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Visiter au restaurant
(Visiting the restaurant)
Les articles partitifs (Partitive articles)
The partitive articles are used to denote an imprecise quantity which
means “some”.
There are 4 forms of partitive articles
• Du is used with masculine singular
• De la is used with feminine singular
• De l’ is used in front of masculine or feminine singular nouns starting
with vowel or silent h
• Des is used with masculine or feminine plural
When to use definite articles and when to use
partitive articles?
Partitive articles are used when there is imprecise quantity such as

Eg. Il achète du pain (he buys some bread)

Partitive articles are used with verbs such as vouloir, boire, prendre in
case of imprecise quantity.
When to use definite articles and when to use
partitive articles?
Definite articles are used when we are talking about precise quantity or
in general sense.
Eg. J’aime le chocolat(I like chocolate)

Definite articles are used with verbs such as adorer, aimer, détester,
préférer when these verbs are used in general sense.
J’aime le gâteau Je déteste le gâteau
(I like cake) (I hate cake)
Les fruits sont
Je mange des fruits
(I am eating some
(the fruits are
J’aime le café Je bois du café
(I like coffee) (I am drinking coffee)
Tu aimes la viande
(you like meat) Oui,je mange de la
(yes,I am eating meat)

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