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Influences Presentation

Lindsay Conner

Sample Outline

I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter: Have you ever really thought about all of the things that have molded
you to the moment where are now? It is very humbling to think about all of the people,
events, and places that have come together to impact our lives and help develop each of
us into the people that we are, at this point right now.
B. Thesis: Today, I would like to take the opportunity to tell you a little about the influences
in my life that have molded me into the person that I am.
C. As I continue, we will discuss a person, place and event that each have greatly
influenced my life.

II. First, I would like to tell you about one of the people that has had the biggest influence in my
life, my Mom.
A. I admire my Mom for so many reasons.
1. My Mother has the strongest faith of any person I have every met.
a. Regardless of what is going on in her life, she turns to her faith and
her Savior to guide her.
b. She also plays the piano for our church, leads children’s choir, goes to
Bible Study regularly and never misses an opportunity to be a servant.
2. My Mother has so many qualities that I wish I had.
a. My Mother only speaks kind words and she has unwavering patience.
b. My Mother always thinks before she speaks and chooses every word
very carefully.
c. My Mother finds the good in even the worst situation and encourages
( and prays) that others will find the strength to do the same.
B. My Mother has strength that I never really realized she had.
1. A few years ago my Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer.
a. My Mother’s had she has had surgery, chemotherapy and will
soon begin radiation.
b. She handled all of the challenges with such strength and grace,
not questioning why, but ready to tackle the challenge ahead.
2. What amazed me most about my Mom, is that with her diagnosis, her concern
was not about the road she had ahead, but rather any genetic implications this
would mean for my sister and I. She immediately requested genetic testing to
ensure that this was not passed to us.
C. When I think about my Mom, there are so many qualities about her that make me
honored and humbled by the fact that I was blessed to have her as my Mom.
III. Next, I will tell you about a place that has shaped my life.
A. There are many places that are precious to me. My Grandparent’s and Parent’s
home. My home. Baylor University, where I was so blessed to attend college and
graduate school.
B. However, when I think about one place that means the most, it would be the church
that I grew up in and still attend, First Baptist Church in Kerens.
1. You see, I know that because the sanctuary of our church burned to the
ground several years ago.
2. Seeing the church I grew up in, completely burned was devastating to me. I
had to change my route to work for a while, because I would cry when I drove
passed it.
C. Now the sanctuary has been rebuilt and it is beautiful. I am making many memories
in the new building, but have so many more in the old one.
1. When I think about my church, I see my Grandfather, who I sat with every
Sunday until he passed away.
2. I think about my Mom playing the piano, where she does every Sunday, only
missing a few weeks because of chemotherapy.
3. I think of my Dad, who always gives me my bulletin when I walk in the door.
He usually gives me a look because I am running late. I also am always
amazed, that I am not sure the last time he heard a sermon because he counts
the offering every week.
4. When I look around my church, I see all of the people who have supported
me, prayed for me, and loved me literally since I was born.
D. Finally, the church is the place where I can go back and realize that I made the most
important decision of my life, to dedicate my life to Christ. My church symbolizes my
faith, my family, my friends, my past, and my future.

IV. Finally, I will tell you about an experience that has effected my life.
A. While this isn’t exactly an experience, it has definitely impacted my life.
B. When I was 14, I started to have migraines, which quickly developed into chronic
daily migraines.
C. For the past 22 years of my life, I have had a migraine, pretty much 24 hours a day/ 7
days a week
D. So, how has this affected my life? I really try not to think of all the ways it has
negatively affected my life, but I do try to think of the positive ways it has.
1. This has taught me to always give people the benefit of the doubt. I say often,
“You never really know what people are going through.” I try to keep that in mind,
because no one every really knows what I am going through.
2. My experience has helped me in working with students through the years. I
have been shocked by the number of students, in college or high school, that
have struggled with migraines or chronic pain and I was able to truly listen to
them, help them and say that I understood.
3. Next, this has helped me really enjoy myself when I feel good. When I may
be tired in the evening or afternoon, if I feel ok, I try to do something fun and
enjoy my time.
E. Chronic pain has also taught me a lot about myself.
1. I have realized that I am stronger than I thought I was.
2. When I think back to the years I have been in pain and that I finished college,
graduate school (twice), while maintaining a full time and part time job, I am
proud of myself.
F. My experience with chronic pain has also taught me how blessed I am to have my
1. I was blessed with parents that truly would go to any extent to help me.
2. My parents have been a constant support for me when my strength was
wavering over these years.

V. Conclusion
A. In conclusion, today I have discussed with you some of the major influences in my
B. We discussed a person, place and event that has truly had an impact on me.
C. When you think back at all the things that have influenced your life, it amazing to
think of how many more will come into your life in the future and will continue to mold us
into the way we are.

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