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My Favourite Hobbies

Today I am going to tell you about my hobbies. My favourite hobbies are

playing basketball, drawing, reading and listening to music. Firstly, I feel a
great sense of enjoyment from playing basketball because basketball gives me
lots of fun and happiness. Basketball not only releases a lot of the stress, which I
get from school and homework, but it also helps me keep fit. I play basketball
with my brother and my neighbours every Saturday and Sunday. Now the
second of my favourite hobbies is drawing. Drawing lets me feel at peace with
myself and quite relaxed. I like to draw many different drawings and I spend
most of my spare time drawing while also listening to music at the same time. I
like to create my pictures in both pencil and colour. I signed up in a drawing
club. I have drawn many different paintings and I participated in drawing
competitions. My bedroom is decorated with my beautiful paintings. Thirdly,
one of my other favourite hobbies is reading books, stories and magazines. I
have a huge number of them. I usually read them at night before sleeping.
Reading gives me pleasure, fun and knowledge. Finally, music is also a big part
of my life. I listen to many different types of music. For example, I love jazz,
classical, pop and even rock. Every time that I do my homework, I will put my
headphones on and listen to the music from my phone. I have more than 800
songs. Music gives me immense pleasure .My hopes now are to be able to
improve my basketball, my reading and my drawing skills...perhaps my singing
skills too!

Dialogue: what do you do in your spare

- What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
- Well I do quite a lot of sport actually, I enjoy swimming.
- Wow! So interesting. When do you usually practise it?
- I go swimming every Sunday after I finish my homework. There is a very
good pool just around the corner from our house.
- How about you Jane? Do you have a lot of free time?
- To be honest with you I am working quite hard at the moment so I don`t
get a lot of free time, unfortunately. I just have free time on the weekends.
- What do you like to do on the weekends?
- On the weekends, I like to cook and invite my friends around dinner. As
you know I’m a big fan of cooking programs and I often try to copy the
recipes and sometimes I`m really into cycling.
- Oh really? In addition to being fond of swimming, I like swimming by the
way. Who do you go cycling with?
- Sometimes on my own, sometimes with my friends. You should come
with us next time.
- Thanks, that sounds great!

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