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Family Work

Alfonso Perez

1. Before the turn of the 19th century what happened to families who would otherwise have
been working together?

Society was based on agriculture by producing goods at home husbands and wives used to
work to produce what they needed to meet their needs.
2. What then happened to the father’s role as provider?
With the industrial revolution men left home to work for cash. By the 50’s men with a
breadwinner job could support their families so most men got a job earning what was needed
for meeting their families’ needs.

3. Review what the Proclamation has to say about providing and household work. How would
the application of these principles look differently in various cultures and still be aligned
with the gospel?

It says that man and woman have the responsibility to love each other and their children by
serving themselves providing their children with physical and spiritual means to help them grow
on the ways of the Lord.
One of the things about chores is that society tend to attribute housework as women’s job but
in Mormon culture there’s no diction when housework or chores are done either by men or
4. Why does the Proclamation only talk about principles and NOT application?
Because it makes clear that parents have their free will to act as being their own agents to
apply these principles or not for they will be judge according to their owned actions.

5. The author mentioned the importance of men helping more with household duties, but that
the women need to “let them” help too. List some ways that men and women can work
together on household tasks.
1. do the house cleaning
2. contribute with housework
3. assist kids with school assignments
4. work together in nurturing their children
5. do the shopping
6. financial planning
7. work on education needs
8. divide housework shift
9. divide chores

BYU-Idaho FAML 160
6. Identify and explain how the Howard family views the purpose of work in their home. How might
you incorporate these ideas in your home? (or future home) (10 points)

BYU-Idaho FAML 160

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