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In this activity, we are task to watch “Martin Heidegger: The question

concerning technology”. Before I process with my discussion I will first introduce Martin
Heidegger. He was a German philosopher whose work is perhaps most readily
associated with phenomenology and existentialism, although his thinking should be
identified as part of such philosophical movements only with extreme care and
As I watched the video, I learned that Heidegger viewed technology as “a way
of revealing”. This implies that technological objects have a distinctive kind of presence,
endurance, and connections between individuals and the wholes. Technology reveals
the Truth of the world and modern technology is revealing that we aren’t living in our
world. We are living in a digitally constructed dystopia, our existence only present
through social media. Social media is more than a bad habit we need to break, it is a
world we need to break away from.
In his opening statement, Heidegger states that an examination of Aristotle's
four causes will reveal the essence of technology. The four causes are, the material,
form, final, and efficient causes. The four causes signify ways in which a thing is
indebted for its existence. Heidegger’s example, a silver chalice, which the material is
silver, the form is its design or to what it should look like, final is the outcome in making
the chalice and the efficient is to why it is made.
Heidegger also points out that, the essence of technology is not anything
technological. What, then, is technology, if it is neither a means to an end nor a human
activity? Also, Heidegger says that technology reveals things to us as “standing
reserve,” he means that everything is imposed upon or “challenged” to be an orderly
resource for technical application, which in turn we take as a resource for further use,
and so on interminably.

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