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Nama : Sofianne Indi

NPM : 2211080191
Group :2
Subject : Present Continuous


1. Definition
Present continuous is a tense that the verb indicate an action or condition is
happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future. Present continuous verb
tense also known as present progressive. Present continuous tense usually using the –ing
form of verb. These verbs can also take adverb modifiers to talk about an activity that is
continuing into some future time (e.g. this Summer’, in two hour’). Additionally, present
continuous verb form are most commonly found in the wild using dynamic verbs that
 An activity (e.g. read, write, listen)
 A process (e.g. grow, change)
 A bodily sensation (e.g. hurt, feel, ache)
 A transitional event (e.g. arrive, leave)
 A momentary occurrence (e.g. jump, kick, hit)

Present continuous is used to following furs general case:

- To describe event that are happening at the current time.
- To Discusses events that are temporary and continue into the future but end at a
certain point in time.
- To list future plans.
- To describe a new pattern or a habit.

2. Formulation
There is some formula that we use in present continuous, in positive tense,
negative tense, and interrogative tense.

 Positive tense
Formula : Subject + Tobe (Am, Are, Is) + Verb-Ing + Object / Compliment

 Negative tense
Formula : Subject + Tobe (Am, Are, Is) + Not + Verb-Ing + Object / Compliment

 Interrogative tense
Formula : Tobe (Am, Are, Is) + Subject + Verb-Ing + Object + Compliment + ?
3. Example

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