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Zenry C.

Manco STEM-12 Archimedes General Biology Q3W3

Activity 1

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. F
5. T

Activity 2

1. A. Porpoise
B. Whale
C. Orca
2. A. Domestic cat
B. Tiger
C. Lynx
3. A. Coyote
B. Domestic dog
C. Jackal
4. A. Gorilla
B. Chimpanzee
C. Human

Activity 3

Reproductive isolating mechanism The reason behind the Example

reproductive isolation

1. Mechanical Isolation 2. Due to their incompatible Different species of Alpine Butterfly

sexual organs, organisms fail to look similar but with different
reproduce with each other reproductive organs.

3. Behavioral Isolation 4. Due to different mating Male crickets are recognized by

behaviors and or mating rituals, females of their own species by the
one member of a species is not sound of their chirps.
able to mate with a member of
a different species

5. Hybrid breakdown Due to incompatibility between "Liger" is a hybrid offspring between a

interacting genes, the second lion and a tiger. They are healthy and
generation of hybrids are weak can produce offspring, but future
or sterile individuals. generations become weak or sterile.

Temporal isolation Different breeding times or 6. Inurois punctigera, a type of winter

flowering times moth, experiences breeding
hindrances due to areas being affected
by mid-winter temperatures
unsuitable for moth species. Such has
given rise to late and early populations
of these winter moths.

Activity 5

1. Allopatric speciation
2. Sympatric speciation
3. Parapatic speciation


1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. D
9. D
10. D

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