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Name: Rohn Ammiel P.

Faderugao Section: 8-Acai

Learning Task 2: Examine the bibliographical entries below. Write T if the statement is
true and F if it is false.

___F___1. APA stands for Asian Psychological Association.

___T___2. The phrase Retrieved from is no longer indicated before the URL not unless
the retrieval date is stated.
___F___3. If a book has 15 authors, include only the first three authors.
___T___4. If there are 20 authors, include all the authors in the citation.
___T___5. If there are more than 20 authors, list down the 19 authors and the last
author only.
___F___6. In a reference with more than 20 authors, separate the listing of the first 19
authors with the last author with an ampersand.
___F___7. In writing the reference, first name comes first before the last name of the
___T___8. In a book reference, the title of the book should be written in italics.
___F___9. In a book reference, the location of publication and the publisher are
separated by a hyphen (-).
___F___10. In writing the name of an author, the surname is written first followed by the
first name, both written completely.

Learning Task 3: Using the information in the box, convert them into one
bibliographical entry.

Rivera, M.. & Dantes, D. (2015). On

Becoming responsible parents. Artista
Anderson, V. S. (2020). Online education
Journal of in the new normal. Journal of
Educational Psychology. St. Anthony

Salumbides, V. D. (2012). Experiencing

golden benefits of aging. Beauty Health
Care Journal, 15.
e x p e r i e n c i n g

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