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Depends on how old you are…but in general it’s gotta be as if your not trying to pick up on

her, because that’s exactly why most guys fail. Women want to be picked up on, but they
don’t want to be interrupted while they’re alone or talking with friends. It has to be natural.
Steps I take:

1. Make sure she has wandering eyes, if she’s not looking around or even slightly
people watching by herself, don’t waste your time, she wants to be alone. Be
observant of body language, if she’s with a group of girls and they have their
backs toward everyone, it’s girls time. Don’t approach, you’ll regret that moment,
trust me I know.
2. If her body language says “come talk to me”, meaning she’s looking around and
she’s smiled at you or someone else, it’s game time.
3. Now ask yourself where am I? Am I at a coffee shop, clothing store, or a club/bar?
4. Think of a question to ask her that relates to your environment or situation your
both in at the moment. Avoid cheesey one liners at all costs.
5. For example “how long have you been waiting in this line?” Or “excuse me, what
book are you reading”?
6. The final step, and most importantly and socially challenging and scary for many
of us guys. Approach her and say “Hey, I just wanted to come over and say hi, you
seem cool and someone interesting”

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