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Ethics and Cyber Crime in India

Submitted To: Prof. Deepak Joy Mampilly

Submitted By: Adit Bohra (2120889)

Gourish Jain (2120883)
Vansh Ahuja (2120858)
Kanav Moudgil (2120801)


S. NO. Particulars Page No.

1 What is Cybercrime 3

2 Tools and Techniques 4-7

3 Impact of Cybercrime 8

How to deal with

4 Cybercrime issues 9

Ethical and Societal

5 issues involved in
Business Information 10

6 11

7 References 12

What is Cybercrime?

Cybercrime is criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer, a computer network or
a networked device. Most cybercrime is committed by cybercriminals or hackers who want to
make money. However, occasionally cybercrime aims to damage computers or networks for
reasons other than profit. These could be political or personal.

Cybercrime can be carried out by individuals or organizations. Some cybercriminals are

organized, use advanced techniques and are highly technically skilled.

Cybercriminals that target computers may infect them with malware to damage devices or

stop them working. They may also use malware to delete or steal data. Or cybercriminals
may stop users from using a website or network or prevent a business providing a software
service to its customers, which is called a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack.
Cybercrime that uses computers to commit other crimes may involve using computers or
networks to spread malware, illegal information or illegal images.

Cybercriminals are often doing both at once. They may target computers with viruses first
and then use them to spread malware to other machines or throughout a network. Some
jurisdictions recognize a third category of cybercrime which is where a computer is used as
an accessory to crime. An example of this is using a computer to store stolen data.

With 4.5 million attacks in July 2020, India was the country with the highest number of
attacks, making it vital to raise awareness about cybercrime. The first incident of cybercrime
was documented in 1973. A computer was used by a teller at a New York bank to pilfer over
two million dollars. The first email spam was sent in 1978.

Tool and Techniques

1. Phishing

A phishing effort is when spam messages, or different types of correspondence, are

sent fully intent on fooling beneficiaries into accomplishing something that subverts
their security. Phishing effort messages might contain contaminated connections or
connections to malevolent destinations, or they might request that the collector
answer with classified data.

A popular illustration of a phishing trick occurred during the World Cup in 2018. As
indicated by our report, 2018 Misrepresentation World Cup , the World Cup phishing
trick included messages that were shipped off football fans. These spam messages
attempted to tempt fans with counterfeit free outings to Moscow, where the World
Cup was being facilitated. Individuals who opened and tapped on the connections
contained in these messages had their own information taken.

One more kind of phishing effort is known as spear phishing. These are focused on
phishing efforts which attempt to fool explicit people into risking the security of their

Dissimilar to mass phishing efforts, which are extremely broad in style, stick phishing
messages are regularly created to seem to be messages from a confided in source. For
instance, they are made to appear as though they have come from the President or the
IT administrator. They may not contain any visual pieces of information that they are

2. Distributed Dos Attacks

Distributed DoS attacks (DDoS) are a type of cybercrime attack that cybercriminals
use to bring down a system or network. Sometimes connected IoT (Internet of
Things) devices are used to launch DDoS attacks.

A DDoS attack overwhelms a system by using one of the standard communication

protocols it uses to spam the system with connection requests. Cybercriminals who
are carrying out cyberextortion may use the threat of a DDoS attack to demand
money. Alternatively, a DDoS may be used as a distraction tactic while another type
of cybercrime takes place.

A famous example of this type of attack is the 2017 DDoS attack on the UK National
Lottery website. This brought the lottery’s website and mobile app offline, preventing
UK citizens from playing. The reason behind the attack remains unknown, however,
it is suspected that the attack was an attempt to blackmail the National Lottery.

3. Malware Attacks

A malware attack is where a computer system or network is infected with a computer

virus or other type of malware. A computer compromised by malware could be used
by cybercriminals for several purposes. These include stealing confidential data, using
the computer to carry out other criminal acts, or causing damage to data.

A famous example of a malware attack was the WannaCry ransomware attack, a

global cybercrime committed in May 2017. WannaCry is a type of ransomware,
malware used to extort money by holding the victim’s data or device to ransom. The
ransomware targeted a vulnerability in computers running Microsoft Windows.

Tools used in Cybercrime are mentioned below:

1. Encase

It allows the investigator to conduct in-depth analysis of user files to collect

evidence such as documents, pictures, internet history and Windows Registry

2. Data Dumper

This is a command-line computer forensic tool. It is freely available for the UNIX
Operating system, which can make exact copies of disks suitable for digital
forensic analysis.

3. Kali Linux

Kali Linux is an open-source, Debian-based Linux distribution geared towards

various information security tasks, such as Penetration Testing, Security Research,
Computer Forensics and Reverse Engineering.

4. Ophcrack

This tool is mainly used for cracking the hashes, which are generated by the same
files of windows. It offers a secure GUI system and allows you to runs on multiple

5. Md5sum

A tool to check helps you to check data is copied to another storage successfully
or not.

Impact Of Cybercrime

 Impact of Cybercrime on businesses
Assume an online business gathers clients' card subtleties when the client makes a
web-based installment. This monster partnership has a large number of clients.
Presently say, something like 70% of their clients make installments utilizing check
cards, Visas, UPIs, advanced wallets, and so on. This implies that the business has
constructed a monstrous web-based client data set. On the off chance that the
organization doesn't go to satisfactory lengths to get and scramble its clients' delicate
monetary data, programmers can make the most of the smallest of weaknesses and
hack into inside frameworks. They can get to clients' card data and track it back to
their financial balances and take cash. This can make monetary misfortune many
individuals, prompting an enormous ruckus in the public eye.

 Impact of Cybercrime on infrastructure

Cyberterrorism also poses a significant threat to society. Cyberterrorists can break
into systems that control infrastructures like air traffic control and endanger millions
of lives. The more technologically developed a nation, the higher the cyberterrorism
risk it possesses.
Cybercriminals can also target healthcare websites. They can expose patients’ and
hospital staff’s sensitive data. These cybercrimes can range from malware and denial–
of–service. Cyberattacks on the healthcare industry can have ramifications that
surpass financial losses, i.e. they can pose risks to patients’ lives.

 Impact of Cybercrime on Individuals

Cyberbullying involves blackmailing internet users by threatening to leak false
information. Like attacks on healthcare, the consequences of cybercrime are not
limited to financial loss. Victims can suffer from conditions like anxiety and
depression, leading to suicidal tendencies.

How to deal with issues related to Cybercrime

 Keep your software updated
This is especially important with your operating systems and internet security
software. Cybercriminals frequently use known exploits, or flaws, in your software to
gain access to your system. Patching those exploits and flaws can make it less likely
that you’ll become a cybercrime target.

 Manage your social media settings

Keep your personal and private information locked down. Social engineering
cybercriminals can often get your personal information with just a few data points, so
the less you share publicly, the better. For instance, if you post your pet’s name or
reveal your mother’s maiden name, you might expose the answers to two common
security questions.

 Strengthen your home network

It’s a good idea to start with a strong encryption password as well as a virtual private
network. A VPN will encrypt all traffic leaving your devices until it arrives at its
destination. If cybercriminals do manage to hack your communication line, they
won’t intercept anything but encrypted data. It’s a good idea to use a VPN whenever
you a public Wi-Fi network, whether it’s in a library, café, hotel, or airport.

 Use a full-service internet security site

It’s a good idea to consider trusted security software like Norton 360 with LifeLock
Select, which provides all-in-one protection for your devices, online privacy, and
identity, and helps protect your private and financial information when you go online.

 Keep up to date on major security breaches

If you do business with a merchant or have an account on a website that’s been
impacted by a security breach, find out what information the hackers accessed and
change your password immediately.

Ethical and Societal Issues involved in Business Information System

 Law and Order Issues
The public and worldwide data sets have data around millions and billions of
individuals for identity purpose. However, the cybercrime rehearses and hacking of
these touchy sites have established the groundwork for some rule of peace and law
circumstances. These days, it is exceptionally simple to get to somebody's data
through long range interpersonal communication locales, however the instances of
ATM defrauding, utilizing counterfeit sim cards and public character cards have made
it truly challenging for policing to primary the harmony.

 Culture
The issues of education, uneven distribution of wealth, multi-ethnic and
multigenerational workforce are commonly discussed in society. The information
systems have made it difficult to learn the latest knowledge for all as the this latest
education can be possessed by privileged social class only which is increasing
disparity among society. Therefore, a specific educated class is getting benefit from
the technology in a true sense. Furthermore, the information technology has realized
the generation gap as senior citizens have lack of knowledge about information
systems and new technology.

 Relationship Isssues
Unlike past, the development of partnerships are more diverse with long distant teams
working together. The relationship of buyers, sellers and suppliers have become easy,
but it has also created social issues like lack of trust and low moral values. Many
cases have been reported where people have used personal and business information
for their stake or fraud purpose.

 Accountability and Control

The moral obligation related to information systems demand accountability and
control over the information transfer from one point to the other. This is important to
comply with the rule and regulations.

India was the country with the highest number of cybercrimes in 2020, amounting to
4.5 million. Cybercrime refers to criminal behaviour committed by using a computer
or other electronic device connected to the internet. This blog provides information
about cybercrime, the various risks it poses, and the strategies for prevention from the
Cybercrime is the criminal behaviour of unauthorized access to computer systems.
Cyber security provides a thorough understanding of how cyber-attacks can be
controlled or recovered. Online courses provide advice on how cyber-crimes and
cybercrime hazards can be prevented, protected, and recovered.
The fact that someone can steal the identity of a person, prescribe the wrong
medication, or commit a financial crime with someone’s phone pose a threat to
society that is moving to communications in cyberspace. It might be stated that
cyberattacks in the future may have more massive societal implications as people
continue to increase their dependency on the Internet, technologies, and services
provided online. Society can be the aim of cybercriminals who have their intentions,
and nobody knows how it will affect the development of countries and cities. Still,
everyone should be aware of the upcoming threat.

You might think that the only form of cybercrime you have to worry about is hackers
stealing your financial information. But it may not be so simple. There are far more
concerns than just basic financial ones. Cybercrime continues to evolve, with new
threats surfacing every year.

The information technology has had a greater impact on the human life in all aspects, so it is very
necessary to highlight the issues associated with it. The information systems have created many
ethical, social, political and moral issues related to data privacy, integrity, accessibility, ownership,
accountability or control, cultural values, behaviours and identity, health and safety.
These ethical and social issues about individuals, groups, business, and institutions have a serious
dramatic impact which needs to be catered with long-term strategic approaches, research-based
possible solutions and theoretical support available in all fields.


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