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#1. Listen to her. I mean REALLY listen to what she is saying to you.

Do you know what is

important to her? How she is feeling? When was the last time you sat and talked to her like
she was the most important person in your life?

#2. Be Loving. Remember when you were dating? .. Be That! Be considerate again: hold her
door, rub her feet, ask her what movie she wants to watch, make her a snack, bring her
flowers ( or send them to her work ). Help with the house work chores, detail her car instead
of watching football. Put HER first sometimes.

#3. Bring her a little surprise gift that she isn't expecting... let her know that you're thinking
of her. Put a note in her jacket pocket that says "I Love You" so she can find it when you're
not around. Take her on a pic-nik. Stop the car beside the road and pick her some wild
flowers. Tell her she's pretty. Tell her to get dressed up ( don't say why ) then take her to
dinner & dancing.

Treat her like your Girlfriend... instead of your wife.

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