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Zenry C.

Manco STEM 12 Archimedes

General Biology Q4M6

Activity 4

1. Immune response
2. Chemical response
3. Nervous response
4. Immune response
5. Chemical response

Activity 5

False 1. Plants use neurons to send signals and undergo changes inside
True 2. The main purpose of the innate immune response is
to immediately prevent the spread and movement of foreign pathogens
throughout the body. 
False 3. Chemical control is under the regulation of the nervous system. 
False 4. The Central Nervous System (CNS) is composed of nerves that
branch out from the brain and the spinal cord to specific body parts and
divided further into somatic and autonomic nervous system. 
False 5. In immunology, non - self molecules are components of an  
organism's body that can be distinguished from foreign substances
by the immune system 

1. D
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. B
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. D
13. B
14. A
15. C

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