavian vein Lymphatic trunk
the lymphatic pathway?
Calcium metabolism is controlled by.. Parathyroid gland Thyroid gland Thymus gland
9 Suprarenal gland
Largest lymph organs is.. Spleen Thymus Liver Kidney

11 Fine capillary vessels within tissue space are called.. lymph capillaries lymph nodes lymphatic vessels lymph nodes
Chapter no 7: The Cardiovascular system

1 Electrocardiogram is used for the examination of.. Heart Kidney Lungs Abdomen
The amount of blood ejected from the heart at each
2 Stroke volume Cardiac output Heart rate Heart volume
contraction of the ventricles is called..
The organ which separates the thoracic and abdominal Diaphragm Heart Stomach
3 cavities is known as?

In which layer of heart specialized cardiac muscle are

4 Myocardium Endocardium Pericardium Parietal layer
5 Which structure is known as pacemaker of heart SA node AV node Bundle of his Purkinje fibers
Which of the following does not effect on blood Elasticity of blood Peripheral
6 Components of blood Cardiac output
pressure? vessals resistence
Which of the following blood vessels contain
7 Pulmonary artery Pulmonary Vein Aorta Carotid artery
Deoxygenated blood?
The brain stem is composed of: The spinal cord,
The medulla, pons, mid The cerebrum, The thalamus,mid
8 axon,
brain cerebellum, pons brain, pons
The vessels collect blood from different parts of the
9 Veins Arteries Lymphatic vessels Circulatory vessels
body and empty their content in the heart are called..
10 Which of the given is not part of heart muscles? Epicardium Pericardium Myocardium Endocardium
In which body cavity heart is situated Thoracic Pelvic Abdominal Cranial
The valve separating the right atrium from the right
12 Tricuspid valve Ventricle valve Atria valve Vertical septum
ventricle is called..
2 atrium and 4 1 atrium and 3 2 atrium and 3
The chambers found in heart are.. 2 atrium and 2 ventricles
13 ventricles ventricles ventricles

In a healthy adult stroke volume is approximately.. 70 ml 60 ml 65 ml 55 ml

In a person if tachycardia occurs then a cardiac output First decreases then
15 Increases Decreases Remains unchanged
will be? increases
16 In an adult systolic blood pressure is? 120 mm of Hg 80 mm of Hg 110 mm of Hg 130 mm of Hg
Who Carrie’s the oxygenated blood to various parts of
17 body.. Aorta Inferior venacava pulmanory artery Pulmonary veins

18 Blood pressured is measured in which term/unit mmHg MMHG mMHg mmHG

Which factor affect the blood pressure chose the
19 Environment Emotional Physiological Age
incorrect options

Chapter no 8: The Respiratory system

1 Exchange gases between blood and lungs are called as? External respiration Internal respiration Excretion Oxygenation
In given following organs which is not an organ of
2 Oesophagus Bronchi Larynx Pharynx
respiratory system?
3 Which structure is known as voice box? Larynx Trachea Pharynx Intercostal muscles
4 Number of intercostals muscles in human being are.. 11 pairs 9 pairs 10 pairs 12 pairs
The organ which separates the thoracic and abdominal
5 Diaphragm Heart Stomach Lung
cavities is known as?
The air remaining in the lungs after forceful expiration Expiratory reserve Functional residual
6 Residual volume Vital capacity
is known as? volume capacity
7 The tiny air sacs present in human lungs is called.. Alveoli Bronchus Bronchioles Trachea
Which of the following are not parts of the human
8 Ventricles Diaphragm The lungs Trachea
respiratory system?
After gases exchange of the air removed by the process
9 Exhalation Inhalation Expiration Inspiration
Parts of respiratory system involves following
10 Thymus Nose Trachea Bronchi
organs except
Which organ involves in respiratory as well as
11 Pharynx Larynx Trachea Thyroid
digestive systems
12 Principal organs of respiration is Lungs Alveoli Bronchioles Nose

Chapter no 9: Urinary system

Which of the following is the normal constituent of the
1 Urea Glucose Blood Protein
2 The apex of the renal pyramid is called Renal papillae Renal pelvis Minor calyx Ureter
3 Urinary system consists of following parts except Prostate Urinary bladder Ureter Urethra
4 kidney is in colure Reddish brown Reddish red Brown Whitish red
Which of the following is the last part of urinary
5 system
Urethra reanl vein Urinary bladder Real vein
absence of urine or complete suppression of urine is
6 Anuria Oliguria Polyuria Dysuria
called as..
Nephritis it means …… of kidney
7 Inflammation Anuria Oliguria Polyuria
8 The location of the kidney is.. Back abdominal cavity Renal cortex Renal medulla Renal column
9 The presence of sugar in urine is called as. Glycosuria Renal failure Glomeruli Allergic
Excretory organ in the human body are as follows
10 Oesophagus alimentary canal Lungs Kidney
Which of the Following is not the function of control levels of regulate blood
11 blood circulation urine formation
kidney? electrolytes pressure
12 The structural and functional unit of kidney is nephron Axon Glomeruli Neuron

Chapter no 10: Skeleton muscles

The Muscles which occupy the space between the ribs
1 Intercostal muscles Bronchial muscles Smooth muscles Inter-ribs muscles
is called..
What is function of tendons To bind the cell in
To link Bones to To link muscles to
2 To link muscles to bones compact bone
bone ligaments
closer together
Which of the following muscle present in stomach and
3 intestine
Involuntary muscle Skeletal muscle Striated muscle Cardiac muscle
4 The muscle an bones joined together by.. Tendon Ligament Bone marrow Spinal cord
5 Each muscle fiber is covered by a fibrous tissue called.. Endomycium Epimycium Perimycium Ethimycium
The muscle membrane through nerve fiber passes
6 called as.
Sarcolemma Skeletal muscle Acetylcholine Muscle stone
Which of the following enzyme responsible of
7 Acetylcholine Atropine Amorphine Sacrolemma
stimulation of muscle Fibers
8 The chemical change occurs muscle as result of the. Contraction Relaxation Absorption Reduction
Which of the following is not the property of
9 muscle relaxation muscle contraction muscle tone muscle fatigue
Which of the following is not the covering layer of
10 Ethimycium Endomycium Perimycium Epimycium
striated muscle fiber?
Chapter no 11: The Central Nervous System
All the nervous tissue outside the brain and spinal cord
1 is the part of……nervous system.
Peripheral Central Somatic Automatic
Which of the following neuron transmits signals from
2 Sensory Motor Inter euro Ganglion
the PNS to the center nervous system?
3 The largest part of human brain is? Cerebrum Hypothalamus Mid brain Hind brain
4 The outer tissue of spinal cord is? White matter Grey matter Grey columns Both a and b
Fluid present in and around brain and spinal cord is Cerebrospinal fluid
5 Saliva Synovial fluid Water
known as? (CSF)
6 Which is not a part of brain stem? Cerebellum Pons Medulla oblongata Mid brain
The largest lobe of cerebral hemisphere is.. Temporal
7 Frontal Occipital Parietal
The presence in front cerebellum below midbrain and
8 Medulla oblongata Hypothalamus Pia mater Cerebrum
above the.
9 Which the following part of the neuron. Dendrites CNS Dura mater ANS
Which of the following control muscular body
10 Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Pons Thalamus
Which nervous system enables the person to autonomic nervous central nervous peripheral sympathetic
adjust with internal environment? system system nervous system nervous system
12 What is the location of spinal cord? neural canal vertebral column lumbar vertebra cervical vertebra
Thirty one pairs of nerves arise from spinal cord
13 spinal nerves sensory nerves sensory nerves cranial nervs
are known as..
14 The vital centers of the body present in.. medulla oblongata pons varolii Forebrain Midbrain
Which lobe of the brain processing visual
15 occipital lobe temporal lobe parietal lobe frontal lobe
information from eyes?

Mr. Swapnil M. Kale

Subject Teacher

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