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I understand your frustration, but you've got to ask yourself: Is this the hill you want to die

on? Are some clothes on the floor worth ruining your marriage over? Really?

It's possible that for you this is a dealbreaker, and you're never going to be happy living in a
home with someone who leaves a few clothes on the floor. If that's the case, I have news,
you're never going to be happy. You should think about getting out of this marriage.
Remember: You cannot control other people, you can only control your own reactions. She
is not going to change, so if it is that big a deal to you, you're going to have to leave.

On the other hand, if this is not one of the Big Issues like cheating, abusing the kids, or
draining the checking account, then you have to be able to learn to live with it. Yes, it's
annoying. Especially when her mother comes over and makes comments about it. You know
what else is annoying in a marriage? A spouse who nags you about your clothes
on your side of the room! But this is a little thing. Mentally roll your eyes, take a deep
breath, and pretend you don't see it. When it bothers her, she'll deal with it. Otherwise, do
whatever is necessary to make yourself comfortable, ignore it, and go on with your life.

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