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I was living under a bridge with a Crack addiction when I met my present husband.

He saw
the good still left in my heart. He saw the emotional pain in my face. He saw the potential
for great Love within my actions. He made some changes for me and he stuck with me
through disappearances, therapy, getting straight, and he simply told me Every Day - I Love
You, You are a wonderful woman, you have so much going for you, etc. I soon started to
believe him. I have since, in the 14 yrs together, graduated college, got work, started my
own business, and am still improving myself everyday. I even lost 170 lbs to make him a
Gorgeous wife outside as well as inside, lol. Kidding, I have ALWAYS been Beautiful :) The
point here is, to Always be positive. Point out what you see in your spouse that attracted
you, that you still love, and what you want to see come to fruition. Each step forward is a
celebration, each idea is a good one, don't push but hold up and you will get that person to
become what They Want to become, Successful and Happy :)

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