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Monti, Liam | Monterozo, Jm | Nagrampa, Rica Mae | Ocfemia, Ian | Oroyo, Joanne
Dante's Divine Comedy:
Inferno, Purgatorio and
Overview of
the Book
Dante Alighieri. He was a philosopher
and theologist involved with religion and
political issues in medieval Florence, his
hometown. He started writing The Divine
Comedy in 1308, and finished it in 1321.

The poem, The Divine Comedy, is about
a journey of the author himself, towards
God. It has three parts: Inferno (Hell),
Purgatorio (Purgatory) and Paradiso

Divine (Heaven). Each part consists of thirty-

three cantos. Such division reflects the
medieval theology specific to
Comedy Christianity. The purpose of Dante’s
Divine Comedy was to show people the
horrors their souls would go through if
they did not obey God's laws, and did not
live their lives righteously.


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