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ABBREVIATIONS, ACRONYMS, AND SYMBOLS COMMONLY USED BY HEALTH PRACTITIONERS @ at ‘BSD ~ bedside drainage ? “before Bw = body weight aha “abdomen Bebe biopry ABG arterial blood gases ec vith tL ta c ~ Centigrade, Celsius sai Tardered CL.c2(ete) “1 Cervical vertebra, tam “admission, admited Tet cereal vertebra ADL cities of ay Hving “cancer earinom, Ano “he main ood group system, “Catone : = capsule Aa ANy om moring catheter, eatheteriae AMA against medica advice het complaints ab “Shale, ambalatry eabic centimeter amt mona carbohydrate Sap apical puke = chloride ae “anterior posterior “complete blood count appres—appresinatty ASAP 800m posible CCU Coronary Careunit BAB — “bowel and bladder traning HON protein BAE,BE “barium enema, aio “Congental heart disease RCC ‘adle Calmette-Guerin Clq elartiquia Did, tates day cm centimeters bi blood as = central nervous system ba BM “bowel movement co: “carbon deside BP Dood presure tip complaints of bpm, BPM “beste per minute COPD __chumnicobstiuctiseulmonass, a ‘benign prostatic ypetrophy ‘ana. BRE____haunamnriileses COLD -Chronic obstructive ng disease BS bowel or reath sounds oR carthopalmonary resseaten, BR hed ret S ener BSC “Redeide commode cas calture and seustvty ose ~cerebrepiaal uid DIR deep tendon refleses va = cersbrarascular acide, stoke DVT deep venous thrombosi Eva taiorssrlar dese Det_—_dlamals OR chest ray DDx cereal dagnoss DAL ——__Dietastalerated ECGEKG —clectocardiogram de, dite, DC, Die ~aecontine ad tleetroeneepalogra a eciter (100m) FENT —-eyes,ears nose, hroat Dich laches EOMs extraocular movenents DM ~dlabeter melitus ER emergency rom DSR___onatresuicate F fahren DOA’ “dead om arrival Fb foreign body DOR “dateofbith a DOE ~dyapnenen exertion F “fore Aad DR delivery room rr fresh frozen plasma Drigadsg -dresing FBS {etalheart sound FRR fetalheart rate a = auid FOR foot ofbed Ft foot, feet FvO ever of uidetermined origin ros “feature el “gallon cr ~ gastrointestinal cr gastrointestinal tract,g 0 - gram oP general practitioner cL ‘gravida one GEIS, git gte— drops cur genitourinary tract Grae, GYN - gynecology Fo, water vo. history of rb hour high, het, HACH -hemoglobin and hematocrit Hab or hemoglobin HL “hydrochloric acid Hg mercury HO: hydrogen peroxide a Theight HOR head of bed Isp incision and drainage BW ~Hdeal body weight K_____intersstalamace ig {mmunogIobalin mM inteamarcular im ‘inch 180 Infake and output NP “IV push VR “TV piggyback: VP Intravenous pyelogram ww interuational unit Ke kilogram Kal illoealorie Kyo Tkeeprem open Titer et “laboratory “lateral pound liquid “lef lower quadrant IP last menstrual period LUQ ~kfteppec igen M male MAR “medication administration record wp medial doctor Meds,meds medications mEq ~miliequivalent MI iyocardial infarction acu ‘Medical Intensive Care Unit mg milligram mi “ muliter min minute ‘mum Hg uullimeters of mercury mod rmioderste Awe imiral valve prolapse NA nursing assistant negative nasogastric ‘Neouatal Intensive Care Unit nothing. none night “pething per orem, “obntetnes aa op right eve 0B ~ out af bed int. “ointment orp fut patient department 7 after oR = operating room os “leftese ou both eyes, each eye or ~ occupational therapy Pact ‘Post Anesthesia Care Unit Fp eros PE.PX pliyscal examination PEDS pediatrics per ~by orthrough 2 ~ potential hydrogen > ‘pelvic inflammatory disease PIce - Pediatric Taenshve Care nit PM,P.ML, pam —afleruoon PA “point of maximal impulse vo by mouth postop postoperatively reop “preoperatively prep reparation PRR, 7 atiat pial a a wn aaMt every morning QD,Q.2D, 94, ga dally ai, ah every hour eh every 2 hours as everynight at bedtime aid, ghd Tour times aday Q00.0.0.0, every other day aed.g0.d a quart 1® ight RBC red blood cells Rm oom RN = registered murse wO rule out ROM “range of motion ROS review of systems RR = recovery room RLQ = right lower quads ant REQ "Het upper quadrant Re take, treatment, prescription 58 = without sice Surgical Intensive Care Unit SQR____shauiness othe SID reruns named ease surg surgery spec “specimen at once now, immediately sr syrup Sx symptoms S/Su.9S signs & symptoms A tecton tab = tablet ‘sp tablespoon 8 “tubereulass To “telephone order ip teaspoon tid, tid dare times day te “tender loving care TPR, temperature, pulce, and respiration Total parenteral nutrition Tr.tine tincture oo treatment La cinalssis _ — uz ultrasound URI ‘upper respiratory infection cn “urinary trac infection val ‘volume vo verbal order VSS italaigns \ss vital signs are stable WE ‘srhole blood wp - wall developed wy = wellnourihed WSL ‘within normal mite wae white blood calls wt = weight ABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS USED IN DIFFERENT AFFILIATING INSTITUTIONS/AGENCIES (not necessarily universally accepted) AB- abdominal binder ‘AON Acute oils media AGE —aente gastroenteritis ‘AHICE ~ avoid highly colored foods AND- acute assopharyagiie ‘AUB—abuormal uterine bleeding BALAE - bronchial asthma in acute exacerbation BMW —bactiot mouth wash BRAT-banana ree apple tea BIL bilateral tubal igation MUNand Cia blood urea nitrogen and Cat-category CAP. community acquired pneumonia CHG capillary blood glucose CBR CBRE ~ complete bed ret with bathroom privileges (CBR EBRP complete bed rest without ‘bathroom privdeges CTL ~cephalic in bor (ChD-Chronir kidnes disease CSOMchronic suppurative ofits media CTT connected to BSB —chest tube ‘thoracostomy comuected fo bedside bottle CVD cerebro vascular disease EDCF — except dark colored foods EOD ~every other day EOK error of retraction ESRD ~ end stage reual disease Fa © OB -fecalysis with occult blood FC — full credit, foley catheter ¥D- full diet GLig general liquids GLEMCD— general liquids except mille and carbonated drinks ED hemodialysic "HS — hook same HS — hours of sleep EG -indwelling catheter IPTL- in preterm labor KMC kangaroo mother care KFC kangaroo father care TED Ischemic heart disease KKUFC keep uterus frm & contracted LNMP- ast normal menstrual period LSLF let —low salt low fat diet low salt low fat diet LCS — Tow transverse cesarean section MBFHI- Mother Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (MF — milk formula ‘MGITE Rs - may go home with prescription ‘MEER - moderate high back rest ‘ML main line NEQPMN- nothing per orem after midnight ‘NSD normal spontaneous delivery NIG patch - nitroglycerine FI-nitvate free interval ‘VS - neuro vital signs OACW- over anterior chest wall OBROD - obstetrics resident on duty = ostsorized feeding PEM - preeclampsia moderate PES - preeclampsia severe PNA with HRA pneumonia with kyperreactive aivar PSAGN- post streptococcal acute glomerutonephaitis PIC priorto consultation PU_ pregnancy uterine PVP- profused vayinal bleeding RMLE — right medio lateral episiotomy SAB, ~strict aspiration precaution SB specimen bottle, side bottle SD- soft det, side drip, surgical dressing SEF- small frequent feeding SP/CS - status post cesarean section SPAV'SD status post vaginal spontaneous Delivery SVI- systemic viral infetion Tcthen Dic — to consume then discontinue ‘Vie replacement ~ volume per volume replacement VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean ‘XSDL- vaginal spontaneous delivery SWWOF watch out for

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