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SOCIAL GROUPS AFFECTING CHANGES IN THE CURRICULUM Social grouping is unavoidable in a society. It is the nature of men to live in groups.

The two principal reasons why men tend to group themselves are because of the gregariousness, which is the tendency of men; the other reason is because it is necessity for men to group themselves to do things which one man alone cannot do. TWO GENERAL TYPES OF GROUPS There are two types of groups. These are the (1) Involuntary groups and (2) voluntary groups. INVOLUNTARY GROUPS- are groups into which members are born. The members doesn't have no other choice but to be members of the group they born into. Whether they like it or not. These are the following. a.)FAMILY-basic unit of society composed of the father, mother and children. b.)NEIGHBORHOOD-immediate vicinity of a family and composed of households which are close together. c.)BARANGAY/BARRIO-smallest political unit composed of neighborhood. d.)TOWN OR MUNICIPALITY-next larger political unit composed of barangay/barrios. e.)PROVINCE -political entity composed of towns or municipality. f.)REGION -compost of provinces g.)NATION -the whole country. 2) VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS OR GROUPS-are groups in which an individual can choose the group to which he wants to belong. The following are said to be voluntary groups: a.)PLAY GROUPS-composed of children living in the same neighborhood. b.)PEER GROUPS-usually formed by adolescents. They are usually called "barkadas". c.)WORK GROUPS-formed by persons working in the same place such as factory workers, farmers, teachers etc. d.)SCHOOL GROUPS-schools are set up for educational purposes and children flocked to them and form groups, school groups. e.)CHURCH GROUPS-people who have the same religious beliefs and practices group themselves and form a church. f.)PURPOSIVE VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS- are associations that are organized for certain purpose/s. Some aims for recreation, charity, brotherhood or purely social. GENERAL FUNCTIONS AND ADVANTAGES OF SOCIAL GROUPS 1.EDUCATION-acquired not only from a formal school system but from the community as well which knowledge, skills, language, values, attitudes, habits, practices etc are transmits from one person to another by observation, imitation, participation or by personal instructions. But of course, school is the best dispenser of learning. 2. PROTECTION-it is true among tribal group. People of a tribe usually unite or join together to ward off the intrusions of other tribes. 3. PERPETUATION OF THE RACE-which is a function of the family. By sexual reproduction and rearing of the youth perpetuation of the race is ensured. 4. SOCIAL CONTROL-social approval for a good act is generally a strong motivation for individuals to act properly while a social disapproval for a bad act is also a strong deterrent to individuals to act properly. 5. IDEOLOGY-this is like when people may believe in some kind of administration and they group together to fight for their ideology. 6. REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES-when some people may feel that they have been deprived of certain rights and privileges and they gather together and stage a rally. 7. CHARITY-when people with soft heart organized and pool their resources to be able to help those in distress. 8. RECREATION-when people feel the drudge of their work or life they may form recreational clubs and activities. 9. RELIGION-most important function of the church is the salvation of the soul. It also serves as a means of social control. 10. EXPRESSION OF TALENTS-groups and event are often organized to provide channels for the expression of special talents, such as beauty contests, quiz bees, singing contests etc. 11. PROFESSIONAL ENHANCEMENT-the professions form association for the purpose of professional enhancement.

12. PURELY SOCIAL INTERACTION-gatherings such as birthday parties, wedding etc purpose as purely social interactions. INSTITUTIONAL GROUP AGENCIES FOR EDUCATION The family, the school and the church are the three institutional groups that serve as learning agencies. THE FAMILY -The smallest social institution. -Socially sanctioned group of persons united by kinship, marriage or adaptation, who share a common habitat generally and interact according to well-defined social roles that maintain and protect its members and protect its members and perpetuate the society.-Betrand -Composed of a father, a mother and their children. EDUCATIVE FUNCTION OF THE FAMILY (HOME) 1. Healthful living Children are taught to eat properly and eat healthy foods, to brush their teeth regularly; to take a bath regularly; to keep them always clean and neat. Also they are taught to keep the house clean. 2. Ethical standards Spiritual, moral and desirable social values are taught to them in simpler ways so that they will have some ideas about what is right and what is wrong. 3. Socialization The children are taught about their roles and status and society, ;ltheir roles as children, as students THE SCHOOL -A school is an institution established by a society in which the accumulation experiences of the past generations are passed on to the incoming generations by means of systematized programs of instructions. -the school is the center ojf learning as far as formal education is concerned. -the three components of the school are the ;teachers, the pupils and the place where the teaching-learning activities takes place. FUNCTION OF THE SCHOOL 1.CONSERVATIVE FUNCTION -the school conserve and preserves through the libraries and other devices recorded accumulated experience of the past generation such as knowledge, inventions etc. 2.INSTRUCTIONAL FUNCTION -the main concern of the school is to pass on the accumulated experiences of the pat generations to the incoming generations. 3. RESEARCH FUNCTION -the school conducts research to improve the old ways doing things or to discover the unknown facts or systems to improve quality of life.

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