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The Last Guide You Will Ever Need to Succeed Online

Making $100,000+ Per Year &

Live The Dot Com Lifestyle.

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 1


Copyright and Disclaimer 3

Who Am I And Why Should You Care? 5

Be Serious About the Info You See Below 7

What Is Possible Making Money Online? 9

Basics of Making Money Online 11

Five Prominent Ways of Making Money Online 11

Selling Ad Space in Websites 12

Making Money by Freelancing 14

Affiliate Marketing Model 15

Affiliate Marketing the Wrong Way ` 18

Right Way of Affiliate Marketing 22

Success Is In Your Email List 23

Creating Your Own Info-Product 26

Licensing Others Products for Maximum Profit: Licensing Model 29

My Online Business Empire 31

My Top Tier Business 37

What Is Possible With MOBE? 41

My Top Tier Business Bonus 45

Frequently Asked Questions about Mttb and Mobe 49

Be Positive and Drive Away All Negative Thoughts 53

Resources 56

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 2

Copyright and disclaimer

No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means,
mechanical or electronic, including photocopying
and recording, or by any information storage and
retrieval system, without permission in writing from
the author.

Disclaimer: The author makes no representations or

warranties with respect to the accuracy or
completeness of the contents of this work and
specifically disclaims all warranties, including
without limitation warranties for a particular
purpose. No warranty may be created or extended
by sales or promotional materials. The advice and
strategies contained herein may not be suitable for
every situation. This work is sold with the
understanding that the author is not engaged in

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rendering legal, accounting, or other professional
services. If professional assistance is required, the
services of a competent professional person should
be sought. The author shall not be liable for
damages arising here from. The fact that an
organization or website is referred to in this work as
a citation and/or a potential source of further
information does not mean that the author
endorses the information the organization or
website may provide or recommendations it may
make. Further, readers should be aware that
Internet websites listed in this work may have

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 4

Who Am I And Why Should You Care?
I am Aaslin Sathrak and I run the blog
RapidBlogMoney dot com. I have been making a
living online back from 2007. Like most newbies
who come to internet searching for an income
opportunity, I too searched the internet for a job
and ended up falling into many traps like paid to
click, paid to view ads in my initial days as a newbie
kid in making money online. I had no one at that
time to guide me and show me the right path to
succeed online. I myself learned everything using
trial and error methods. Initially I had huge success
with Google AdSense. At one time, my sites were
ranking on top of Google and made me four figures
every month.
But All of a sudden, all my rankings dropped. From a
four figure income, I was back again to the three
figure range in Google AdSense. That’s when I
started looking for other income opportunities
where you do not depend on Google. Luckily
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Affiliate Marketing has been very successful to me. I
am back on track with making four figures every
month. I am scaling it up and hopefully will reach
the six figure mark in a few months this year. My
biggest month so far is $12,000+ and my income
goal is to hit $10,000 per month every month within
this year.
This Guide is about 5 online income opportunity
which both newbies and experienced internet
marketers can make use to enjoy a continuous four
to six figure income every month.

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Be Serious About the Info You See
If you are person struggling to make any income
online, please be serious with the information that I
am going to reveal you below. It is very important
that you take action on the information I will be
revealing to you. I want to see you succeed but I
cannot do it all for you. You are the one responsible
for your success. I will give you the tools and
knowledge you will need, but it is up to you to put
them into action.
Please do not waste your time and mine by not
taking this seriously. You should set aside enough
time to study this book and take action on it.
One of the biggest reasons why most people fail to
make money online is because they don’t take their
Internet business seriously. You are not just trying
to make some extra income. You are building a real

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 7

business. This is a business that can offer rewards
far greater than any other business.
Would you be not serious if you have invested
$100,000 into your online business? You must have
the same seriousness even if you don’t invest any
money because you are investing your valuable
time. And Time=Money. Once you finish reading
this guide, take action and implement what you
have read in this guide.
If you have any questions, you can direct them to
me at I’ll get back to
you when I am available, usually within 24 hours.

You Might have wasted so many hours on

Facebook, Use the next few minutes to change your
life forever. Don’t stop or skip anything in this

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 8

What is Possible By Making Money
Making money online and living the dot com
lifestyle will give you so many benefits. It is not only
financial freedom, but you also have the
convenience of working from anywhere, anytime.
Working in your offline job, even if you make a lot
of money, you will not have the time to relax and
enjoy life. But for me living the dot com lifestyle, I
can work anytime, and enjoy always. I am my boss,
that’s what I am proud of. There is no one to
question me about the deadlines I met today. I
don’t work round the clock. I work 2-4 hours a day.
Most of the days, I only check my emails, verify that
my campaigns are okay and then enjoy my life.

If you spent the same 9-5 routine in your online

job, what is the use of working online? Though you
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may need to spent additional hours in the initial
days, you must work smart, not hard. Only smart
work can bring you success very soon and you must
be free to work just 2-4 hours within 3 months you
start your online business.

All our life we did a thing in a certain way, now

when someone advise us to do it in a better way,
most of the time we will not accept them
considering the fact that we have done it for years.
This is why very few will be able to achieve it. They
all want it, but because of past conditioning, they
will not be able to achieve it until they can break
free of their self-doubts and limitations.

And there is a myth in few countries. Earning

money online is not at all possible. If a person earns
money online, then he must be either scamming or
performing any other illegal activities. Don’t ever

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 10

have that mindset. Making money online is much
easier than you do offline.

Basics of Making Money Online

Anyone trying to make money online must either
sell his own product or sell a product for another
person. You can sell whatever you want ranging
from software, eBooks, ad space in your website
(like in Google AdSense), or real products like

To make money online, you have five prominent

1. Using Advertising Networks (Like Adsense)
2. Freelancing
3. Be an Affiliate (Promote a product from
another marketer using special affiliate link)
4. Sell your Own Product. (Real or info product)

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5. Licensing Model (Like MOBE)

Selling Ad space in Websites

You must have a website with traffic to make
money from this method. There are thousands of
bloggers around the world who make money from
google adsense, infolinks, chitika and other ad
networks. In this method, you must have more
traffic to make more money.
This method is one of the easiest methods to start
making money online. However to maximize the
income, it requires a lot of work. You will need to
appoint staffs to create content or create it

Steps To Earn Through Ad Networks:

 Choose a topic/niche of interest.
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 Register a domain.
 Purchase a hosting.I prefer hostgator and
 Setup a wordpress blog and start writing quality
content that will invite visitors to your blog.
 Whenever a visitor clicks an ad, you will earn

Disadvantages of This Method:

 Payout is very low.
 Income is very inconsistent. In Some months,
you will make four figures, some other months
3 figures.
 You are at the mercy of Google. When Google
rolls out an algorithm update like the panda or
penguin and if suppose your website gets hit, all
your income will go back to ZERO. You must
start again from zero.

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Making Money by Freelancing
You can sign up at websites like or and use your skills to do
projects for others and get paid. If you have coding
or design skills, you can get a handful of projects in
the sites I have mentioned above.

Disadvantages of Freelancing:
 You’ll have to work hard.
 You need to work until your client is satisfied.
 Income will be within a limit.

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Affiliate Marketing Model

Affiliate marketing is one of the most popular online

business models. It’s also one of the most
In a nutshell, affiliate marketing is where an affiliate
(you) refers a customer to a vendor, and the vendor
gives the affiliate a commission if a sale or an action
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takes place. You do not work for the vendor. Think
of yourself as an independent contractor.

The affiliate model was pretty much invented by (they own a patent on it). If you
referred a customer to Amazon, and that customer
buys something from the site, Amazon will give you
2% to 20% commission, depending on the product.
Many well-known brands have affiliate programs.

The advantages of affiliate marketing are many.

They include:
• No need to create your own products.
• The vendor handles all the hard work like
delivery, invoicing, customer support, etc.
• You can do this from anywhere in the
• Easy to set up and get started.
• Low startup cost.
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• Fairly easy to scale.
• Works while you’re sleeping.

When done correctly, affiliate marketing is one of

the best online business models you can use. I have
been an affiliate marketer since 2009 and have
made thousands of dollars from it, but you have to
know what you’re doing.

The truth of the matter is, most affiliate marketers

end up losing money because they do it the wrong
way. It doesn’t help that the industry promotes this
way as the way to get rich.
When it comes to affiliate marketing, there is a right
way and a wrong way. I’m here to teach you the
right way.

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Affiliate Marketing the Wrong Way:
There are people in affiliate marketing, who directly
sent traffic to the sales page. The majority of new
affiliate marketers getting into the business do what
I call “hit and run” affiliate marketing. It’s the model
they’re all familiar with because it’s the one they
hear about the most. The hit and run marketing
step goes something like this.

1. Choose an affiliate offer to promote.

2. Send traffic to the sales page with PPC/PPV/CP
M/Solo Mailings/Media Buys or any other traffic
3. Make commissions when someone buys through
your link.

I will never recommend this type of affiliate

marketing to any of my friend. Because, you never

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know what will happen next. You don’t have any
control over your business. If you consider affiliate
marketing as your full time job, then you must have
a control over your business.
In this model,
1. You don’t have any control over your
2. You only get the front end commissions.
3. You must spent money for traffic as long as
you need income from this method.
4. You will not have access to the customer you
directed to the sales page.
5. Offer may be withdrawn anytime, or payout
might be lowered.
6. Affiliate network might rip you off.
7. You competition will also try the same
advertising methods you use. That way the
amount spent on advertising might increase.
8. You can’t share the offer you are promoting
even to your friends.
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The number one flaw of affiliate marketing is the
customer doesn’t belong to you. When you make
an affiliate sale, you get a commission for your
efforts. The problem is this commission is all you
get. What you don’t get is the customer. He belongs
to the company that paid you the affiliate
commission. The companies will then go and sell
additional products to the customer and you won’t
see a dime of it--even though you were the one
who brought in the customer.
Real businesses are built on repeat customers
buying more and more stuff from you. How long do
you think you can stay in business by using a
business model that tells you to spend money on
advertising to get a customer for someone else?
The secret to making money online is that the big
money is not in the initial sales. The big money is in
the sales after the first sale. The problem for you as
an affiliate marketer is you only get paid on the first
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sale. Have you ever wondered why there are
affiliate programs that pay 100% commissions? It’s
because they’re making a killing on the backend,
which they don’t have to share with their affiliates.
The backend income is why successful affiliate
marketers eventually develop their own products
for affiliates to sell.

To be in business for years, you have to follow a

right affiliate marketing model. I follow the one
Consider you run a restaurant; can you survive in
business if only new customers come to your
restaurant and you don’t have any repeat
customers? Any business can’t survive only with
new customers. You will need your customers to
come back to you for more.

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So in any online business, how can you get your
customers come back when you have a new
product? It is by retaining their email addresses.
How is it possible? You must send them to a
squeeze page before directing them to the affiliate
offer page. First collect their email address and then
direct them to the offer page. This way you’ll get
the affiliate commissions and you can also promote
your future products to them. To direct a customer
to an affiliate offer, you will spend lot of work and
money. If you retain the customer you need not
spent the same amount of time and work the next
time you want to promote an offer.

Right Way of Affiliate Marketing:

1. Select an affiliate offer to promote.
2. Create an e-book to offer to your subscribers.
3. Create a squeeze page offering the free e-
4. Capture the emails of the visitors.
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5. Deploy and email auto responder to build
relationship with your subscribers.
6. Recommend affiliate products to your

The main difference between this model and the hit

and run model is that you retain the customer in
this method. You can promote any number of offers
to them, as long as they remain as your subscriber.

Success Is In Your Email List

All the successful affiliate marketers have an email
list. You might have heard the term “the money is in
the list”. Yes, the money is in the list.
If you want to become a big affiliate marketer, you
absolutely need an email list. That is your customer
base. Without one,you’ll just be another hit and run
affiliate marketer working for peanuts. Stop

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building other people’s customer base and start
building your own.

My recommended email service is Aweber. I’ve

been using them for years and they are by far the
best in the business.
Aweber offers a $1 trial account for all new
customers. The account is just like a normal Aweber
account and includes unlimited email campaigns,
newsletters, broadcasts and follow ups. It’s a great
way to test drive Aweber to see what it can do for
you. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you find that
email marketing is not for you, contact Aweber
within 30 days and they’ll give you the $1 back.

How to Setup Your Squeeze Page

I used Leadpages to create stunning landing pages.
You can use it to create sales pages, email capturing

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pages and squeeze pages. It is very useful and a
must have tool for affiliate marketers. Aweber
works very easy with leadpages. It is just like a one
click integration to insert aweber form in leadpages.

The LeadPages interface makes it super easy to add

custom titles, headlines, copy, and video. The
system integrates with all major email marketing
providers, including Aweber. With LeadPages, I’ve
been able to create new landing pages pretty much
on the fly. This has allowed me to test and tweak
multiple landing pages to find the highest
converting one.

LeadPages and Aweber are two must-have tools for

all Internet marketers. Super easy to use and no
coding knowledge required. I wouldn’t have a
million dollar Internet business without them.

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Creating Your Own Info-Product
Info product can be anything like ebook, videos or
software. I can even sell the ebook you are reading
now. Creating and selling your own Information or
Virtual product is the most profitable business in
the world. Because you don’t have any cost of
operation in this business. You will only have the
cost of setup, once you setup thinks or create your
product and list them for sale, everything
afterwards is profit. Unlike physical products, you
need not spend anything to deliver your product.
For e.g. I need a web hosting server where I can
store my virtual products for the users to download.
I use Hostgator and Bluehost for my hosting needs. I
pay the same price, doesn’t matter if it is 100
downloads or 100,000 downloads. Making your
own information product is the most profitable
business, but not everyone can succeed making
their own products.

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Most Popular bloggers do not create their own
products because of various reasons.

1. You must have a popular brand name to market

your product. Unless you have a 100,000+ size
email list or maximum advertising budget, it might
be tough for you to market your product yourself.
Otherwise you need affiliates to promote your
product. Popular internet marketers will already
have established connections with many affiliate
marketers. Hence they can easily market their

2. Initial cost of product creation is way high than

you would imagine. You need to setup a sales page,
sales videos, content writers; advertising and so
many other costs are associated with it. Further,
you just can’t sell only one product at a time. If you
do it that way, you will leave a lot of money on the

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table. You need a product in front, then an upsell
and may be another attracting offer at the end.
Creating multiple products is very essential to make
the maximum out of the traffic you receive from
your affiliates.
If you have the start-up funds and the branding
power, then creating your own information product
is the most profitable of the five business models. If
you enter into internet marketing, you must
eventually create a series of products that provide
value to your customers. This way you will also
elevate your brand name and also enjoy maximum
profits than any other business model.
To start down the information product super
highway, I highly recommend your first product be a
free eBook. You can either sell it for a small fee, or
give it away for free to build your email list. Down
the road, you can turn the eBook into a real book
with Amazon Create Space. The book will be the
start of your brand-building process.
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Licensing Others Products for Maximum
Profit: Licensing Model
You can skip the cost of creating your own
information product by licensing a business which is
already successful. This idea is just like a franchisee
for a business. You only need to spend the cost for
the license and the company will provide you the
essentials to succeed in the business. This way you
need not spend anything on the product creation,
further you will get marketing help and training so
that you will never lose in this model.
Unlike affiliate marketing, the customer belongs to
you. As long as the customer buys a product, you
will get a commission. Since you license the
business, you will get commission up to 90% on all
front end sales and 50% on back end sales.
If you have been in internet marketing, you might
already know how a brand name and quality
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products do sell in the internet. It is very easy to
succeed, following an already proven business.

With affiliate marketing, you only make a

commission on the front end sale. You get nothing
on the bigger backend sale. With a licensing
model, the customer is yours and you make money
whenever they buy something in the future.
One of the very successful licensing models out
there is My Online Business Empire (MOBE)

My Online Business Empire

My Online Business Empire was started by Matt
Lloyd of Perth, Australia in 2012. Now it is into its
3rd year and has already made $50 Million+. Most of
this has gone to the licensees.
The MOBE is the best earner for me ever since I
became a member. I have had very good success in

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MOBE in a very short period of time. That’s why I
recommend it through my blog. If I failed in MOBE, I
would not have recommended it to my readers.
Before Going Deep into this model, let me show you
few people who achieved maximum success using
this business model.

JOHN CHOW $632,000 and Free

Mercedes Benz

Most of you would have already known John Chow.

He is one of the veteran bloggers out there. He is
consistently making $50,000+ every month from
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this system. He also had his $50,000 per day at the
time, I am writing this ebook.

Michael Force $1,000,000& Free

Mercedes Benz

Michael Force, a former U.S. Marine who has

averaged 7-figures a year for the last 10 years
online and is now using this 21 step system to
continue earning over 7-figures a year.

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Now, Michael is also a professional coach and
speaker who will also help you succeed using this


Jonathan Budd is a very famous email marketer. He

earned this $118,365 with just one email to his list.
He is continuing to make money every month with
this business.

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All the above are well known internet marketers
and have been in business for years. So there is no
wonder that they will succeed in any business. So,
I’ll show you few people like you and me, who has
had maximum success with this income method.

TERRY LAMB $140,141

Terry Lamb didn’t have any experience before

joining this system. He went through the 21 steps,
implemented it with the help of the veteran

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coaches in the system and changed his life forever
within 6 months after joining this system.


Did you ever think that women can’t succeed

online? This woman broke all the myths about
online marketing for women. I know her in person
and she is also in Facebook friend list. She didn’t
know the A-B-C of Affiliate marketing before
undergoing this 21 steps training.
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Mercedes Benz

Carolina Millan – a young lady from Chile has

earned over $72,000 in total commissions with this
system. She too never had any experience about
income from the internet before joining this system.

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MOBE offers both affiliate model and licensing
model. If you promote MTTB (front end product
with application fees $49) as an affiliate, you will
get $24.50. On the other hand if you promote it as a
licensee, you will get $44.10
Likewise as an affiliate,you get 50% on all front end
products that you promote while if you promote it
as an licensee,you get only 90%.


My Top Tier Business is the first step that you need
to join to be a MOBE licensee. For joining my top
tier business there is an application fee of $49. Once
you pay and fill in the details, your application will
be accepted shortly. After that, you will get a
special coach to train you through the 21 steps.
You will have to decide at step 6 whether you are
continuing as an affiliate or as a licensee. If you
decide to go as a licensee, you will have to pay for
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the license which costs $1997. You can make the
payment in full or in two or four payments if your
coach allows it.
If you decide not to buy a license at this stage, you
can very well continue as an affiliate. If you
continue as an affiliate you can promote products
for a 50% commission. But you don’t get a
commission when a customer buys another product
from MOBE. Instead if you decide to continue as a
licensee, you will get 90% commission on all front
end products that you promote and 50%
commission on Mobe license sales( $1000),
titanium ($3000 )and platinum ($5000) per sales.

Big Ticket = Big Profit

Most internet marketers do not go for big ticket
programs afraid of its conversions. But for me
MOBE is converting very well. For every 100 visitors
that I send to MOBE, I get 50-60 optin’s and that’s
all I do. Then the system follows up to all customers
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who submitted their email address. Most of the
time, for every 1000 visitors I sent to MOBE, I get
around 400-500 optins, that is about 50% (no other
landing page converts at 50% always, from my
experience). Among the 500 optins I get, atleast 20
go ahead to purchase My Top Tier Business.
20x$44.10= $880 in commissions. Then all the 20
who purchased the MTTB will get a coach assigned
to them and undergo the 21 steps training. If all the
20 go ahead and become a licensee, I will get paid
20x$1000=$20,000. But the conversion varies, most
of the time 3-4 go for the license and the rest
promote the product as an affiliate. Promoting as
an affiliate they lose a lot of money, while the
licensees gain huge success in a limited period of
time. Both the affiliates and licensees will have to
spend the same amount of work and time but will
have a different income level. If an affiliate makes
10 sales of MTTB (which is very easy), He will get
$240 while a licensee making the same 10 sales will

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get $440 and earns $1000 even when only one
person upgrades to become a MOBE license.

Selling big ticket products is where the money is.

Why should you be stuck in the $100-$1000 range
when you can make $1000-$100,000 range using
the same amount of effort?
Yes, it does take more effort to sell a $1000
products than a $10 product,but it won’t be 1000
times more effort. It might take four, five,maybe
ten times more effort, but it will never be 1000.
The best part is, you don’t have to be the one
doing the selling.

One of the biggest selling point of MOBE is the

phone sales team. As far as I know, MOBE is the
only top tier direct sales company that has a phone
team to do the selling for their licensees. The
licensee still gets up to 50% of the commission even
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though the phone team did all the work. It’s a
pretty sweet deal. The phone team is responsible
for more than half my MOBE income.

What Is Possible With MOBE?

Anyone joining the system with basic computer skill
and average English knowledge can succeed with
my online business empire. You need not have any
previous experience in internet marketing. You only
need to have the will to make money and succeed
online. You will be assigned a special coach who will
guide (in skype) through the 21 steps of my top tier
business to help you know how the business model
works. After the 21 steps you will be very clear on
what you must do to succeed and what you must
not do. They will also help you implement your
sales funnel and drive traffic to your funnel.
Everything has been already done for you. If you fail
in MOBE, I bet you will fail in any online business
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you try, because there is no other business that
gives you your own coach and all the other
necessary stuffs already done for you.

But don’t expect that you will make $10,000+ the

first month you join MOBE. Instead you will make
atleast $1000 within 30 days of joining MOBE which
is guarantee given by Matt Lloyd, the creator of
MOBE. If you don’t earn $1000 within 30 days even
after completing the 21 steps, you will get a full
refund and an extra $500 from Matt Lloyd. Yes, You
will get back all what you paid and an extra $500 for
trying out the system. And MOBE honors their
refund policy. Unlike other businesses, If you ask for
a refund, they’ll promptly ask for a reason and then
provide you with a refund.

Apply For MOBE Now

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In order to qualify for this over-the-top guarantee,
your application needs to be accepted and you
need to actually go through and complete each of
the 21 steps (all of these steps are simple, easy-to-
follow, and can be done in your spare time) and
work with your coach. Yes, you get a personal coach
for free as well!

To ensure MOBE get high quality applicants, they

have put up a $49 application fee (refunded if your
application is rejected). If your application is
accepted (most of time within minutes), you will
receive the following at no additional charge:

 The Internet’s only Done For You direct sales

system that will deposit $1,000, $3,000, and
$5,000 commissions into your bank account
without you ever having to pick up the phone

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 Personal 1-on-1 coaching with one of my Top
Tier Coaches (all of my coaches are six-figure
earners and bona-fide online marketing
 Daily training lessons, videos, and webinars
 Twenty-one simple steps to making your first
$1,000 online even if you have no computer
skills whatsoever.
 Insider access to the most effective sales
funnels and best- selling products in the home
business niche today.
 The secret “4th ingredient” to the master Sales
Formula that can instantly double your income
 A professional sales staff that will make phone
sales for you done for you product fulfillment,
payment processing and customer service.
 Access to Mobe's traffic-generation team that
will get qualified leads for you.

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 44


If you join My Top Tier Business from this book, I

will give you a special bonus which you won’t get
anywhere else. Yes, Unlike other marketers, I don’t
like providing useless ebooks or junk softwares as a
bonus. I know how information overload might
affect one’s success. So here is my bonus offer for
anyone reading this ebook who applies for mobe
using the below link and gets accepted into the

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 45

1. My Mobe Success Ebook ($1000+ Value) ( It
contains the methods I use for gaining traffic
and earn a consistent $10,000+ each month. No
blah blah, only important points that will help
you make money if you implement it.) No other
marketer out there will tell you all his secrets.
But I will let you know everything to help you
succeed.You will get help from your traffic
coach on how to get traffic inside MOBE, but
people expecting fast results can make use of
my guide.
2. Free wordpress installation and setup in your
hosting server with all essential plugins. ($150
3. Instant Skype Help for you. My Skype id:
raaslin. You can leave a message to me anytime
and I will reply to you as soon as I get time, In
most cases, your query will be replied within an
hour. No other MOBE partner offers direct help
to you. I am proud to be offering instant skype
Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 46
Why Am I Offering You A Bonus?
The reason I am offering you such a valuable bonus
is I want you to succeed. Not because I am so
generous, but if you succeed, that will also help me
gain new heights in MOBE. My success depends on
the success of others. As long as you remain in my
downline, I will get a 50% on your license renewal
fee+ the initial commissions.
I consider you as a business partner.I want my
partner to succeed. When I help them, I’m also
helping myself. This is why I’m offering to set you
up in this business with all my best tools and
training. If I help you succeed, I’m also helping
myself succeed.

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 47

Because my success is tied to yours, I will never do
anything that could harm you financially. That’ll be
like biting the hand that feeds me!
I’ve already made a lot of money in this business,
and now I want to help you make a lot of money. So
don’t have any doubts about your success, I and
your coach will take care of you within the system.
I’ll help you succeed, If you fail, I and my
experience in IM fails. I welcome you to join my
team, Be assured, I am there for your success.



Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 48

Is This Available For Any Country?
Yes, MOBE is available for any country in the world.
There are very less online transactions in my
country; will I be able to succeed in MOBE?
Yes, MOBE works in any country. The internet is
global, I am from India and there are not much
people who trust internet income methods. There
are even people who laugh at me when I say I earn
a full time income online. But still I have been
successful online for the past 7 years. You have to
target people around the globe to succeed in
promoting MOBE.

Can I Test MOBE as an Affiliate First and Then Buy A


Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 49

Sure, you can first become a member of My Top
Tier Business and promote it as an affiliate. Later
when you feel confident about it, you can buy a
license. But the links you promote as an affiliate and
the links you promote as a licensee are all different.
Hence you will have a tough time replacing all the
links after you buy a license. Further you will have
left thousands of dollars in the table before you
understand the power of MOBE licensee.
How Much Commission Will I Get As An Affiliate?
You will get 50% commission on all products that
you promote as an affiliate. MOBE has products up
to $20,000. If you promote a $10,000 product you
will get $5000 as commission. If you promote a $10
product, you will get $5 as commission. You don’t
get any commission when a customer you referred
makes a second order in the website.
How Much Commission Do I Get As A Licensee?

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 50

You get 90% commission on all front end products
that you promote using your affiliate link and you
get 50% commission on the products when a
customer you referred makes a repeat order in

How Do I Get Paid?

You get paid bi-weekly using ewallet. Using ewallet
you can transfer the funds to your bank account in
any country. They don’t have a very high fee like
PayPal or other payment processors.

Can I Succeed Within A Week?

Yes, you could succeed within a week if you already
have experience of internet marketing or spent
thousands in advertising. If you don’t have
experience in internet marketing, I recommend you
to go through the 21 steps and then work with your
traffic coach to promote your product. Alternatively
Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 51
you can also follow my MOBE SUCCESS EBOOK to
promote and succeed easily. However if you are
person who expect immediate success within a day
or week, I recommend you to stay away from this
program. You will have to work with the same
interest and enthusiasm for a month. You might get
one or many $1000 commission email on any day
from the first to the 30th day. However there is no
one who failed even after trying for a month.

What If I Don’t Succeed Even After Working Hard?

Though there are very less chances for anyone to
fail with MOBE’s quality products and best
converting sales team, if you fail you can always get
a refund of what you paid. Additionally there is also
a $500 guarantee which will compensate your time.

I can’t pay $1997 at a time for MOBE license?

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 52

You can make payment in two or four parts. 2x
$1047 or 4x $597. If you are on an extremely tight
budget, go ahead and buy using the 4 pay option.
You will have 30 days’ time to make an commission
which you will do. Even if you make one $1000
commission, you will be on the safer side.
English Is Not My First Knowledge, Can I Succeed
Yes, But you must at least know to read and write
English. All the 21 steps are in English. English is not
my first language; still I have been able to succeed
to this extent.

Be Positive and Drive Away All Negative

Don’t be negative always. When I introduce a business to
you, I have tested the business. I have already introduced
so many from my friends and family circle to MOBE and
have helped them to succeed online.
Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 53
Have you heard the saying, fortune favors the brave? It is
100% true; fortune only favors the brave and those who
take actions.
Once upon a time, I didn’t even have money to pay for
my college fee, when all my colleagues enjoyed the life at
college; I was working late nights to earn money for
running my day to day life. But that work has paid off.
Most of my friends work for companies which pay them
$500-$1000 a month while I get paid $10,000 from my
home. That’s the spirit you need to have now. Take a
decision, be brave and succeed.

Good Luck and See You in My Team

That’s it. I have explained all the things that you need to
succeed online. I have explained all the 5 online income
models. For fast success, you will have to go the MOBE
way. I hope you enjoyed reading rapid income secrets.
Now it is you who need to take action towards what you
have read in this guide. Without taking action, you
cannot succeed in any business.

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 54

If you would like to join MOBE, I am waiting to welcome
you in my team and provide you all the support towards
your success. If you decide MOBE is not for you, no
problem, continue working on your goal and make it a

Thanks for Reading Rapid Income Secrets,

To Your Online Success,

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 55

Resources Mentioned In Rapid Income Secrets
Domain: Godaddy/ Namecheap.
Hosting: Hostgator (use coupon hostgatorcode for 1 cent
hosting)/ Bluehost
Email Marketing: Aweber
Landing Pages: Leadpages
Business Model: My Top Tier Business.
Free Mercedes Benz: MOBE Merc Program.

Copyright 2014 Rapid Blog Money dot Com Page | 56

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