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Week 13 - Homework: Assignment - My Best Birthday Gift

Good evening professor, I am Gianella Castillejos Villanueva together with my partner Mitzzi
Silva Calderon we will talk about "Our Best Birthday Gift".

G: Hi Mitzzi, what is the name of your favorite tech gadget that you got for your birthday?

M. Hi Gianella, my favorite device is my wireless headphones, and you, can you tell me what is
your favorite device?

G. My favorite device is a smartphone: why is it important to you?

M. Because with my wireless headphones I can listen to my virtual classes and at the same
time I can be developing any group activity. Therefore, I am very happy to have received this

G. Tell me, what are the characteristics of your best birthday present.

M. The feature of my gift is that, they are tactile, easy to use, practical, small and can be
adapted to other devices.

G. The main feature is that my smartphone has insurance and warranty for 5 years, along with
it has the possibility of expanding its storage memory.

M. And what is the brand, model and its average value?

G. The brand is Apple, model iPhone 14 and is valued at 6500 six thousand five hundred soles.
However, there are equipment of various prices with the same model.

M. Thank you for the information, Gianella.

G. I enjoyed the conversation, see you next assignment.

M. See you soon

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