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Blessa Jaydhen’s 7TH BIRTHDAY


          We are gathered here today to witness the transformation of a baby girl to a young lady. We
are very lucky for we are chosen to be here and be part of this momentous occasion in the debutant's
life. You see her grow up. You see her smile. You see her laugh. You see her everything. And now
you are about to see her as a young lady. A young lady of good heart, character, and ambition.

A Seventh birthday marks almost the steps from babyhood to young lady. Join us as we
celebrate this wonderful girl's birthday celebration. Ladies and gentlemen, sit back and enjoy the party
for today.


EMCEE: But before we go on, it is my great honor to acknowledge the presence of everyone who’s
here today to celebrate with us, families, friends, colleagues and yes to everyone who’s here.
Napakasaya po na makasama kayo sa celebration ng birthday ni Blessa. Pero wag po sana natin
kalimutan to observe covid 19 protocols, such as the distancing, frequent sanitizing. Para na rin po
safety and health nating lahat. Thank you.


And now for tha dazzling lady of the day, our debutant
(Note: First song to be played is “Eye of the Tiger”, which is just a blooper, needs adlib pretending it’s
a technical problem. Next song is “Lahing Pinoy” by Manny Pacquiao which is also a blooper. Final
song is “Beautiful in my Eyes” – real song for the entrance)

                In a land not so far away, there was once a little girl with a beauty of an angel. Born under
the sign of Virgo.
                She grew up with so much love and kindness. She is loved by everybody for her charm,
may it be her face or heart. Her smile bears no limit. Her heart is unafraid. Her mind is ready to try.
She's ready for any adventure for the sake of fun and friendship.
                  Ladies and gentlemen, may we introduce to you the debutant with her escort Yvo Carreon,
her cousin. Let us all welcome our dazzling lady of the day, Blessa Jaydhen.

Yay! Always beautiful in our eyes! Are you okay? Are we doing good?
EMCEE: To spiritually open the program, may I ask everybody to please stand for the Lord’s Moment
for our guidance and blessings to be led by Avril Joie, Blessa’s ate.


                Before we proceed to the main part of the occasion, may we call in aathe parents of our
debutant Mr. Billy Jay and Mrs. Jenefer Yap to welcome us all today.

EMCEE: Once again, a splendid afternoon to one and all! It is my delight that you remain.

And to represent Blessa Jaydhen’s Circle of Important People of her Life, let us welcome the
following persons who will share their wishes and offer presents for the debutant. Of course, these
people will be the ones who will give her advices and kind words along the way on how to become the
young lady the she aspires to be. Let us start with the 7 candles

                   Candle often reveal a sense of mystery and supernatural guidance. It symbolizes security
as it may illuminate circumstances. It may also signify 7 significant people in our celebrant's life.
These are also the people who care for her and love her unconditionally. 
                      As you hear your name, please be on stage, light your candle and give a brief birthday
wish for Blessa Jaydhen
To start, let us have Lola Daisy,
- Lola Cory
- Ms. Luz Pangan
- Lola Ma
- Mama leclec
- Arlene Carreon (me)
- Ms. Marie Pangan
- Tita beth
- Tita Joana Yap

Many ancient cultures believed that smoke carried their prayers to the heavens. So, at the
count of three, let’s say “May all our wishes come true” and blow our candles together. 1, 2, and 3…

                    Let us now pro0ceed to the 7 symbolic gifts. It doesn’t matter how expensive, how
elegant or how precious the gift is, what matters most is the thought, the value and the essence that
the gift contains. These gifts are significant to the debutant and that she will truly treasure these for
the rest of her life. 
                      As you hear your name, please be on stage, give your gift for Blessa Jaydhen and
explain why your gift is symbolic.
                    To start, let us have Calix Yap
- Chino Magbojos
- Inno Pangan
- Steven meneses
- Gabriel Yumul
- Kurt Tracy Yumu006C
- Vince Ocampo

                  They say money makes the world goes round. Which I do agree. This time, here are the 7
people who will give Blessa Jaydhen something that she would need in the future. We know that this
thing will be of great help for her especially for her studies. 
                      And without any further ado, let’s start with ________________.
- Ninang Ruby
- Ninang Janice
- Ninang Ivy
- Ninang Leilanie
- Ninong Jep and Ninang Arlene
- Ninang Apple
- Ninong Llyod
- Ninang Analiza
- Lola Marites


Let us now pro0ceed to the 7 symbolic Shoes and slippers. It doesn’t matter how expensive,
how elegant the shoes or slippers is, what matters most is the thought, the value, and the essence
that the gift contains. These gifts are significant to the debutant and that she will truly treasure these
for the rest of her life.
As you hear your name, please be on stage, give your gift for Blessa Jaydhen and
explain why your gift is symbolic.
To start, let us have Ate Nica
- Ate Apreal
- Ate Avril Joie
- Ate Erika joy
- Sophia DeLa cruz
- Patricia Abedoza
- Jade Ocampo
- Tasya Yumul
HOST: At this moment, I’d like to request everybody to please stand as we say our prayer before

Meal Prayer
Our dear Heavenly Father,
we thank thee for this food.
Feed our souls on the bread of life
and help us to do our part in kind words and loving deeds.
We ask in Jesus' name.


EMCEE: After the offering of the gifts, let us now proceed to the most important part of this should we
call it rituals of turning 7?
Flowers often symbolize degrees of love and affection, but they can also send a variety of
messages. Messages of forgiveness, purity, modesty, hope, beauty and love. The 7 roses signify 7
very special gentlemen in the life of the debutant, like her friends, relatives, brothers.
           To begin with, let us call all the gents to gather on the side for the smooth flow of the program.
As your name is called, it is your chance to offer a flower and to dance with the debutant. So, the first
dance goes to her dad Mr. Billy Jay

- Lolo Jaime
- Lolo dhe
- Kuya Kyle
- Mark Jayson Yap
- Daddy Paul
- Yvo Carreon
- Tito Jing

Longest happy birthday

Pass the balloon
Group yourselves
Pukpok palayok

          Tonight's celebration will not be complete without hearing any message from the debutante’s
parent. So, let us give this time for Mr. Billy Jay and Ms. Jenefer Yap express their gratitude for all of

Thank you Blessa Jaydhen. It is also our pleasure to be part of this significant celebration of your life.
Today is not the end but the beginning of a longer road to walk. We wish you nothing but the best that
life can offer. Happy birthday again and for the guests enjoy the rest of the day. It is now time to party.

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