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Ethics in Business Ethics is the concept that finds its most obvious application of these days, especially in the

field of economics and finance and will be most useful in my future career. Indeed, according to Aristotle and his Ethics of Virtue, Ethics is rational and absolute. In Nichomachean Ethics, he affirms that the necessity of moral development and its purposes remain in the pursuit of flourishing. Ethics is based on reason and must seek to stimulate human virtues and desirable behavior or traits of character for a good public life that will lead to a good private one. Aristotle advocates the obedience to the laws of society, such as Socrates, however, he also agrees with the sophists and their rule of derogation: if the respect of the law produces a harm that the spirit of the law seeks to avoid, we must derogate from the law and not obey to it. Moreover, Kant with his Categorical Imperative professes that the metaphysical and empirical knowledge or irrational instinct cant provide satisfactory basis for moral conduct, but we are obviously free to adopt moral rules for reasons of faith. In fact, nowadays, with economic and financial crises, the growing problems of environmental and the technological and biological advances, roots of traditional morality are out-offashion. Thus, several areas of human activity now find themselves facing unprecedented dilemmas where issues raised are unusual and so professionals are trying to determine, for their own business, a set of rules intended to prevent embarrassing situations. So, it is a renewal of ethics, which is implemented, meaning a search of principles and rules designed to show people how they should behave towards each other and their surroundings. Ethics applies today to find rules that will ensure moral conduct in business different practices of modern society. In all areas, we have seen appear ethics: bioethics, information ethics, environmental ethics, business ethics, and social ethics.

Thus, a manager these days cannot manage without thinking about the different ethical rules whatsoever about purchasing products from worrying about them to avoid even indirectly supporting production methods condemned as the child labor or the harmfulness of some products to the environment: that is why fair trade has been developed. It is also necessary to adopt a cautious attitude with respect to the impact of technology on our environment, being able to meet your needs without compromising those of future generations; it is the ethical principles of sustainable development, which is the basis of philosophy of Hans Jonas. The abuses of financial markets, including the last global financial crisis, have highlighted the need for economic actors to develop an ethics of Finance to set up rules of operation and safety and ensure the proper conduct of exchanges. So it's a reflection on an ethic that would moralize transactions and protect customers. In many other areas both in business, computer science or even human resources, ethics has its place and becomes inescapable. I think a manager must apply it and try to follow as much possible the values it advocates, as it seems increasingly to be the only way out of a dark and without pity future.

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