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“Arm Your Kids for the Battle” Study Guide

After reading the article “Arm Your Kids for the Battle,” fill out this study guide and submit it to your

As you type in this document, use another color for your responses to make it easier to be graded.

Intro Sections

1. What percentage of all data transferred over the internet is accounted for by pornography?
30 percent of the date transferred on the internet
2. What percentage of U.S. Young Adults thinks that viewing pornography is okay?
69 percent of men and 49 percent of women
3. List at least 5 negative outcomes associated with pornography use.
1. Sexual violence 2. deviance 3. Divorce 4. Negative attitudes toward
marriage 5. Low rates of marriage in young men.
4. What is the average first age of exposure to pornography (keep in mind that this is an average,
meaning over half of children view it before this age)?
8 to 16 years old
Section 1

5. What is meant by Dr. Carroll’s statement, “Kids have the gas pedal without the full brake” as it
relates to pornography?
he meant that the brain stem home of pleasure centers, is the gas pedal, it develops early, only later
in the teen years does the frontal cortex with the reasoning and making decision so they need some
to monitor them for kids haven’t develop the frontal cortex yet for making decisions or controlling
the center of pleasure.

6. “A few simple steps and reasonable rules can protect children from unintentional exposure and help
them think twice about the content they choose to view: using __filters ___ (at the computer,
router, and even Internet-service-provider levels), keeping computers in __ common

areas__, having kids ___turn in their devices ____ at night, setting ___parental
control on device access, and having an open-book policy (Parents can read texts and social media
post at any time___).”

Section 2

7. Child developmentalist and marriage therapist Jason Carroll states that children are able to develop
a basic understanding of sex in its spiritual, emotional, and relational contexts by what age?
At the age of 8

BYU-Idaho 1 FAML 160

8. Dr. Carroll “recommends parents help their kids develop a healthy understanding of their body,
using _correct terminology _____ for body parts and answering questions in __simple
terms_ that convey an _openness __and comfort with the subject matter.”

9. What is a better way for parents to address sexuality and pornography than just having “The Talk?”
Taking the kids out of dinner putting on our church clothes by
doing in the temple the kids get the message better under these
10. Why is this better?
For it keeps the conversation on going letting kids asking questions about
the discussed topic for children are naturally curious.
11. Dr. Wilcox notes that often parents feel like talking openly and frankly about sex condones
promiscuity. He replies that, “teenagers who are the most __sexually active________ are usually the
__least informed ____________-__. Children and young people who get answers from _ parents
_at _early ages ___ are usually the ones who avoid sexual experimentation.”

Section 3

12. Does one viewing of pornography constitute and addiction?

yes, it does.
13. In what ways do the authors compare someone who has a pornography addiction to someone who
has leprosy?
1st being stigmatized, 2nd being sent away or rejected, 3rd addictions as leprosy
14. What is the “triage approach” to dealing with a pornography addiction?
1st find how long he/she had had this problem
2nd how often pornography is being viewed
3rd how they have been accessing
Section 4

15. “Experts say kids often turn to pornography out of and inability to __productively __cope with
negative emotions___”

16. What should parents do instead of trying to control their children’s emotions?
Teach children that either negative or positive emotions are normal
17. When discussing the detrimental effects of shame when dealing with a child’s pornography
problem, one BYU student remarked that “The most helpful was my dad telling me repeatedly

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______how much he loved me______________________”

Section 5

18. In lessons, talks, and reading materials youth receive in the church, the main message is that
pornography is an evil to be shunned. While this message is absolutely correct, what doctrines could
use more emphasis? (list two)
1st your body is a temple
2nd the cleansing power of the atonement

19. “A spiritually sincere, striving teen can become crippled by _overwhelming guilt___ when he
encounters weaknesses that he is uniquely vulnerable to having with that still-adolescent brain. It is
so critical that, alongside teaching the commandments, you teach adolescents the Atonement—that
it’s there for the purpose of ______development __________ and _____persistence

20.In the section following the article, BYU students chime in on how to talk to your children about
pornography and sexuality. After reading through their comments, list the five main points they
1st struggling with pornography
2nd missing sex talks
3th recognizing the problem
4th feeling guilty

BYU-Idaho 3 FAML 160

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