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of Research in Macketing 12 (1995)39-54

What is the role of consideration sets in choice modeling?

Joel L. Horowitz a,., Jordan J. Louviere b
a Department of Economics, Unicersity of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242, USA.
b Department of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, Unicersity of Sydney, New South Wales 2006, Australia


This p a p e r reports an empirical investigation of the role of consumer consideration sets in modeling consumers'
choices among discrete alternatives. Much of the marketing literature treats formation of a consideration set as the
first step in a two-step choice process. T h e second step of this process consists of choosing an alternative from the
consideration set. Only considered alternatives can he chosen. This p a p e r presents evidence that o p e r a t / o r ~
consideration sets are simply indicators of preferences. For the choice settings we investigate, choice need ~o~ he
modeled as a two-step process in which a consideration step precedes choice. Modeling choice this way may lead to a
misspecified model that makes erroneous forecasts. However, data on consumers' consideration sets can provide an
analyst with information about preferences that may he used to increase the efficiency with which the parameters of
a choice model are estimated.

Keywords: Random utili,~ model; Discrete choice; Choice set

1. Introduction Wright and Barbour (1977). Their def'm/fion is

similar to the definitions of "evoked sets" (How-
This paper reports an empirical investigation ard and Sheth, 1969) and "acceptable brands'"
of the role of consumer consideration sets in (Be!onax, 1979).
modeling consumers' choices among discrete al- Much research (e.g., Narayana and Markham,
ternatives. The marketing literature on considera- 1975; Wright and Barbour, 1977; Bettman, 1979)
tion sets and related topics suggests that the views consideration as part of a multistage pro-
consideration set consists of the brands or prod- cess leading to choice. See Shocker et aL (1991)
ucts (alternatives more generally) among which a for a recent review ar..d discussion of research
consumer makes choices. This set need not coin- issue,. For example, consideration sets may re-
cide with the set of all possible alternatives be- flect the costs of acquiring and processing infor-
cause some alternatives may not be considered. mation about alternative brands (Hauser and
The term "consideration set" we-s introduced by Wernerfelt, 1990; Roberts and Lattin, 1991). T'aey
may also reflect exogenous constraints on choice
(Gaudry and Dagenais, 1979; Swait, 19~; Swait
" Corresponding author. Fax: (319) 335-1956; e-mail: and Ben-Aldva, 1987; Ratneshwar and Shocker, 1991). Support for the proposition that con-

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40 Z L. Horowitz, Jd. Lout,iere /Intern. J. o f Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54

sumers do not consider all alternatives when choice using a consideration stage may lead to a
making choices has been given by Ratchford misspecified model that would provide erroneous
(1980) and Shugan (1980). There is some evi- forecasts. However, when it is computationally
dence that rest.tiering choice models to alterna- feasible to do so, information about consideration
t~'es that are considered improves predictions of sets can be used by the analyst to improve estima-
choice (Silk and Urban, 1978; Hauser and Gaskin, tion and prediction efficiency in a prope,rly speci-
1984; Gensch, !987). fied choice model.
The size and composition of consideration sets The remainder of the paper is organized as
have been investigated by Reilly and Parkinson follows. Section 2 describes the theoretical frame-
(1985), Narayana and Markham (1975), Brown work of our approach. Section 3 describes the
and Wfldt (1987), and Hauser and Werneffelt data used in the empirical research. Section 4
(1990). Formal behavioral models of the forma- presents the results of the empirical work. Sec-
tion of consideration sets have been proposed by tion 5 presents some implications of the empirical
R o b e , s (1989), Roberts and Lattin (1991), Hauser results, and Section 6 presents the conclusions of
and Wernerfelt (1990) and Nedungadi (1987, this research.
I990). Gensch (1987) proposed a model in which
the processes of choice set formation and choice
are simultaneous. 2. Theoretical foundation
Hauser and Wernerfeit (1990) and Roberts
and Lmtin (1991) proposed utility-maximizing In this paper, we consider two operational
models of consideration set formation for nomi- definitions of consideration sets. The definitions
nod product classes. Hauser and Werneffelt de- correspond to measurement using unaided
veloped a model of consideration set formation (evoked) and aided recall. They are:
that represents a tradeoff between costs of think- Definition 1: The response to the request, "List
ing and information acquisition and the benefits ail the brands [of a specified product] that you
expected from finding the fight choice. They would seriously consider buying and using your-
•~ested their model on aggregate distributions of self."
consideration sets. Roberts and Lattin (1991) pro- Definition 2: The response to the request, "Check
posed a shrfilar model and tested its implications the brands on the list below that you would
on individual-level consideration sets and product seriously consider buying and usinv yourself."
The use of consumer consideration sets in The objective of the research is to test the
choice modeling has largely been justified on the following hypothesis about the relation of consid-
grounds that including a consideration stage (1) eration sets to preferences and choices under
provides a more realistic representation of the each of the foregoing definitions of the consider-
choice process, and (2) leads to improved fore- ation set:
casts and a better explanation of consumer be-
havior. However, in the absence of direct obser- Main hypothesis: An individual's preferences
vations of choice processes, it is wise to remain among the entire set of available alternatives can
open-rnmded .,bout whether consideration sets be described by a utility function that determines
really exist. In this paper we present evidence both the consideration set and the choice. The
that standard operational indicators of considera- utility of each alternative in the individual's con-
'don provide no ................. ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
sideraiion set is greater than the utility of every
rained in the consumer's utiliW function and, alternative not in this set.
therefore, are reflections of preferences. For the
choice settings we invest/gate, choice need not be According to the main hypothesis, preferences
modeled as a two-stage process in which a consid- exist without reference to the consideration set.
eration stage precedes choice. Indeed, modeling The consideration set provides information about
J.L. Horowitz, ZZ Louviere / Intern. J, of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54 4t

preferences and, therefore, utility. But under the where V is a function of the observed a t t r ~ t e s
main hypothesis, formation of the set does not (the systematic component of the uti|ity funcfiou)
represent a choice-modeling stage that is distinct and Ej is an unobserved random variable (the
from the final choice. Moreover, the considera- random component of the utility functkm), if the
tion set provides no information that is not avail- main hypothesis holds, the probability that an
able from the utility function. In particular, individual chooses alternative A t is
knowledge of the consideration set provides no
P ( A t l x) = P[V(Xl) + El > V(xj) + E~
additional information for forecasting choice if
the utility function is known. "¢j = 2 . . . . . 4]. (2)
In practice, of course, individuals' utility func-
tions are not known to analysts. At best an ana- We assume that the Ej are independendy and
lyst knows the systematic component of a random identically distributed with the type i extrem¢
utility function. Under the main hypothesis, an value distribution. Therefore, choice is described
analyst may be able to use knowledge of an by a muitinomial logit model (McFadden, 1974),
individual's consideration set to deduce informa- and
tion about the random component of the utility 4

function and, thereby, to improve the precision of P(Atlx ) = [exp V ( x t ) ] / E [exp V(xj)]. (3)
forecasts. This point is discussed further in Sec-
tion 5. P(A t) will be called the marginal probability of
We test the main hypothesis by (1) developing choosing alternative 1, meaning that this p r ~ a -
choice models that represent this hypothesis and bility does not use any information contained in
several alternatives to it, (2) estimating the mod- the consideration set.
els empirically using data described ~n Section 3, Now suppose that the consideration set is ob-
and (3) using the estimation results to test the served and has a single element. Under the main
main hypothesis against the alternatives. The hypothesis, this element is the chosen alternative.
models are derived in this section. The results of Therefore, conditional on there bei~g only one
estimating the models and testing the main hy- element in the consideration set, the joint proba-
pothesis against the alternatives are presented in bility of observing choice A~ and consideratma
Section 4. set C t = {At) is
Z 1. The model of the main hypothesis e ( A t , Cd L = l, x)
Let the set of all available alternatives consist = e [ v ( x t ) +e, > Z(xj) +Ej v j = 2 . . . . . 41 .
of the J elements A t . . . . . Aj. The models de- (4)
scribed in this section can be developed for any
In this special case the joint probability of the
value of J > 1, but several are very complex alge-
choice and the consideration set is the same as
braically if J is large. In the empirical part of this
the marginal probability of the choice. Moreover,
paper, J = 4. Therefore, we also assume in this
the probability of observing choice A t and any
section that J = 4 to minimize the complexity of
1-element consideration set other than Ca is zero.
the algebra. Let J~ denote the number of alterna-
Analogous equations apply to choices other than
tives in the consideration set. If J = 4, 1 _<J¢ _<4.
Let xj denote a K x 1 vector of observed A I•
Now let the consideration set have 2 e!ements.
attributes of alternative j, and let Ui(x) denote
Under the main hypothesis, one of these ele-
the utility of alternative j to an individual. Fol-
ments must be the chosen alternative. The other
lowing the standard approach of random utility
element can be any of the non-chosen alterna-
modeling, we assume that U~ can be written in
tives. If we assume that E is independent of the
the form
size of the consideration set, then conditionM on
vj = v ( x A +E~, (1) there being 2 elements in this set, the joint proba-
42 ZL. Horowitz, Z.L Louviere/Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54

bility of observing choice A t and consideration x). The details of the derivation are given in the
set Cl, = {At, Az} is appendix. To present the results, let P(Afl Aj,
P(A~, CnX~'~= 2, x) A k . . . . , x) denote the multinomial logit probabil-
ity that A i is chosen when the choice set is {Ap
= P [ V ( x 0 +~, > V(xj) +~ A~ . . . . }. For example,
V j = 2 . . . . . 4 and P ( A I [ A l, A 2, A 3, x)
V ( x z ) + e z > V(xj) + e~ Vj = 3, 4]. (5) 3
= [e~ v ( x , ) ] / E [exp V(~j)].
The probab~ty of observing choice A t and a j=l
2-eiement consideration set that does not contain
A t is zero. AnMogous equations apply to other Then
combinations of the choice and consideration sets. P(A,, Cll Jc= I, x)
If the consideration set has 3 elements and the
main hypothesis holds, one of the elements must = P(A1, C~z3alYc= 4, x)
be the chosen alternative and the others can be =P(A,IA,, A 2, A 3, A4, x), (8)
any 2 non-chosen alternatives. Conditional on
P ( A , , C121Jr =2, x)
set, the joint probability of observing choice A, = P ( A I I A l, A 2, A 3, A 4, x)
and consideration set C~z3 = {At, A2, A3} is
×P(A21 a2, A3, .44, x), (9)
e(At, c,~IL = 3, ~)
= e [ V ( x , ) + ~t > V(x~) + ~i
P(AI, C,231J~= 3, x)
W = 2 . . . . . 4 and
= P ( A l l A I , A2, h 3 , a 4 , x )
V(x2) + E 2 > V(x4) +E4 and
X[P(A21A2, A3, A4, x)
v ( ~ ) +,~ > v ( x , ) + ~,]. (6)
x P ( A 3 I A 3, A4, X)
The probability of observing choice A t and a
3-eiement consideration set that does not contain + P ( A 3 ! A 2, A3, A4, X)
A~ is zero. Analogous eqaations apply to other XP(A21A2, ,44, x)]. (10)
combinations of the choice and consideration set.
Fina~y, suppose that the consideration set has The corresponding equations for other combina-
4 elements. Then all alternatives me contained in tions of the choice and considecation set can be
the consideration set, and the consideration set obtained from (8)-(10) by permuting subscripts.
provides no information about preferences. Con- To obtain an empirically estimable model from
ditiona! on there being 4 elements in the consid- (8)-(10), it is necessary to specify V(x i) up to a
eration set, the probability that A~ is chosen and finite-dimensional parameter that can be esti-
that the consideration set is C~234= {A~, A z, A 3, mated from data. We use the specification
A4} is V(x~) = ffxi, (11)
P(A,, C=,I L = 4, x) where ~6 is a K x 1 parameter vector. Under this
= P [ V ( x , ) +E, > V ( x j ) + Ei Yj = 2 . . . . . 4]. specification
(7) P ( A l, C,IJc = 1, x )
Analogous equations hold for other choices. = P ( A t , C,:e41Jc-- 4, x ) .
When the ej have the type I extreme value 4
distribution, it is possible to derive closed-form = exp(/3'xl) / Y'. exp(/3'xj), (12)
e_~:pressions for the joint probabilities P(A, C I J,, j=l
ZL. Horowitz, J J , Louviere / Intern. Z of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54 43

P(A,, C,21Jc= 2 , x) The log-likelihood function is, therefore,

log L ' ( f l )
= e x p ( / 3 ' x , ) / E exp(13'x/ N
j=! = E log P[A(n), C(n), J~(n), x.,~]
ex e , (13) = g log t'[A(n), C(.)14(n), x . ]
+ Z log P [ 4 ( n ) , x . , ] . (I7)
e( & , cml 4 = 3, x) n=l
The first term on the fight-hand side of (17) is
= [exp(#'xt)/ ~=lexp(ffxj) ] determined by the structural model of (11)-(16).
The second term does net depend on the param-
eters /3 of the structural model since the main
X ( Z , + Z2), (14)
hypothesis does not specify how s'~. and x are
where generated. Therefore, the second term on the
[ * l right-hand side of (17) does not affect the e.~i-
Zt = [exp(ff x2)/i~=2exp(ff xj) l mate of/3, and maximum likelihood estLmad(m of
is equivalent to choosing/3 to maximize

×[exp(ffx3)/j~=3exP(/3'xj)], (15) log L ( / 3 ) = E log e[A(n), C(n)lJc(n), x.,~.

If the behavioral tht:~,~ included a structural
Z 2 = exp(ffx 3 exp 'x/ model for Jc(n),J~(n)
might depend on ~ throngll
the model. Making use of this relation wo,.gd
increase the precision with which/3 is esth-nated.
However, (18) is a valid log-likelihood function,
x exp(ffx2) / exp(ff~j . (16) for estimating /3 without a structural model for
k j,3 L(n).
Similar equations can be derived for other combi- Z2. Alternativemodels
nations of the choice and the consideration set. In this paper, the main hypothesis is te~ed by
The parameters /3 in the model of Eq. (11)- testing the model of (11)-(16) against three aRer-
(16) can be estimated by the method of mardmum native models. The alternative models and the
likelihood. To obtain the log-likeiihood function, test procedures used are described in this section.
let the estimation data consist of the observed
choices, consideration .sets, and explanatory vari- 2.2.I. A generalizationof (11)-(16)
ables of a random sample of N individuals. De- Eq. (11)-(16) specify the joint probability dis-
free A(n), C(n), Jc(n), and Xjn, respectively, to tribution of the chosen alternative and the con-
be the observed choice, consideration set, value sideration set. An alternative to this model is
of J~ and values of the explanatory variables sj given by (11)-(12) and
( j = 1. . . . . 4) for the nth sampled individual. Let P ( A 1 , C12! J c ~- 2, x)
x. n denote the entire set of variables x m (./=
1. . . . . 4). The probability of the observation [A(n), = [exp(ffx,)/j~ exp(/3'x~)]
C(n), Y,(n), X.n] is
e[ A(n), C(n), J,(n), x..] x exp(3,'xz)/ ~ exp('/x/) , (19)
=P[A(n), C(n)l J , ( n ) , x.,,]e[J~(,), x..]. i j=2 j
44 ZL. H~ro~qtz,J.Z Louviere/ Intern.J. of Researchin Marketing12 (1095139-54

and place in two distinct stages. The first stage con-

sists of forming a consideration set. The second
P ( . % c, l =3,
stage consists of choosing an alternative from
those in the consideration set. This hypothesis is
= exp(/3%)](z,* +Zz*), consistent with the view of consideration sets
taken in the literature reviewed in Section 1.
(20) One way to implement this alternative hypoth-
where esis is through a model in which an alternative is
included in the consideration set if its utility
exceeds a threshold level and net otherwise. To
e|* [exp(y'xz)/~exp(y'x;)]/=2 ] implement this model, let the probability that
alternative Aj is in the consideration set of an
individual be
x exp(y ' x3 exp(y ' xj , (21)
[ j=3 Q(j[x~)=exp[-exp(--/3'x~+8)], (23)
where/3 is a vector of parameters, 6 is a scalar
Z 2. = e~ exf, T x j parameter, and f i x / i s the systematic component
of the utility of alternative j. It follows from (23)
that the probability that the consideration set is
x exp(y'x2)/~e~(y'xj) , (22) C is
j,3 1 etc,x) = lq e(jlx,) H [l- e(Jlx3l
jEC j~C
and y is a K × 1 vector of parameters. Under the
main hypothesis, y =/3, whereas y 4=/3 in general
ff the main hypothesis is false. Therefore, the
main hypothesis can be tested by testing the
/ 1- H[1-O(ylxAl
I .

The chosen alternative is selected from the


hypothesis y =/3 with a likelihood ratio test. Let

log L~ denote the maximized value of the log- consideration set using a utility function whose
l i k e f i h ~ l function (18). Let log L 2 denote the systematic component is f i x but whose random
m-,~finfized value of the log-likelihood function componer, t has a type I extreme value distribu-
that is obtained from (18) by replacing Eq. (13)- tion independent of the random component of
(16) with (19)-(22). If y =/3, LR = 2(log L 2 - the utility function used to select the considera-
log L~) has asymptotically the X 2 distribution tion set. The probability that alternative A l is
with K degrees of freedom. Therefore, the main chosen conditional on the consideration set C is
h$~thesis is rejected at the a level if LR ex- P(A~I C, x) = exp(/3'x~)/ Y'. exp(ffxj),
ceeds the 1 - a quantiIe of the X 2 distribution j~c
with K degrees of freedom. A~ ~ C. (25)

2.ZZ An alternative model for generation of the P ( A 1[C, x) = 0 if A l ~ C. Combining (24) and
consideration set (25), the probability that alternative A~ is chosen
Under the main hypothesis, the information and that the consideration set is C is
contained in the consideration set amounts to a P( A,, C I x) = P( C I x) exp(/3'x,)
statement about preferences. Conditional on
preferences, the considerztion set does not re- / ~ exp(ffxj), A , ~ C . (26)
strict choice; the chosen :alternative is the one j~c
m ~ t preferred among the entire set of available Analogous equations apply to choices of other
alternatives, regardless of the consideration set. alternatives. The parameters /3 and 8 can be
An alternative hypothesis is that choice takes estimated by maximum likelihood.
J.L. Horowi~z, J.L Louviere / Intern. J. of Research in bfarketing 12 (1995) 39-54 45

To compare (26) with the main hypothesis more parameter than the model for the main
model, it is necessary to derive from (26) the hypothesis.
probabilities of choice and the consideration set An important character~t~; of this test is that
conditional on Jc, the number of alternatives in it is valid only if the maintained or nul|-hyl~he-
the consideration set. The result is sis model is specified independently of the data.
In the application reported here, tim rei~'a.~
P(A,, CIJc, x) =P(CIJc, x) exp(/3'x,) null-hypothesis model is (27) since r ~ h a n of
/ E exp(/Yxj), (27) this model in favor of the main hypoth~is would
constitute evidence that the latter model p r o s
where a more accurate description of the data than does
(27). It may seem tempting to specify the ml|bhy-
e(clL, x) pothesis model as the one with the smaller m a ~
mized log-likelihood value, thereby achieving a
= P(C[ x ) / E {1 [ J ( D ) = J~] P ( D I x)},
D test of whether the model with the smaller log
(28) likelihood is statistically significantly poorer ~,~han
the model with the larger log likelihood, in this
the sum in the denom.;nator of (27) is over all case, however, the null Iv~q~othesis is detenmL~d
non-empty subsets of the set of all available alter- by the estimation results, and the test
natives, J(D) is the number of alternatives in here is not valid.
subset D, and 1(-) = 1 if the statement in paren-
theses is true and zero otherwise.
The model of (27) is non-nestod with the model ZZ£ A third alternative model
implementing the main hypothesis ((11)-(16)). An third alternative model can be obtained by
Model (27) can be tested against the main hy- forming a two-stage version of the main-hyl~he-
pothesis by using a non-nested test proposed by sis model. In this model, as in the main-h3q~the-
Horowitz (1983). This test is based on the obser- sis model, alternatives in the consideration set
vation that if a specified null-hypothesis model is arc ~referred to alternatives that are not in the
correct, it will have a larger log-likelihood than consideration set. In contrast to the main h y t ~ t b
will any alternative model, apart from effects of esis model, however, the third alternative model
random sampling error. The test determines assumes that the random component of utility for
whether the log likelihood of the alternative generating the consideration set is independent
model exceeds that of the null-hypothesis m o d e l of the random component of utility for cimoshag
by an amount that is too large to be explained by an alternative from the consideration set. Thus,
random sampling error, in which case the null-hy- in this model choice takes place in two stages. In
pothesis model is rejected. Specifically, let log L t the first stage a consideration set is chosen so
denote the maximized value of the log-likelihood that the alternatives in the set are preferred to
function (18), and let log L 3 denote the maxi- the alternatives that are not in the set. In the
mized value of the log-likelihood function of the second stage, an alternative is sele~ed from the
model of (27). Let z be any positive number, and consideration set. Conditional on the explanatory
let ~P denote the cumulative normal distribution variables, the second-stage choice is i n d e p e n ~ n t
functi.,m. The test of Horowitz (1983) rejects (27) of the first-stage choice.
in favor of the main hypothesis at a significance Let the notation A i > A i indicate that alterna-
level not exceeding ql~[-(2z) 1/2] if (log L I - tive i is preferred to alternative j. Then in the
log L 3 + 1/2) > z. Thus, for example, model (27) third alternative model
is rejected at a significance level not exceeding
0.05 if (log L~ - log L 3 + i / 2 ) > 1.35. The term P(A,, C,I Jc = 1, x)
1 / 2 in the parentheses is a small-sample correc-
tion arising from the fact that model (27) has one =P(Ai[A L, A 2, .4 3, A4, X), (29)
46 ZL. Horowitz, Jd. Louviere /Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54

P ( A , , C,z[ L = 2 , x) esis. In addition, the use of two products enables

us to investigate whether the correct definition of
= P ( A , t A,. A 2, x ) [ P ( A , > A 2 > A 3 >A41 x) "consideration set" differs among products.
+ P ( A z >A, > A 3 >A41 x ) ] , (30) We developed separate survey instruments to
measure choices of supermarkets and toothpaste,
P ( A I , Cl~i Jc = 3, x) consideration sets, and perceived product at-
= P( A.:t A l, A 2, A s, x) tributes. Subjects were a convenience sample of
students, faculty, and staff at a major public uni-
x [ P ( A 1 >A 2 >A 3 >A4I x) versity. They were intercepted in an adjacent
+ P ( A i > A 3 > A 2 >A4[ X) shopping mall and offered a chance to win one of
three $50 prizes as an incentive to participate.
+ P ( A z >Al >A3 >Aai x) Because our research objectives are primarily
+ P ( A 2 > A s > A , >A41 x) theoretical and methodological, the composition
of our sample is of less concern than its ability to
+ P ( A 3 >,41 >A z > A 4Ix) permit tests of the hypothesis. The sample sizes
+ P( A3 > Az > A, > A , I x ) ] , (31) for supermarkets and toothpaste were 109 and
124, respectively.
and The two surveys were identical in structure
P ( A , , C,z.~.lJc=4, x) and consisted of 4 sections. Section 1 contained
sociodemographic questions. Section 2 began with
= P ( A,! A,, A z, A s, A,,, x). (32) the unaided-recall consideration question (Defi-
The probabilities on the right-hand sides of (29) nition 1 in this paper), which was placed at the
and (32) and the probabilities outside the square bottom of the first page of the questionnaire. The
brackets in (30) and (31) are multinomial logit aided-recall question (Definition 2 in this paper)
models. The probabilities inside the square was at the top of page 2. Interviewers ensured
brackets in (30) and (31) can be obtained using that subjects did not turn to page 2 before com-
methods for ordered lo#t models similar to those pleting the unaided-recall question or turn back
outlined in the appendix. to page 1 while answering the aided-recall one.
Like the model of (27), the model of (29)-(32) Section 3 contained questions about purchase
is non-nested with the model implementing the and usage of 7 different supermarkets and 7
main hypothesis and can be tested against the brands of toothpaste. For purposes of testing the
m a l l hypothesis by using the test of Horowitz main hypothesis, the chosen supermarket or brand
(1983). was defined as the one most recently patronized
or purchased.
Section 4 consisted of a univariate brand-by-
3. Data attribute scaling task. We used the "best-worst"
scaling approach of Finn arid Loaviere (1992),
To test the main hypothesis using the methods which involves the creation of subsets of brands
of Section 4, it is necessary to have data consist- using orthogonal, main-effects fractions of the 27
ing of observations of consumers' choices among possible sets of brands of supermarkets. In the
different brands of a product, consumers' consid- present case, we used an 8-treatment, main-ef-
eration sets, and a~ributes of the brands that are fects plan from the 27 to place the 7 brands into 7
relevant to choice. We carried out separate tests subsets (one treatment is the null set). A subject's
of the main hypothesis using choice among super- task was to identify the "best" and "worst" brands
markets for one set of tests and choice among in each subset on a particular attribute dimension
brands of toothpaste for the other. The use of such as "fluoride protection." Based on these
two distinct products adds to the generality of our judgments, one can develop a "best minus worst"
results regarding the validity of the main hypoth- difference scale for each subject and brand on
ZL. Horowitz, Z / . Lout ~ere/ lntert~ Z of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54 47

each attribute dimension. The tot'q of "worsts" (IGA), and 2 d~:scoun~: "superstores" (Food for
(a maximum of 4) for each brand :,n a particular Less, which is owned by Safeway, and the g e a |
attribute dimension is subtracted fiem the total Superstore). These 4 "brands" of g o r e s ae.-
of "bests" (a maximum of 4) to yield a ¢iifference counted for 105 of the 109 choices in the sam#e.
scale. A difference of 0 indicates that a subject The brands of toothpaste were Closeup, Colgaze,
judged a brand best as often as worst, whereas Crest, and MacLean's. Together, they accoumed
positive numbers indicate that a brand was judged for 114 of the observed choices. The forma| anal-
best more often than worst and vice versa. Sub- ysis was based on the subsamples of 105 and 114
jects judged 7 brands on the attributes listed in individuals who chose one of the 4 brands of
Table 1. The attributes were selected on the basis supermarkets or toothpaste. Each ~ was
of pilot interviews with convenience samples from assigned consideration sets consisting of the gro-
the same mall population. Finn and Louviere cery stores or brands of toothpaste among the 4
(1992) have shown that best-worst difference main "brands" of each that the had'~fidua[ identi-
scales are linearly related to maximum likelihood fied in response to the unaided and aided recaR
estimates of these scales based on a logit model questions on the survey.
of a judgment task consisting of picking the two
brands that exhibit the largest perceptual differ-
ence on a specified dimension. 4. Results
Testing the main hypothesis requires deriving
expressions for the probabilities of all possible Table i gives the definitions of the explanatory
combinations of the chosen alternative and the variables of the empirical models for choice of
consideration set. The algebra involved in doing grocery store and toothpaste. Tables 2-3 ~how
this becomes increasingly cumbersome and the results of estimating the model for the main
lengthy as the number of alternatives increases. hypothesis (equations (11)-(16)) and the three
Therefore, we have used only 4 supermarkets and alternative models (Eqs. (11)-(12) and (19)-(22)
4 brands of toothpaste in the formal analysis. The for alternative 1, (27) for alternative 2, and (29)-
supermarkets included a well-established national (32) for alternative 3). Each model was estimated
chain with a large number of stores in the area using both of the definitions of the consideration
(Safeway), a well-established independent chain set that are given in Section 2. Table 2 gives the

Table 1
Definitions o f variables
Variable Definition
Choice of grocery store
PRICE T o t a l t~rice o f f o o d o n scale o f - 4 to 4. - 4 = lowest, + 4 = highest.
SERVICE Service quality o n scale o f - 4 to 4. - 4 = worst, + 4 = best.
QUALITY M e r c h a n d i s e quality o n ~. .,.u. .¢. . .o~
. . - ,, ,v -,.~ ~ -- w o n t , + 4 = best.
CONVEN. S h o p p i n g c o n v e n i e n c e o n some o f - 4 to 4. - 4 = Ica.q c o n v e a i e n t , + 4 ffi m o s t convenient.
FFL DUMMY D u m m y variable e q u a l to 1 if the alternative is F o o d f o r Less a n d 0 otherwise.
IGA DUMMY D u m m y variable e q u a l to 1 if the alternath,e is I G A a n d 0 otherwise.
SFWY DUMMY D u m m y variable e q u a l t o I if t h e alternative is Safeway a n d 0 otherwise.
Choice of toothpaste
FLUOR Level o f fiuorid¢ p r o t e c t i o n o n scale o f - 4 to 4. - 4 = least, + 4 = most.
FRESH B r e a t h - f r e s h e n i n g p o w e r o n scale o f - 4 to 4. - 4 = least, + 4 ~ mo~t+
WHITE W h i t e n i n g p o w e r o n scale o f - 4 to 4. - 4 = least, + 4 = most.
FLAVOR Scale o f - 4 to 4. - 4 = w o r s t flavor, + 4 = best.
DUMMY I D u m m y variable e q u a l t o 1 if the alternative is C l o s e u p a n d 0 otherwise.
DUMMY 2 D u m m y variable e q u a l t o 1 if t h e alternative is C o l g a t e a n d 0 otherwise.
DUMMY 3 D u m m y variable e q u a l to 1 if the alternative is C r e s t a n d 0 otherwise.
48 ZL. Herowitz, J.$. Louviere ~Intern. Z of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54

T~ 2
E s t i m a t i o n results f o r choice o f g r o c e r y store ( s t a n d a r d e r r o r s in p a r e n t h e s e s )
Parameter Main Hyp. AlL 1 Alt. 2 Alt. 3
I d C~L~m~ Set

PRICE 0.2589 0.2205 0.2072 0.2275

(0.0664) (0.0936) (0.0556) (0.0635)
SERVICE 0.0176 0.0939 0.0317 0.0374
(0.0511) (0.0615) (0.0379) (0.0469)
QUAUTY 0.1406 0.1205 0.1286 0.1301
(0.0586) (0.0708) (0.0468) (0.0540)
CONVEN. 0.3583 0.3989 0.2553 0.3570
(0.0729) (0.0970) (0.0614) (0.0737)
FFL DUMMY - 0.7979 - 0.8825 -- 0.6087 -0.8444
(0.3193) (0.4431 ) (0.2009) (0.2957)
IGA DUMMY - 0.1201 - 0.9806 - 0.0776 - 0.3292
(0.4309) (0.7130) (0.3364) (0.4410)
$FWY DUMMY 0.3586 - 0.2664 0.2929 0.0722
(0.3768) (0.498'~) (0.2910) (0.3385)
~, and ~ Coeffs.
PRICE 0.2894
SERVICE - O. 1053
QUALITY 0.1816
CONVEN. 0.3747
FFL DUMMY - 0.4952
IGA DUMMY 0.6296
L~g Like. - 138.156 - 134.277 - I37.818 - 135.559
E~,~ 2 o f C o n s i d e r a t i o n Set
~ coeffs.
PRIC[: 0.2449 022(5 0.2058 0.1700
(0.0694) (0.0927) (0.590) (0.0594)
SERVICE 0.0118 0.0939 0.0335 0.0232
(0.0496) (0.0613) , ,u . u. '.1.~.o ] •
~ , .v.. t.r.-.t ~. , l •]

QUAW__~r!"Y 0.i457 0.1205 0.1312 0.1214

(0.0538) (0.0722) (0AM59) (0.0436)
CONVEN. 0.4017 0.3989 0.3317 0.3768
(0.0675) (0.0962) (0.0670) (0.0615)
FFL DUMMY - 0.6655 - 0.8825 - 0.5067 - 0.7957
(0.3334) (0.4486) (0.2463) (0.3069)
~.GA D U M M Y - 0.39! ! - 0.9__806 - 0.2442 - 0.7001
(0.4317) (0.7243) (0.3703) (0.4086)
SFWY DUMMY 0.3031 - 0.2664 0.4853 - 0.0582
(0.3623) (0.4981) (0.3115) (0.3049)
ZL. Horowitz, ZZ Louuiere / Intern. £ of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) Y9-54 49

Table 2 (continued)
Parameter Main Hyp. Alt. 1 Alt. 2 #dL 3
Definition 2 of Consideration Set
3' and 8 Coeffs.
PRICE 0.2699
SERVICE - 0.1221
QUALITY 0.2041
CONVEN. 0.4836
FFL DUMMY - 0.1630
IGA DUMMY 0.2326
8 0.7870
l o g Like. - 137.797 - 133.026 - 135.882 - 143.93

estimation results for choice of grocery store, and using definition 1 of the consideration set but n ~
Table 3 gives the results for choice of toothpaste. definition 2. Alternative model 3 for choice of
All attributes were measured such that posi- grocery store is consistent with the data using
tive values represent better positions. Hence, all definition 1 of the consideration set but is re-
coefficients of attributes are expected to have jected when tested against the main l ' e ~
positive signs. It can be seen from Tables 2 and 3 using Definition 2.
that this expectation is fulfilled except for the y For choice of toothpaste, the main h ~ h e s / s
coefficients of SERVICE in the models of choice is accepted in a test against altematb'e modet 1
of grocery store and of WHITE in one of the when Definition 2 of the consideration set is
models of choice of toothpaste. These coeffi- used. The main hypothesis is rejected against
cients are not statistically significantly different alternative model 1 when Definition 1 is rood.
from 0 at the 0.10 level, so no substantive signifi- Alternative model 2 is rejected against the matin
cance can be attributed to their unexpected signs. hypothesis under both definitions of the consider-
Table 4 shows the results of testing the model ation set. Thus, the main hypothesis is consistent
for the main hypothesis against the first alterna- with the choice-of-toothpaste data when Def'm~-
tive and of testing the second and third alterna- tion 2 of the consideration set is used. Alternative
tives against the main hypothesis. For choice of model 2 is not consistent with the data under
grocery store with either definition of the consid- either definition of the consideration set. Alter-
eration set, the main hypothesis is accepted in the native model 3 is rejected against the main hy-
tests against the first alternative model. The log- pothesis using Definition 2 of the conskteratkm
likelihoods of the main-hypothesis model and al- set. Using Defmition 1 of the consideration set,
ternative model 2 are very close using either the Iog-iikeiiho~l of alternative model 3 is very
definition of the consideration set. Thus, for close to that of the main-hypothesis modeL This
choice of grocery store, the main hypothesis model does not provide support for alternative model 3,
and alternative model 2 both are consistent with however, because the main-hypothesis model with
the data. The log-likelihoods of the main-hy- Definition 1 of the consideration set is rejected Ln
pothesis model and alternative model 3 are close the test against alternative model 2. With Defmi-
50 ZL. Hcaonfftz, J..l. Louviere ~Intern. Z of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54

T~e 3
~rdon results for cho~-e of toothpaste (Standard Errors in Parentheses)
~ t e r Mmn H~p. Air. 1 Alt. 2 Alt. 3
1 of C e e s ~ r a t i o n Set
~ Coeffs.
FLUOR 0.3216 0.3575 0.0883 0.3148
(0.0790) (0.1082) (0.0258) (0.0719)
FP~E.SH 0.1355 0.1474 0.0086 0.0913
(0.0707) (0.0772) (0.0238) (0.0533)
WHITE 0.(1868 0.1175 0.0449 0.1009
(O.O668) (0.0852) (0.0165) (0.O6O4)
FLAVOR 0.3141 0.3335 0.1216 0.3433
(0.0766) (0.0847) (0.0342) (0.0643)
DUMMY 1 -0.8057 -0.5649 -0.4576 - 0.5704
(0.4847) (0.7087) (0.~ 355) (0.4545)
DUMMY 2 0.9507 0.2818 0.0058 1.0132
(0.4740) (0.7490) (0.1418) (0.4621)
DUMMY 3 0.8580 0.2228 - 0.1600 0.8077
(0.4845) (0.7643) (0.0961) (0.4653)
~, and ~ Caeffs.
FLUOR 0.5804
FRESH 0.3915
WHITE -0.1399
FLAVOR 0.4151
DUMMY 1 - 3.3047
DUMMY 2 1.93!4
DUMMY 3 2.0848
~$ -1.3908
L~g L/ke. - 92.586 - 83.421 - 118.737 - 92.202

FLUOR 0.2992 0.3575 0.0614 0.2698
(0.0750) (0.1083) (0.0284) (0.0672)
FRESH 0.1221 0.1474 0.0021 0.1041
(0.0698) (0.0776) (0.0179) (0.0452)
WHITE 0.1348 0.1175 0.0248 0.1162
(0.0539) (0.0862) (0.0168) (0.0496)
FLAVOR 0.3401 0.3335 0.0848 0.2785
(0.0758) (0.0834) (0.0361) (0.0519)
DUMMY 1 - 0.7113 - 0.5649 - 0.2355 - 0.4171
(0.6224) (0.8937) (0.1198) (0.4708)
DUMMY 2 0.9433 0.2818 0.0890 0.8611
(0.5883) (0.9202) (0.0964) (0.4607)
DUMMY 3 0.8622 0.2228 0.0567 0.8210
(0.6102) (0.9455) (0.0930) (0.4892)
ZL, Horowitz, ZJ. Louviere / Intern. 3".of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54 51

Table 3 (continued)
Parameter Main Hyp. Air. 1 Air. 2 AlL 3
Definition 2 of Consideration Set
y and 8 C.oeffs.
FLUOR 0.2377
FRESH 0.0647
WHITE 0.1528
FLAVOR 0.4340
DUMMY 1 - 1.0270
DUMMY 2 1.8295
( 1.2977)
DUMMY 3 1.8410
8 - 1.8324
Log Like. - 98.903 - 94.276 - 105.666 - 118.4L'3

tion 1 of the consideration set, alternative models contained in ti~e consumer's utility function. Thus,
1 and 3 are both misspecified. an analyst who knew consumers' utility f u n c t ~
In summary, the results of the tests imply that would have no use for information on com/dera-
the data used in this analysis are consistent with tion sets because consideration sets could be pre-
the hypothesis that consideration sets are indica- dicted perfectly given knowledge of their sizes.
tors of preferences. The data on choice of grocery In practice, however, analysts never know
stores are also consistent with the hypothesis that sumers' utility functions with certainty. U t i ~
choice takes place in two stages, with the first functions must be estimated from data, and
stage being choice of a consideration set and the information about preferences may be useful for
second being choice of an alternative from the improving estimation efficiency. According to our
consideration set. The data on choice of tooth- main h~othesis, consideration sets provide infor-
paste are consistent with the hypothesis that con- mation about preferences anti, therefore, can be
sideration sets reflect preferences under def'mi- used to impr~'e estimation effic/ency. To illus-
tion 2 of the consideration set. The data on trate, we compare the standa~=d errors of the
choice of toothpaste are not consistent with the estimates of the utility-function parameters of the
hypothesis that choice takes place in two stages main-hypothesis model (11)-(16) with the sta.¢~
using either definition of the consideration set. dard errors of the estimates obtained from the
marg/nal-choice-probability model (3). Under the
main hypothesis, both models yield c o n s ~ e n t
S. Implications estimators of the utility-function parameters B.
However, the main-hypothesis model should yield
The foregoing results suggest that considera- more effic/ent estimators because it uses com/d-
tion may simply be a reflection of preferences, eration-set information about preferences that
rather than the first stage of a two-stage choice the marginal model does not use.
process. If this hypothesis is correct, knowledge Table 5 shows the estimates of utility-fm~ction
of a consumer's consideration set provides no parameters obtained from the marginal models
information for forecasting choice beyond that for choice of grocery store and toothpaste. The
52 J.l- Horo~t~ 12. Louviere / Intern. J. of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54

Table 4 grocery store are 16-58 percent larger than those

R e s e t s of tests of m~in hypothesis
from the main-hypothesis models, depending on
Test statistic a Prob. of larger the parameter. For choice of toothpaste, the
analogous differences are 8-50 percent. These
Test Def. 1 Def.2 Def. 1 Def. 2 results illustrate the improvements in estimation
C't~ce of Grocery Store efficiency that can be achieved by using consider-
M ~ a hypothesis against 7.76 9.54 0.40 0.30 ation information in a model based on our main
~erm~/-ce 1
Alternative 2 against 0.16 - 1.42 0.29 NAb
r a ~ hypoflms/s It is also possible to use consideration infor-
A R e r n a t ~ 3 against -2.61 6.13 NA b 0.0 mation to improve prediction efficiency. Under
Mare the main hypothesis, knowledge of a consumer's
C ' h o ~ of Toothpaste consideration set conveys information about the
M-ai~ ~'pothes/s against !8.33 9.25 0.01 0.24
alternadve 1
random component of the consumer's utility
Alternative 2 aga/nst 26.65 7.26 0.0 0.0 function. $1ais information can be used to im-
main h~x~esh prove prediction efficiency by using the main-hy-
Alternative 3 aga/nst -0_30 1 9 . 5 0 NAb 0.0 pothesis model to make predictions of choice
main ~ i s conditional on the consideration set. Specifically,
a T ~ test statistic is 2(k~g L 2 - l o g L t ) for testing the main one could calculate the probability distribution of
h : q m t h e ~ against alternative 1, (log L l - l o g L 3 + 1 / 2 ) for the random component of the utility function
testing alternative 2 against the main hypothesis, and (log L t conditional on the consideration set and use this
- l o g L4) for testing alternative 3 against the main hypothe-
sis, where log L 4 is the log-lkkel/h~x1 of alternative model 3.
distribution, instead of the type I extreme value
b Alternatives 2 and 3 are not rejected if the test statistic is distribution, to calculate choice probabilities for
r~eg~h~e. As is explained in Sectinn 2, the test cannot be purposes of prediction. The algebra of this calcu-
"turned around" to test the main-l~pothesis model against lation is lengthy and, therefore, not presented in
alternath~es 2 and 3. this paper.
Another possibility is to base estimation on
complete rankings of alternatives according to
differences between the estimated coefficients in preference instead of consideration sets, which
Table 5 and the estimated coeffic/ents for the provide only partial orderings. There is, however,
main hypothesis models in Tables 2 and 3 are not evidence that consumers may make errors in
large compared to the estimated standard errors. ranking tasks with the result that the outcomes of
The standard errors in Table 5 may be compared these tasks cannot necessarily be described by a
with those obtained from the main-hypothesis utility function and may not reflect the prefer-
models in Tables 2 and 3. The standard errors ences that would govern choices among lower-
obtained from the marginal model for choice of ranking alternatives (Ben-Akiva et al., 1992).

Table 5
F_~inmthm results for marginal-choice-probabilitymodel
of Grocery Store Choice of Toothpaste
Parameter Estimate Std. Err. Parameter Estimate Std. Err.
PRICE 0.2151 0.0911 FLUOR 0.3594 0.1070
SERVICE 0.0903 0.0607 FRESH 0.1538 0.0754
QUALITY 0.1253 0.0681 WHITE 0.1125 0.0808
CON%'EN. 0.3986 0.0935 FLAVOR 0.3354 0.0827
FFL DUMMY - 0.9128 0.4403 DUMMY 1 - 0.5272 0.6810
IGA DUMMY - 0.9888 0.6819 DUMMY 2 0.3703 0.7248
SAFWY DUMMY - 0.2570 0.4825 DUMMY 3 0.2817 0.74!9
ZL. Horowitz, ZZ Louviere~Intern. Z of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54 53

6. Conclusions Aj to indicate that alternative i is p r e e n e d to

alternative j.
This paper has presented evidence supporting Equation (8): This follows direaIy from (3),
the hypothesis that standard operational consid- (4), and (7).
eration sets are indicators of preferences and Equation (9): Under the main hypothes~ A~
provide no information useful for predicting is chosen and {A I, A 2} is the conskleratkm ~ Lf
choices beyond that contained in the consumer's A 1>A2>A3>A 4 or A~ > A 2 > A 4 > A 3. TI~r¢-
utility function. Under this hypothesis, choice fore,
need not be modeled as a two-stage process in
which a consideration stage precedes choice. In- P ( A , , C,21Jc = 2, x)
deed, modeling choice this way may lead to a = P ( A t > A 2 > A 3>A4] r)
misspecified model that makes erroneous predic- + P ( A i > A 2 > A 4 >A3[ x).
tions. However, information about consideration
sets can be used by the analyst to improve estima- Beggs et ai. (i98i) have shown that when the
tion and prediction efficiency in a properly speci- random components of utility have the type I
fied choice model. extreme value distribution,
The results presented here are preliminary, P ( A 1 > A 2 > A 3 >A4[ X)
and more research on the role in choice modeling
= P( All Al, A 2 , A 3 , .44, x )
of operational consideration sets is warranted.
One potentially important direction of inquiry is ×P(A2I A2, Aa, A4, .1~)
context dependence. It is entirely possible that • P(A3I n3, A4, x) (A1)
the role of consideration sets depends on the
choice context. This possibility is suggested by
our inability to discriminate empirically between P( A~ > A~ > A 4 > A 3] x)
the main-hypothesis model for choice of grocery = P ( A I I A l, A 2, A 3, ,'14, X)
store and a two-stage model, whereas two-stage
models were rejected for choice of toothpaste. ×P(A2[ A2, A3, A4, x )
Two-stage decision making in which a prelimi- • P(A4[ A3, A 4, x ) (A2)
nary screening or consideration stage precedes But
choice also may be prevalent when the choice set
is very large or choice is among unfamiliar alter- P(A31A3, A4, x) +l'(A41A3, A4, x)= I.
natives. Therefore, adding (AI) and (A2) y~Ids (9).
Equation (I0): Under the main hypothesis, A L
is chosen and {AI, A2, A 3} is the consideration
Acknowledgement set if A 1 > A 2 > A 3 > A 4 or A, > A 3 > A 2 > A 4.
We thank John Roberts for suggesting the
third alternative model described in this paper. e(A,, C, l Jc 3, x)

This research was supported in part by NSF grant = P ( A t >A 2 > A ; >A41 x)
no. SES-8520076. The research of Joel L.
+ P(A1 >A3 >A2 >A4[ x).
Horowitz was also supported in part by NSF
grant no. SBR 93-07677. Using the result of Beggs et al. (1981),
P ( A l >A 3 >A 2 >A4[ x)
Appendix: Derivation of Eqs. (8)-(10) = P ( A l l A l, A 2, A 3, A4, x)
xP(A3I A2, A3, A4, x)
Assume that the random components of utility
are independently and identically disgributed with "P(A2I A2, A4, x). (A3)
the type I extreme value distribution. Write A~ > Eq. (10) is obtained by adding (A1) and (A3).
54 ZL. H ~ r ~ z , ].I. Louviere / Intern. Z of Research in Marketing 12 (1995) 39-54

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