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Name: Juan Alfonso Torres Granados

Tuition: 22012445

Module: Ingles 1.

Learning evidence: Assignment 4 Text file

Fecha de elaboración: 19 de junio del 2022.


 Write 5 sentences with Apostrophe + S

e.g. My brother's girlfriend is a workaholic.

. my uncle's barbecue is in the garage

my daughter's headphones are in her room
my students' grades are excellent
My father-in-law's cows are in the corral
my wife's food is on the table

 Write 10 sentences with the verb " To have"

e.g. That woman has a respectful supervisor

 I have a nice family

 she has a collection of crockery
 he has a harley davidson motorcycle
 we have a soccer team
 those trees have blue flowers
 he has a racing car
 they have relatives abroad
 we have membership in the social club
 they have mountain bikes
 he has a small pet
 Write 10 Sentences with "there is/are + preposition On/at/in
(deben haber enunciados afirmativos, negativos e interrogativos)
e. g. How many pencils are there on my desk?

How many players are on the field?

How many soft drinks are in the refrigerator?
How many students are in the room?
How many oranges are on the table?
There is no money on the table
We do not have a pantry inside the house
There are no sheets on the bed
We have the receipt on the cupboard
I have orange juice on the table
We have the keys of the premises in the house

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