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Group 5

Favorite Character in Great Gatsby :

Daisy Buchanan

If you saw Daisy at the first time, what are you thinking about?

Daisy is a beautiful young woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She is Nick’s cousin and the object
of Gatsby’s love. Daisy was extremely popular among the military officers stationed near her home.
As we know that she has the aura of charm, wealth, sophistication, grace, and aristocracy that he
longed for as a child in North Dakota. So why i choose Daisy as my favorite character? Even
though we all know that Daisy is a woman who is a bit clumsy and cunning, but i think she is a
realistic woman who may at that time still be difficult to find a woman like her. She is a Glamour,
beautiful, elegant, graceful, and patient person. Event thought she is an materialistic person as I said
before. But I think it's natural and not the wrong choice for Daisy itself. Then gor your information,
there is a fact that sounds unique, Daisy, despite her charm, and beauty, she also selfish and hurtful
women. She is the opposite from what she presents herself to be

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