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Jorge Eduardo Alandete Lopez
Cod: 1095915498

Sonia Estella Aguilera Parra

Ingles II


Universidad Nacional Abierta Y A Distancia – UNAD

September 2021
Stage 2: Practice of Topic 2

Stage 3: Practice of Topic 3

Stage 4. Development of topics 5 and 7
Stage 5: Apply the Future Factual Conditional

-Study the examples given in Topic 6, using the Future Factual Conditional or
First Conditional. Write 10 sentences using this structure

1- if my cousins come, we will go to the baseball game

2- when I am twenty years old, I will buy a motorcycle
3- If I finish soon, I can travel today
4- When I go back to the gym, I will start drinking healthy juices.
5- when spring comes we'll go to the beach
6- to reach the goal, you have to run to the end of the race
7- we can watch our favorite show, if we get there before the sun goes down
8- I always buy t-shirts, if I find promotions
9- If we're on time we'll take the midnight train
10- when the players arrive at the airport, we will take the photos

Stage 6: Pre-reading
Module 1, Topic 10

Write the meaning of the following 6 Phrasal verbs found in the reading:

Come into: entrar en --- I shouldn't have come into your garden.

Stand up: levantar --- You can't stand up once you get in that condition.

Sit Down: sentarse --- Everybody just sit down and relaxed.

Take out: Sacar --- Take out the cones and set up a perimeter.

Look up: Buscar --- Look up an awful lot of player

Hand out: Repartir ---- Hand out a copy of the selection form to every participant.
Stage 7: Reading

Read the text of Topic 10 carefully

a. What activities the students had to develop in the Italian class?

Routine, we had an activity in which we practiced vocabulary from the

previous class, cards with new vocabulary to practice pronunciation and

b. What is the main idea of the text?

Remember an experience that is not special enough from the past, but that
today what we have learned from this experience is useful
Stage 8: Apply the phrasal verbs in a text.

When I went to work this morning, my motorcycle broke down, so I resorted to

taking the bus. As soon as I got off, I ran into an old college classmate, Diego.
As we chatted, he mentioned something that he had already found out from some
mutual friends: that he had made some money and started his own business. He
told me there was a lot to fix and offered to accept me, but I didn't accept it

When I entered my office, my boss scold me and offended me in front of all my

colleagues. I told him I would make up for him for being late, but it turned out
that he had blown up for a business that had failed, after a client of mine
withdrew from a business. He told me that I wouldn't get away with it, and that I
was fired
Stage 9: Send your feedback

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