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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology

Department of Civil Engineering and Technology
College of Engineering and Technology
A. Bonifacio Avenue, Tibanga, Iligan City


November 24-26, 2022


Before the Activity

 Plan well the Itinerary of the Field Trip
 Prepare the list of Personnel In-Charge
 Secure Medical Clearance and Life Insurance of the Students
 Directory of the Students (Name of the Student/Parent or Guardian and Student/Parent or Guardian
Contact Number with Passport size photo)
 Secure First Aid Kit
 Orientation on the itinerary, what to do in case of emergency or when they get lost on the trip
 Establish a buddy system and list those down

During the Activity

Preventing Lost or Missing Students

 Assign a chaperone per vehicle
 Implement a buddy system and check attendance regularly prior to a change of location
 Keep students in sight

Medical Emergencies
 Carry a well-stocked first-aid kit, bottled water, sunscreen, a working cell phone, any emergency
medications students may need, a list of emergency phone numbers, parent contact information,
and the phone number of the area’s poison control center, hospital, and police station.
 Students are discouraged from eating foods outside of those provided by the resort to avoid
poisoning or upset stomach.
 If a student is hurt, determine the extent of the injury. If there’s a possibility of neck or spinal injury,
don’t move the student. Summon professional medical attention immediately.
 Otherwise, provide first aid and make sure a chaperone stays with the injured student. Obtain
medical assistance, if needed, and contact the students’ parents or guardians as soon as possible.
Complete an accident report afterward to document what happened.

Preventing Disciplinary Problems

 Remind students about behavior expectations and discipline rules that they are to follow while on
the field trip.
 Make all chaperones aware of these expectations and the appropriate disciplinary tactics and rules
to follow.
 If vans or buses are being used for transportation, each vehicle should contain at least one chaperone
besides the driver to help supervise the students.

After the Activity

 Check that the students arrive at their final destination after the drop-off point

Prepared by:


Faculty, DCET

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