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CME EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVE: To outline an approach to the workup and management of patients with incidentally
CREDIT discovered pituitary masses


Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes, Brain Tumor and Neuro-oncology Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and
and Metabolism, Cleveland Clinic Center, Department of Neurosurgery Metabolism, Cleveland Clinic; Adjunct Clinical
and the Neurological Institute, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western
Reserve University

Evaluation and management

of pituitary incidentalomas
A surprising number of apparently healthy people
A 39-year-old woman is referred for eval-
uation of a pituitary mass, which was
found on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
harbor unsuspected pituitary tumors, which are being performed because of persistent vertigo. The
discovered incidentally on computed tomography (CT) or mass, measuring 1.1 by 1.0 cm, arises from
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed for other the right portion of the sella turcica and does
reasons. The majority can be safely observed; for others, not reach the optic chiasm (FIGURE 1). It ap-
medical therapy or surgical resection is necessary. In this pears hypointense on MRI and enhances after
article we outline our approach. contrast is given, suggesting it is a pituitary
■ ■KEY POINTS The patient has a history of migraine head-
aches, which have improved in the last few
Two key questions that must be answered when a years. She is not taking any medications, and
pituitary incidentaloma is discovered are whether it is she says she has had no fatigue, visual prob-
hormonally active and whether it is causing a mass ef- lems, weight change, or breast discharge.
fect (eg, a visual field defect due to pressure on the optic On physical examination she does not
chiasm). have any stigmata of Cushing syndrome or of
acromegaly. Her blood pressure is 116/72 mm
Hg and her heart rate is regular at 68 beats
Incidentalomas that are not hormonally active and that per minute. Her visual fields are normal as as-
are not causing a mass effect can generally be managed sessed by confrontation, and she has no ga-
by watchful waiting. lactorrhea.
How should this patient be evaluated?
Hormonally active prolactin-secreting tumors can be
treated with dopamine agonists. Other hormonally active ■■ by DEFINITION,
tumors and those that are causing a mass effect should incidentalomas are unsuspected
be surgically removed.
Pituitary “incidentalomas” are, by definition,
masses that are discovered by computed to-
The risks of further tumor growth and of pituitary apo- mography (CT) or MRI performed to evaluate
plexy are higher in tumors that are larger when discov- unrelated disorders (such as head trauma), for
ered. cancer staging, or because of nonspecific symp-
toms such as dizziness and headache. In some
series, headache was the most common reason
for imaging studies that led to the discovery of
pituitary incidentalomas.1
With more patients undergoing computed
tomography (CT) and MRI, more inciden-
*Dr. Hamrahian has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from Novartis Oncology. talomas are being discovered. Incidentally
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FIGURE 1. Coronal (A) and sagittal (B) precontrast magnetic resonance images of a 1.1 x
1.0-cm sellar mass (solid arrows) suggestive of a pituitary macroadenoma. The pituitary
gland and pituitary stalk are pushed to the patient’s left by the mass (dotted arrows).

discovered pituitary adenomas accounted for ■■ THE INITIAL EVALUATION:

12% of the pituitary tumors in a series of 353 Two QuESTIONS
consecutive patients with a presumptive diag-
nosis of pituitary tumor at one institution over The initial approach to a patient with a pitu-
a 14-year period.2 Pituitary masses other than itary incidentaloma should be guided by two
adenomas are discussed later in this paper. questions:
• Is the tumor hormonally active?
Microadenomas are common, • Is it causing a mass effect (ie, is it exerting
Most pituitary macroadenomas less so pressure on adjacent structures)?
microadenomas Autopsy studies have revealed pituitary mi-
croadenomas (ie, < 10 mm in greatest dimen- ■■ IS THE TUMOR HORMONALLY ACTIVE?
do not become sion) in 3% to 27% of patients with no history
macroadenomas of pituitary disorders. Macroadenomas (10 mm A careful history and physical examination
or larger), on the other hand, are found in fewer may reveal overlooked symptoms or signs of
than 0.5% of people.3,4 Recently, a study of MRI hypersecretion of a specific hormone, which
in 2,000 healthy adult volunteers, age 45 to 97 can be evaluated in detail to establish the
years, found pituitary macroadenomas in 0.3%.5 diagnosis. However, most patients with pitu-
Hall et al6 found that 10% of relatively itary incidentalomas have no symptoms, and
young (< 60 years old) healthy volunteers for them there is no real consensus about the
harbored a pituitary microadenoma on pitu- optimal workup strategy.
itary MRI, but none had a macroadenoma. In
a meta-analysis by Ezzat and colleagues,3 ad- Prolactin excess
enomas of all sizes were found in 1% to 40% of King et al8 calculated that the serum prolactin
imaging or postmortem studies (for an average level is the single most cost-effective screen-
of 16.7%), but macroadenomas were found in ing test for hormonal activity in patients with
only 0.16% to 0.2% of the population. incidentally discovered pituitary microad-
Although the natural history of pituitary enomas. They also suggested, however, that it
incidentalomas is not well characterized, the may be cost-effective to measure multiple hor-
numbers suggest that microadenomas rarely mones in very anxious patients, since a nega-
grow into macroadenomas.7 Another possibil- tive test may provide reassurance and improve
ity is that most macroadenomas cause symp- quality of life.
toms and therefore come to clinical attention, One should be careful in interpreting el-
and thus are not incidentalomas per se. evated prolactin levels in patients with pi-
serhal and colleagues

tuitary incidentalomas, since a number of Gonadotropins. Screening for a gonado-

medications (eg, metoclopramide [Reglan], tropin-secreting pituitary adenoma by mea-
verapamil [Calan], phenothiazines) and disor- suring follicle-stimulating hormone, luteiniz-
ders (eg, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, renal fail- ing hormone, and gonadotropin alpha subunit
ure) can cause mild to moderate elevations of is not routinely indicated, since almost all of
prolactin. In general, a prolactin level of more such tumors are clinically silent and generally
than 200 ng/mL is almost always diagnostic of come to clinical attention only because of a
prolactinomas. In our experience, a prolactin mass effect (see below).
level above 100 ng/mL is almost always due
to a prolactin-secreting pituitary adenoma, ■■ IS THERE A MASS EFFECT?
except during pregnancy and in some patients
who receive antipsychotics or metoclopra- Pituitary macroadenomas can also cause prob-
mide. For these patients, if it is clinically safe lems via a mass effect. Examples: hypopituitar-
to hold or switch medications, retesting after a ism, visual field defects (by compressing the
drug holiday may prove useful and diagnostic. optic chiasm), cranial neuropathy (eg, diplo-
pia, eyelid ptosis secondary to lateral exten-
Growth hormone excess sion of the tumor into a cavernous sinus), and
Growth hormone hypersecretion has been re- headache.
ported in patients with pituitary tumors who
have no clinical stigmata of acromegaly.9,10 Hypopituitarism
Moreover, acral changes may not correlate Hypopituitarism can range from deficiency of
with the metabolic consequences of growth one pituitary hormone to the loss of all anteri-
hormone excess.11 In a study by Reincke et or pituitary hormones (panhypopituitarism).
al,12 one of 18 patients with pituitary inciden- Hypopituitarism from a mass effect is rare
talomas and no apparent acromegalic features in patients with microadenomas, but one or
had a growth hormone-secreting pituitary ad- more anterior pituitary hormone deficiencies
enoma. For this reason, looking for so-called are found in more than 30% of patients with
silent growth hormone hypersecretion may be a pituitary macroadenoma.3,12,14 With some A number
warranted in patients with pituitary tumors, exceptions, including pituitary apoplexy, the of drugs and
especially in those with macroadenomas.9 loss of pituitary hormone secretion is slowly
The best initial test for growth hormone progressive; symptoms tend to be nonspecific conditions
hypersecretion is the measurement of insulin- and often are not noticed at first. can raise
like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).13 A normal age- Increased intrasellar pressure may play a
and sex-adjusted IGF-1 level almost always role in the pathogenesis of hypopituitarism
rules out acromegaly. in patients with pituitary masses.15 Blood flow levels
through the portal vessels is decreased, possi-
Further hormonal evaluation bly resulting in diminished delivery of hypo-
Further hormonal evaluation should be guided thalamic hormones to pituitary cells or leading
by the clinical picture. to variable ischemia or necrosis of the normal
Cortisol. In a patient with excess weight gland, or both.
gain, central obesity, proximal myopathy, and All patients with a pituitary macroadeno-
skin manifestations that suggest hypercor- ma should undergo a hormonal evaluation to
tisolism, appropriate initial tests would be a look for pituitary hormone deficiency.
midnight salivary cortisol level, an overnight Growth hormone, gonadotropin deficien-
1-mg (low-dose) dexamethasone suppression cies. In general, pituitary hormone deficien-
test, or a 24-hour urinary free cortisol level. cies from an expanding pituitary tumor tend
Thyroid hormones. Patients with symp- to begin with growth hormone or the gonado-
toms that suggest hyperthyroidism should tropins (luteinizing hormone and follicle-
have their thyroid-stimulating hormone stimulating hormone), or both.
(TSH; thyrotropin) and free thyroxine (T4) Low serum testosterone levels in men (es-
levels measured to rule out a TSH-secreting tradiol in women) along with normal or low
pituitary adenoma, a very rare tumor. follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing
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hormone levels are consistent with gonado- uses an intravenous or intramuscular injection
tropin deficiency in men and amenorrheic of 250 µg of cosyntropin (Cortrosyn; ACTH
premenopausal women. 1–24). A normal response is a plasma corti-
Failure of the follicle-stimulating hormone sol concentration higher than 18 µg/dL at 30
and luteinizing hormone levels to rise after minutes.
menopause is also consistent with gonadotro- The sensitivity of the ACTH stimulation
pin deficiency. The presence of regular menses test in detecting mild, partial adrenal insuffi-
almost always indicates a normal gonadotro- ciency is higher if a lower dose of cosyntropin
pin axis. In women with irregular menstrua- is used (1 µg intravenously). However, the
tion, hormonal evaluation can be challenging low-dose test has a higher false-positive rate.
for evaluation of the gonadotropin axis and In most clinical situations, the 30-minute
usually is not indicated. cortisol value during a standard-dose ACTH
Patients with deficiencies of two or more stimulation test has a diagnostic accuracy
pituitary axes and low IGF-1 levels can be close to that of the low-dose ACTH stimula-
presumed to have growth hormone deficiency tion test.16 Patients with recent-onset ACTH
and usually do not need dynamic testing. But deficiency (eg, in pituitary apoplexy or within
when testing is indicated, the growth hormone 2 to 4 weeks following pituitary surgery) may
axis is best evaluated by dynamic testing, using have a normal response to the ACTH stimu-
either a growth hormone-releasing hormone/ lation test, since their adrenal glands have not
arginine stimulation test or the insulin toler- undergone sufficient atrophy and still respond
ance test. to ACTH stimulation.
Thyroid deficiencies. As the tumor ex- The insulin tolerance test is considered
pands, deficiencies of thyrotropin and adre- the gold standard for evaluating the hypotha-
nocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion lamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, but it needs to be
may follow those of growth hormone and go- performed by an experienced clinician and is
nadotropins. In our experience, the thyrotro- usually not needed for everyday clinical prac-
pin axis is usually affected before the corti- tice.
All patients cotropin axis.
with a pituitary To evaluate the thyrotropin axis, the se- Visual field defects
rum thyrotropin level should be measured The optic chiasm lies about 1 cm above the
macroadenoma along with the free thyroxine level or the free pituitary fossa and can be affected by superior
should undergo thyroxine index. A low free thyroxine level extension of a pituitary macroadenoma. Some
with a low or normal thyrotropin level is con- patients may be unaware of the visual field
a thorough sistent with secondary hypothyroidism. It is defect, which progresses insidiously from the
hormonal inappropriate to measure thyrotropin without slowly growing pituitary tumor. Others might
evaluation also measuring thyroxine in a patient with complain of progressive loss of central acuity
pituitary disorder, since a normal thyrotropin and dimming of visual fields in the temporal
level in a patient with hypopituitarism is not area bilaterally (FIGURE 2).
uncommon. Visual field loss generally begins in the su-
Adrenal insufficiency. The ACTH stimu- perior temporal fields, which explains why the
lation test or an early morning (8 am) plasma patient may not notice it at first. Then, with
cortisol level are both reasonable initial tests continued growth and compression, vision
to evaluate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adre- loss extends into the inferior temporal fields,
nal axis. An early morning cortisol level lower then into the nasal fields as a late effect.
than 3 µg/dL confirms adrenal insufficiency, Because the patient may not notice the vi-
while a value higher than 15 µg/dL makes the sual field defect, formal visual field testing is
diagnosis highly unlikely. Cortisol levels in warranted if the tumor compresses or abuts the
the range of 3 to 15 µg/dL are indeterminate optic chiasm. While bitemporal hemianop­ia
and should be further evaluated by an ACTH is the classic manifestation of chiasmal com-
stimulation test, which can be performed any- pression, variable visual field defects may oc-
time during the day. cur depending on which portion of the optic
The standard-dose ACTH stimulation test apparatus is involved.
serhal and colleagues

FIGURE 2. Representative visual field loss in a patient with a pituitary macroadenoma that
compresses the optic system. The right eye is on the left side of the picture, and the left
eye is on the right. The dark patches indicate typical superior bitemporal visual field loss,
with some small loss in the inferior temporal fields. The loss in the left eye is much greater
than that in the right eye.

Cranial neuropathy neuralgiform headache with conjunctival in-

Abnormal eye movements, which may cause jection and tearing (SUNCT) has also been
diplopia, result from extension of a pituitary reported.19
tumor into one or both cavernous sinuses. Of interest, there seems to be a strong asso- All patients
Compression of the third (occulomotor, the ciation between pituitary-associated headache with pituitary
cranial nerve most often affected), fourth (tro- and a family history of headache.19 That said,
chlear), and sixth (abducens) cranial nerves headache is a common symptom in the gen- incidentalomas
leads to eye movement deviations as well as eral population, and establishing a cause-and- should have
eyelid ptosis due to third nerve dysfunction. effect relationship prior to surgical removal of
Cranial neuropathy most commonly occurs in a pituitary tumor can be challenging. Approx-
their prolactin
the setting of pituitary apoplexy (see below) imately 50% of patients with headache who and IGF-1
but may occur without it. undergo an operation for a pituitary tumor measured
have relief after surgery; however, 35% may
Headache not have relief, and up to 15% have a worsen-
Headache can be associated with pituitary ing of their headaches.19
tumors, but the underlying pathophysiology
remains uncertain. Possible mechanisms in- ■■ OUR PATIENT’S HORMONAL EVALUATION
clude structural causes such as dural stretching
or cavernous sinus invasion.17 Other possible In the patient we described earlier, hormonal
mechanisms are an increase in the intrasellar evaluation revealed the following:
pressure and tumor activity.15,18 The link be- • Prolactin 12.2 ng/mL (reference range
tween headache and tumor activity is support- 2–17.4)
ed by the observation that headaches resolve • IGF-1 189 ng/mL (114–492)
in some patients with acromegaly shortly after • Thyrotropin 1.63 µU/mL (0.4–5.5)
they start taking somatostatin analogues.19 • Free thyroxine index 9.5 µg/L (6–11)
Migraine may be the most common type of • Maximum cortisol during a low-dose
headache reported in patients with pituitary ACTH stimulation test 18.4 µg/dL.
adenomas; however, short-lasting unilateral In short, all her test results were normal.
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presentation without significant suprasellar

extension of the tumor. Therefore, its pres-
Differential diagnosis ence strongly suggests a nonpituitary cause
of sellar or parasellar masses such as hypophysitis, sarcoidosis, or a meta-
static lesion.21
Pituitary adenomas: Some radiographic features that suggest
Hormone-secreting (prolactin, growth sellar masses other than pituitary tumors in-
hormone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, clude calcifications on CT in patients with
gonadotropins, thyroid-stimulating hormone) craniopharyngiomas and meningiomas or a
rapidly enlarging mass with lack of sellar en-
Cell rest tumors such as craniopharyngioma, largement (sellar remodeling), which suggests
chordoma, Rathke’s cleft cyst, epidermoid cyst a metastatic lesion. While a dural tail sign (a
Benign lesions: meningioma, hamartoma, linear enhanced structure or “tail” extending
enchondroma away from the tumor mass along the dural sur-
face) may be seen with some meningiomas,
Germ cell tumors: germinoma, teratoma, peripheral enhancement of the dura is not
specific for meningioma and may be seen with
Primary brain tumors: optic nerve pituitary apoplexy as well.22,23
or hypothalamic glioma Cranial neuropathy is less common in pa-
Metastatic tumors such as breast, lung, prostate, tients with pituitary adenomas than in those
and renal cell carcinoma with nonadenomatous masses (for example
a metastasis or a meningioma), although
Granulomatous/infectious/inflammatory lesions: the acute onset of cranial neuropathy often
sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, lymphocytic hypo-
physitis, abscess, histiocytosis X
accompanies a hemorrhagic infarction of
a preexisting pituitary adenoma (pituitary
Vascular lesions: aneurysm, cavernoma apoplexy).20
Finally, physiologic enlargement of the pi-
Diabetes tuitary gland is a common reason for referring
insipidus in a A formal visual field test was not performed, a young woman or adolescent girl for the eval-
since the pituitary mass did not reach the op- uation of a sellar mass, and its proper identi-
patient with tic chiasm (FIGURE 1). fication is important to prevent unnecessary
a sellar mass surgery.24 Pituitary hyperplasia may be seen in
■■ ADENOMAS VS OTHER SELLAR MASSES pregnancy, in primary hypothyroidism, and in
strongly hypogonadism (FIGURE 3). The gland typically
suggests a TABLE 1lists a number of the sellar masses that returns to normal size after delivery or appro-
nonpituitary can mimic pituitary adenomas. In a series of priate therapy.
1,120 patients who underwent transsphe-
cause noidal surgery done by a single surgeon over ■■ OUR RECOMMENDATIONS
18 years, 91% had pituitary tumors. The rest
had craniopharyngiomas, meningiomas, cysts, Our approach to a patient with a pituitary in-
metastases (most commonly from the breasts, cidentaloma is summarized in FIGURE 4.
lungs, and prostate), sarcoidosis, lymphocytic
hypophysitis, and others.20 If the tumor is hormonally active
In some cases, it may be difficult to distin- If the tumor is hormonally active, trans­sphe­
guish a nonadenomatous lesion from a non- noidal surgery is usually the treatment of
functioning pituitary adenoma. However, choice.
several endocrine, radiographic, and neuro- Prolactinoma is the exception. For this
logic features may help to differentiate pitu- tumor, dopamine agonists can resolve symp-
itary tumors from other, less common sellar toms and shrink the tumor in most cases.
disorders.20 Even in patients with a visual field defect

For instance, diabetes insipidus is extreme- associated with a macroprolactinoma, vision
ly rare in patients with pituitary adenomas at usually improves within days after starting a
serhal and colleagues


FIGURE 3. Magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland. A, Coronal, nonenhanced

image of a normal pituitary gland (thin arrows). B, Coronal, contrast-enhanced image from
a patient with pituitary hyperplasia secondary to long-standing, untreated primary hypo-
thyroidism (thick arrows). The enlarged pituitary gland abuts the optic chiasm superiorly
(dotted arrows). A typical feature of “physiologic enlargement” is a triangular shape to the
gland, with the apex pointing toward the optic apparatus.

dopamine agonist, before the tumor has ob- with no further routine imaging if the tumor
servably shrunk. However, a follow-up visual has remained stable, unless the patient de-
field test is necessary 2 to 6 weeks after start- velops symptoms or signs suggesting a mass
ing therapy to establish that the tumor is re- effect.
sponding to therapy; if the tumor does not
respond, surgery may be necessary. If the tumor is large
If the tumor is large (ie, a macroadenoma), We recommend
If the tumor is hormonally inactive the risk of further growth is expected to be surgery for
If the tumor is hormonally inactive, its further higher, since the tumor has already shown
evaluation depends on its size and wheth- the propensity to grow. In the same three se- most patients
er there is a mass effect. In patients with a ries discussed above, the risk of tumor growth with a nonfunc-
nonfunctioning pituitary macroadenoma, a for a pituitary macroadenomas was about
comprehensive hormonal evaluation for hy- 30% over the mean follow-up of 1.8 to 6.7
tional pituitary
popituitarism should be done. Patients with years.12,25,26 macroadenoma
a visual field defect or cranial neuropathy Furthermore, several recent studies have abutting the
should undergo surgical tumor resection. If suggested a higher propensity to grow and
there is no mass effect, observation may be an to cause symptoms and signs than previously optic chiasm
acceptable strategy. We, and others,1,25 recom- thought. For example, Karavitaki et al7 stud-
mend surgery for most patients with pituitary ied 24 patients who had nonfunctional mac-
macroadenomas abutting the optic chiasm. roadenomas and found that the 48-month
probability of enlargement was 44%; of this
If the tumor is small group, 57% showed new or worsening visual
If the tumor is small (ie, a microadenoma), field defects, and an additional 21% showed
the risk of its growing is low. Three small new chiasmatic compression without vision
studies followed such patients prospectively loss. Similarly, Arita and colleagues27 found
and found a 0 to 14% risk of tumor enlarge- that 21 (50%) of 42 nonfunctional adenomas
ment over a mean follow-up period of 1.8 to (mean size 18.3 ± 7 mm) increased by at least
6.7 years.12,25,26 While there is no consensus 10% over an average of 32 months after the
about how soon to follow up patients with initial evaluation. Ten patients became symp-
nonfunctioning pituitary microadenomas, tomatic over a mean of about 5 years, with 4
we obtain a follow-up MRI study in 1 year, of these 10 (9.5% of the entire cohort) suf-
CL EVEL AND CL I NI C J O URNAL O F M E DI CI NE    V O L UM E 75  •   NUM BE R 11   NO V E M BE R  2008  799

Pituitary incidentaloma

Hormonally active Hormonally inactive

Prolactinoma Other Macroadenoma Microadenoma

Mass effect No mass effect

Medical treatment Surgery Surgery Magnetic resonance MRI in 1 year

imaging (MRI)
in 6 months,
then yearly for
5 years, then every
2–3 years if stable
Repeat if patient
develops symptoms
suggestive of mass

fering symptomatic pituitary apoplexy. There- ognized and untreated, patients can develop
fore, one may argue for surgery (especially in hypotension and shock secondary to adrenal
young patients) for pituitary macroadenomas insufficiency, as well as irreversible vision loss
Symptoms even in the absence of mass effect. or diplopia.
of pituitary We would obtain a follow-up MRI study Surgery is generally recommended in cases
at 6 months, then yearly for 5 years, and then of progressive vision loss or cranial neuropa-
apoplexy: every 2 to 3 years if the tumor is stable. Sur- thy, preferably within 24 or 48 hours of onset
sudden onset gery would be indicated if there is evidence of if feasible, to minimize the risk of a perma-
tumor growth or a mass effect. nent neurologic deficit.
of severe While tumor growth has been found to be Clinically significant pituitary apoplexy
headache, independent of age in some studies,27 others is rare in patients with pituitary microade-
nausea, have found longer tumor doubling time in pa- nomas. In the study by Arita et al,27 the risk of
tients older than 60 years.28 pituitary apoplexy during 5 years of follow-up
vomiting, vision was 9.5%, and all of the tumors involved were
loss, and cranial The risk of pituitary apoplexy macroadenomas. This rate is higher than in
Pituitary apoplexy results from a hemorrhagic some other studies, in which the risk of apo-
nerve palsies infarction of the tumor and manifests clini- plexy ranged from 0.4% to 7% during a mean
cally as the sudden onset of severe headache, follow-up of 2 to 6 years.1,25,30
nausea, vomiting, vision loss, and cranial
nerve palsies. While most cases of pituitary ■■ CASE FOLLOW-UP
apoplexy are spontaneous, precipitating fac-
tors may include head injury, anticoagulant Since our patient had no evidence of hor-
therapy, dopamine agonists, radiation thera- monal hypersecretion or mass effect and no
py, or dynamic endocrine tests.29 hypopituitarism, we asked her to return in 6

It is important to educate patients and months. A repeat MRI study showed the tu-
their families about the symptoms of pituitary mor to be stable, with no evidence of growth.
apoplexy, especially patients with pituitary The patient was scheduled for a return visit in
macroadenomas. If the condition is unrec- 1 year. ■

serhal and colleagues

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